You people and your bitching about urban sprawl. I see people post about it and complain about it all the time. If there's been a thread debating it specifically, I haven't seen it...So I'm starting one because I'm tired of a few people being so vocal against something that so many of us are guilty of in their eyes.
Just because you don't live in a McMansion in Edmond doesn't mean that your condo downtown is much better. Until you're willing to live like sailors stacked like sardines on a ship along with every other person on the planet, you're not minimizing your own impact on sprawl and being just a bit of a hypocrite. It's only a matter of how far you want to go with it. If we use some of the logic in the arguments against living in the suburbs...We should all move into highrises and live with around 100 sqft. of space per person. Not your nice loft a mile away from neat things. Just because it's closer doesn't mean you get to rip on others. That's like somebody with a car that gets 20 mpg bitching about somebody who drives a SUV that gets 16 when you can both ride a scooter that gets 80. The scooter is about as efficient as you can get...But you don't want one because it's not to your taste and it can be quite dangerous. Funny...Same reasons I don't want to live off 10th and Santa Fe.
Not everybody shares your love of living downtown, walking everywhere, and hearing your neighbors argue over what TV show to watch because you live 3 feet away from them.
And while some of you complain about paying taxes that provide for services way out in the burbs, just remember, those of us in the burbs also pay taxes for all those cool downtown projects that can't be supported by the taxes of people living there alone.
I don't live downtown, I don't work downtown, I don't want to live OR work downtown. I don't like being crowded for space, I don't like worrying about parking...And let's be honest...A lot of the areas surrounding downtown are pretty damn shabby and there are a lot of downright dangerous areas. I'll stick to my neighborhood in the burbs where I can forget to close my garage door once in a blue moon, and when I wake up the next day or come home from work my bicycle is still sitting in there.
If you don't live in a studio apartment less than 100 feet from where you work...Quit bellyachin' about how far away I live from something YOU deem important.