The city of moore is having there easter egg hunt March 15th at 10 a.m at buck thomas park in the football field area. It is free t the public ages are from 0-12 yrs in groups of course i believe the 0-3 goes at 10:20 and evey 20 minutes after that the next age group goes, and so on. There will be tons of eggs and the easter bunny will be there, there will be prize eggs scattered around, it will be fun plus it is all free what a great family outing without worrying about the cost. if for some reason it rains they will be holding it at the moore community center, so no matter what this easter egg hunt will be held, just call the city of moore or go to the cityofmoore web site to see the flier..Me and my family will be there my three year old little girl and 18 month old little boy are already worked up even though i dont think they understand what is really going on lol .. see you all out there.