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Thread: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

  1. #1

    Default My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Last night, I took advantage of XJet's non-stop flights between Los Angeles Ontario Airport and Will Rogers. I had not only been wanting to try this service but the 6:45PM-11:23PM flight fit nicely in my plans (as well as the 7AM-8AM return) and the price was right: $250.

    It was my first experience with XJet and was impressed. It reminds me a lot of Southwest but with assigned seating and more extras: free XM, not one but two small meals on my 2.5 hour flight, very warm and friendly service, a standard fleet of planes, etc. They also have a big variety of beverages and juices and charge only $1 for beer & wine.

    For those that don't know, L.A.'s Ontario airport is in what they call the Inland Empire, at the eastern end of the metropolitan area. It's about 45 miles further out than Burbank (L.A.'s other 'easy' airport) but unfortunately, the traffic out that way is horrific. Basically, everyone in the IE commutes west so you have to fight out the freeways with all of them coming and going and it's a darn good thing I left plenty of time. Instead of about 45 minutes to Burbank, it was over 2 hours to Ontario.

    But you can't beat the flight or service. The planes are small: two seats on each side and about 20 rows. There are two single seats (1A & 2A) at the very front and directly across from the little galley. The only restroom is in the far back.

    It's darn nice to taxi out at a smaller airport like Ontario and get right on the runway and into the air. Same is true at WRWA, of course, so it makes for very little time messing around -- they board you very quickly as well. So, you are on the plane only slightly longer than the 2.5 hour flight time, which is fantastic.

    The flight was about half full last night with lots of business people returning home. And WRWA was absolutely humming with people at past 11PM, which was good to see.

    I'll write more when I fly back to Cali but I highly recommend XJet. Sure hope they don't cut many more flights.

  2. #2

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Last night, I took advantage of XJet's non-stop flights between Los Angeles Ontario Airport and Will Rogers. I had not only been wanting to try this service but the 6:45PM-11:23PM flight fit nicely in my plans (as well as the 7AM-8AM return) and the price was right: $250.

    It was my first experience with XJet and was impressed. It reminds me a lot of Southwest but with assigned seating and more extras: free XM, not one but two small meals on my 2.5 hour flight, very warm and friendly service, a standard fleet of planes, etc. They also have a big variety of beverages and juices and charge only $1 for beer & wine.

    For those that don't know, L.A.'s Ontario airport is in what they call the Inland Empire, at the eastern end of the metropolitan area. It's about 45 miles further out than Burbank (L.A.'s other 'easy' airport) but unfortunately, the traffic out that way is horrific. Basically, everyone in the IE commutes west so you have to fight out the freeways with all of them coming and going and it's a darn good thing I left plenty of time. Instead of about 45 minutes to Burbank, it was over 2 hours to Ontario.

    But you can't beat the flight or service. The planes are small: two seats on each side and about 20 rows. There are two single seats (1A & 2A) at the very front and directly across from the little galley. The only restroom is in the far back.

    It's darn nice to taxi out at a smaller airport like Ontario and get right on the runway and into the air. Same is true at WRWA, of course, so it makes for very little time messing around -- they board you very quickly as well. So, you are on the plane only slightly longer than the 2.5 hour flight time, which is fantastic.

    The flight was about half full last night with lots of business people returning home. And WRWA was absolutely humming with people at past 11PM, which was good to see.

    I'll write more when I fly back to Cali but I highly recommend XJet. Sure hope they don't cut many more flights.

    This will be the trend and I also love it. I have a friend who is planning a small airline using the new Honda jets. Check out those jets (HondaJet | Official Site of Honda Jet Aircraft Technology Fly out of Wiley and avoid all the congestion. Yes, the planes are small, but the hassle free flying is worth the trade-off. IMHO. The jets are highly economical and the non-stop aspect is very appealing. I wish them luck.

  3. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Good to hear you enjoyed the flight. It probably won't last when their investors are wanting them to scrap the "branded" flying idea. We'll see what happens.

  4. #4

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Good to hear you enjoyed the flight. It probably won't last when their investors are wanting them to scrap the "branded" flying idea. We'll see what happens.

    Can you explain what the "branded" flying idea is? Thanks.

