Originally Posted by
Pete Brzycki
Last night, I took advantage of XJet's non-stop flights between Los Angeles Ontario Airport and Will Rogers. I had not only been wanting to try this service but the 6:45PM-11:23PM flight fit nicely in my plans (as well as the 7AM-8AM return) and the price was right: $250.
It was my first experience with XJet and was impressed. It reminds me a lot of Southwest but with assigned seating and more extras: free XM, not one but two small meals on my 2.5 hour flight, very warm and friendly service, a standard fleet of planes, etc. They also have a big variety of beverages and juices and charge only $1 for beer & wine.
For those that don't know, L.A.'s Ontario airport is in what they call the Inland Empire, at the eastern end of the metropolitan area. It's about 45 miles further out than Burbank (L.A.'s other 'easy' airport) but unfortunately, the traffic out that way is horrific. Basically, everyone in the IE commutes west so you have to fight out the freeways with all of them coming and going and it's a darn good thing I left plenty of time. Instead of about 45 minutes to Burbank, it was over 2 hours to Ontario.
But you can't beat the flight or service. The planes are small: two seats on each side and about 20 rows. There are two single seats (1A & 2A) at the very front and directly across from the little galley. The only restroom is in the far back.
It's darn nice to taxi out at a smaller airport like Ontario and get right on the runway and into the air. Same is true at WRWA, of course, so it makes for very little time messing around -- they board you very quickly as well. So, you are on the plane only slightly longer than the 2.5 hour flight time, which is fantastic.
The flight was about half full last night with lots of business people returning home. And WRWA was absolutely humming with people at past 11PM, which was good to see.
I'll write more when I fly back to Cali but I highly recommend XJet. Sure hope they don't cut many more flights.