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Thread: Say Bye Bye to Neverland Kiddies

  1. #1

    Default Say Bye Bye to Neverland Kiddies

    Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch is set be sold at auction on March 19.

    Jackson received word Monday from Financial Title Company, the trustee, that unless he pays off $24,525,906.61 by that date, a public auction will go forward in Santa Barbara, Calif., in front of the county courthouse.

    It's not just the house either. When Neverland is auctioned, it will include everything: all personal property inside, all fixtures and appliances, furniture, and "all merry go round type devices," any rides, games. The auction literally includes every single thing that is or isn't nailed down.

    He may just let the auction happen since he hasn't been there since 2005.
    He has already refinanced a $300mil loan with Fortress with help from Sony.

    FOXNews.com - Michael Jackson's Neverland Foreclosed; Auction Date Set - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment

    2 things....

    1. Record Labels are of the devil.
    2. Cheer up Mike - your tax rebate should be in the mail by May. You can pay off....what...um...maybe one of those golden monkey statues you bought? Not enough, okay...well, I'm sure you will find something to do with it.

  2. Default Re: Say Bye Bye to Neverland Kiddies

    Doesn't surprise me. What has he made any money off in the last ten years, besides royalites I suppose?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Say Bye Bye to Neverland Kiddies

    Well not much. He has made some cameo appearances in a couple of movies. He most recently just released the 25th anniversary edition of Thriller. And there are rumors he is collaborating with some artists such as 50 cent and Kanye.

    He needs a better accountant obviously. And someone to kick his rear. How can you own 50% of Sony - ATV and have the rights to the Beatles songs and go bankrupt!! Idiot.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Say Bye Bye to Neverland Kiddies

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    And there are rumors he is collaborating with some artists such as 50 cent and Kanye.
    Well the Kanye collaboration wouldn't surprise me, and the combination could be the largest single epicenter of SUCKAGE since the big bang.....

    But why 50 would go anywhere near that is beyond me.....

  5. #5

    Default Re: Say Bye Bye to Neverland Kiddies

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    and the combination could be the largest single epicenter of SUCKAGE

    ROTFL. I don't think there could possibly be a better way to put that!

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