  5. #5

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Pete, good news! I'll have to try ExpressJet next time I'm out in LA. Oh, and welcome back to OKC!!!!!

  6. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Pete, I'm taking the same flight a week from tomorrow (in the opposite direction).

    We arrive 8 a.m. on Saturday. How long would you predict it would take to get to Hollywood & Highland, where our hotel is located?

  7. #7

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    jbrown, I'm just going to throw a number out there, you can take it or leave it or do what you want with it, but I'm thinking about 17 hours. Gotta have more cowbell

  8. #8

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Quote Originally Posted by Dustbowl View Post
    Can you explain what the "branded" flying idea is? Thanks.
    Essentially, "branded" flying is when a regional airline flies under its own name, rather than under a banner such as United Express or Delta Connection. Most people don't know it yet, but United Express isn't an airline by itself, it's a common banner for airlines that operate as United Express (e.g. Mesa, Chautauqua, Skywest, Go Jet, Trans States etc.). These "airlines" allow the mainline carriers like United and Delta to handle feeder traffic from smaller cities using RJs and props to/from the hubs, under contracts signed with the mainline carrier. Same goes with DL Connection with Skywest, Atlantic Southeast, Chautauqua and so on.

    Some regionals like Mesa and now Expressjet actually use their own name to fly jets as an independent airline, thus Mesa operates under its own name in NM, and Expressjet operates a fleet of jets under its own name in seven or eight states. Expressjet was only a feeder carrier operating as Continental Express before it launched its own airline btw.

  9. #9

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    This is all so confusing to me. Last year my dad came into town from Hawaii and his AA flight from Dallas here was also listed as a Vietnam Air flight. He thought he must be on the wrong plane and was about to go back across the Pacific Ocean.

  10. #10

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    I will be flying to San Diego next friday on XJet. Im definately going to enjoy the XM Radio.

  11. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Quote Originally Posted by CCOKC View Post
    This is all so confusing to me. Last year my dad came into town from Hawaii and his AA flight from Dallas here was also listed as a Vietnam Air flight. He thought he must be on the wrong plane and was about to go back across the Pacific Ocean.
    That's the innovation called codesharing. Basically, two or more airlines put eachother's airline codes on selected domestic or international flights. This allows pax flying from, say Ho Chi Minh City to Oklahoma City to purchase only one ticket with Vietnam Airlines and fly all the way through to Oklahoma City, instead of purchasing two separate tickets, one for flying with Vietnam, one for flying with AA.

    Since Lufthansa and American don't codeshare, that's what we had to do when we flew AA and LH this past winter.

    Codesharing is standard practice these days, especially in airline alliances, groups of airlines that form an alliance. The reason codesharing works is because it saves the passenger the hassle of buying separate tickets and it allows two/more airlines to get passengers from other airlines. That's why when you fly from Chicago to Hannover, Germany, you may be flying using a United ticket all the way through, but your connecting flight from Frankfurt to Hannover is actually operated by Lufthansa, even though it has a United flight number-that's called codesharing. That flight has both, a United flight number and a Lufthansa flight number.

    On the topic, my parents flew Expressjet down to Austin last summer, they liked having a nonstop between OKC and AUS. Too bad it's soon becoming history.

  12. #12

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    jbrown, on a Saturday morning the traffic should be okay and I would guess it would only take you about an hour to get to Hollywood.

    If you haven't been to Hollywood & Highland before, it's a very mixed area. There is lots of new development and redevelopment, but lots of lousy areas as well and plenty of scary people hanging around.

    I hope you're planning to spend some time closer to the beach. Let me know if you what any ideas or suggestions.

  13. #13

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Quote Originally Posted by OUman View Post
    Essentially, "branded" flying is when a regional airline flies under its own name, rather than under a banner such as United Express or Delta Connection. Most people don't know it yet, but United Express isn't an airline by itself, it's a common banner for airlines that operate as United Express (e.g. Mesa, Chautauqua, Skywest, Go Jet, Trans States etc.). These "airlines" allow the mainline carriers like United and Delta to handle feeder traffic from smaller cities using RJs and props to/from the hubs, under contracts signed with the mainline carrier. Same goes with DL Connection with Skywest, Atlantic Southeast, Chautauqua and so on.

    Some regionals like Mesa and now Expressjet actually use their own name to fly jets as an independent airline, thus Mesa operates under its own name in NM, and Expressjet operates a fleet of jets under its own name in seven or eight states. Expressjet was only a feeder carrier operating as Continental Express before it launched its own airline btw.

    Thank you for such a detailed expalnation.

  14. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Pete, I'd love any suggestions you have. We will definitely make it over to the Santa Monica Pier, I'm sure.

  15. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Don't forget to ride the carousel there.

    I did a long time ago. I never regretted it.

    Evidently, I was in a "let's see if I can ride every merry go round in
    the country mode."

    By the way. Since I'm new, am I right that I can't start a thread
    for 90 days?

  16. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

  17. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Quote Originally Posted by Dustbowl View Post
    Thank you for such a detailed expalnation.
    No problem .

  18. #18

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    I'm guessing it will take you about an hour or hour and a half? I flew into Ontario one time and did the drive in and I think that's about what it took. This was on a Friday afternoon, early before rush hour really started.

    Santa Monica pier would be good. Make sure and check out their downtown too, it's pretty cool with lots of shopping.

    Hollywood of course, and all the touristy stuff down there. Huntington Beach is a nice beach town to check out. At Long Beach harbor you can take a tour of the QE2 and maybe even have dinner on it. There's also a big aquarium nearby that's pretty cool. Oh Rodeo Drive and that whole Beverly Hills area... you should definitely go there. I have not seen so many Maybach's and Ferrari's in my life. Anaheim is where Disney Land is, it's right there in the general vicinity. If you go south and west from LA you can go to Pacific Palisades, which is a park with a bunch of weird vertical rock formations that nearly every sci-fi TV show or movie has filmed at.

    Lot's of cool stuff out there.

  19. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    See OUman is always here to explain me when I terms that the general public has no idea what they mean. LOL

  20. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Pete, I'd love any suggestions you have. We will definitely make it over to the Santa Monica Pier, I'm sure.

  21. #21

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    So, I flew back from OKC to Ontario today and XJet continued to impress me.

    If the small planes don't bother you (they don't me) the rest of the operation is really first class. You can see they really hustle to make sure the planes leave on time and they get you boarded and in the air in a hurry.

    My flight was at 7:30 this AM and was served a decent breakfast pretty early in the flight (although it was all cold items) and then a nice snack about an hour later.

    The only downside to the small planes for me is that the curvature of the fuselage means that seats on the window (there are single seats on one side of the aisle and double on the other, which means 2/3rds are on windows) have reduced space to put your feet and things under the seat in front. I'm not a very big guy and I felt cramped in those seats.

    But, they move you right along and we were even early on arrival. And small planes mean it's very quick to get your checked luggage.

  22. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Thanks for posting this wonderful description of
    your trip/flight. I'll certainly keep this in mind
    for my next trip to California!

  23. #24

    Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    Seems designed for the 5'6" and under crowd, just like most planes, sigh.

  24. Default Re: My first trip to OKC on Express Jet

    I'm 6'6" and obviously can't stand up straight on those Embraer jets. However, I must admit I have grown to like those planes. I usually have at least three flights a week on Continental and as a big fella I can attest that seat 12A (9A on the Embraer 135) is just about the best coach seat you can get anywhere (including mainliners). The seat pitch has got to be about 45 inches. The seats are wider than most. Both armrests are moveable. Plus, best of all you don't have to sit by anyone. (If you have a travel companion, then I'd recommend seats 12B and C.)

    The only problem for casual travelers is that these seats are only available in advance for Continental's Gold and Platinum Elite members. Everyone else has to wait until 24 hours before departure to grab them. It's really about the only perk for elite members flying on Continental Express. I don't know what Express Jet or American Eagle's requirements are for booking those seats, but they probably have simliar rules.

    I do wish there was a bit more head room for tall people, especially while seated. If I sit up straight, my head can ring the call button and turn the light on/off. The seats could also have some more padding, but compared to Canadair Regional Jets, I think the Embraer Jets compare favorably.

    PS - If you ever get the chance to fly on the new Embraer 170, 175, 190, or 195, do it. These planes have raised the bar to what regional jets should be.

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