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Thread: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

  1. #1

    Default What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    I know this is a topic that has been discussed here many times, but I live downtown, I see other people downtown, and there is TONS of new construction downtown. What is the REAL possibility, and how can we get a grocery store interested in moving into downtown okc. I know we have the residential numbers to support it. There are enough people in the midtown and downtown area to support a store. I think it would be a perfect fit in one of the many new Banta developments along tenth, or in any of the new retail areas along walker. It could even be a bodega type store, catering to essentials like Milk, Bread, Eggs, minimal produce.

  2. #2

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Quote Originally Posted by okctvnewsguy View Post
    I know this is a topic that has been discussed here many times, but I live downtown, I see other people downtown, and there is TONS of new construction downtown. What is the REAL possibility, and how can we get a grocery store interested in moving into downtown okc. I know we have the residential numbers to support it. There are enough people in the midtown and downtown area to support a store. I think it would be a perfect fit in one of the many new Banta developments along tenth, or in any of the new retail areas along walker. It could even be a bodega type store, catering to essentials like Milk, Bread, Eggs, minimal produce.
    Talk to Drew Braum. A Braum's Fresh Market would probably do well.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    I think that is exactly what is needed some type of "mart" it would have high appeal as a restaurant, and the grocery side of it would do well for the downtown residents, the ideal location for it could be placed in bricktown to draw the after movie crowds, and the post Earls type crowds. The drive-thru (if they could manage) would appeal to the lunch-ers.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    A downtown grocery store will eventually happen, it's just a matter of when. The Ford vote should provide some renewed interest in the idea. But yes, I desperately want one. Maybe we can start a petition among those who live in downtown\midtown and deliver that petition to some grocery store companies.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    I'm all about it, when I first moved downtown, everyone said "Oh go to the homeland on classen... no thanks..." I think the time has come to put something in downtown proper, and If we can lure someone that will be an attraction, then all the better, ie Whole Foods (until the liquor laws change that won't happen). Lets do the petition, I may even start a website ) GIVE US OUR FOOD.COM I don't know... KEEPUSFROMDRIVINGSOFARTOSHOP.COM

  6. #6

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    I went to the Sprouts site and requested that they come to Oklahoma City. I received a nice email. They are expanding. We probably won't get one anytime soon but it doesn't hurt to ask them as well as others.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    I'm a suburbanite myself, but work downtown. As I was driving up Walker yesterday, I saw a great building (a Banta Midtown property, I believe) on the east side of the street, at about 8th or 9th, just southeast of the hospital and south of the round-about.

    In passing it, I thought to myself that it would make a great "small" grocery or convenience-like store for some of the downtown dwellers.

    Perfect size, nice location in proximity to downtown, St. Anthony's and Midtown, and lots of windows. I don't remember what kind of parking there was at the location.

    Grant it, it's not in the heart of downtown, but it's still not a bad spot, plus it would be using available space.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Would you guys who live downtown pay a premium to shop in your neighborhood?

  9. #9

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    See, I think that will be the key is using existing space, there are some great old building just sitting around downtown, and bricktown that can be retrofitted easily for retail. Some of the recent examples, Irmas in Plaza Court, IHOP in bricktown. There are some great opportunities!

  10. #10

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Quote Originally Posted by okctvnewsguy View Post
    If we can lure someone that will be an attraction, then all the better, ie Whole Foods (until the liquor laws change that won't happen).
    The Whole Foods in Tulsa doesn't appear to be hurting for business. I know there have been threads about this in the past, but are we sure that the wine issue is the whole reason that Whole Foods won't come to OKC?

  11. #11

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Supposedly there will be a small grocery store in the Flatiron Building. At least, that's what _____ Humphries told me is planned (forgot his first name, Grant?).

  12. #12

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    I dont mean to disappoint anyone, but there is pretty much no chance a whole foods would locate in the downtown area. I think they would come to the city but I dont think there has been a good location come available for them, yet. A smaller, boutique type grocery is probably all you can hope for right now, and yes, you will be paying a premium for it. Just my opinion.

  13. #13

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Quote Originally Posted by okctvnewsguy View Post
    I think that is exactly what is needed some type of "mart" it would have high appeal as a restaurant, and the grocery side of it would do well for the downtown residents, the ideal location for it could be placed in bricktown to draw the after movie crowds, and the post Earls type crowds. The drive-thru (if they could manage) would appeal to the lunch-ers.
    Downtown OKC Inc., The Chamber, Urban Neighbors and other organizations have been working to get one for years. One will come when the critical mass arrives, even though my opinion says we could probably support one now. Unfortunately businesses like this (especially grocery stores who make very little money, usually 1-2%) don't build based on opinion, but on solid numbers instead. Keep in mind, most of the projects downtown won't be finished until this summer. I imagine we'll hear something by sometime next year.

    If you want a say so, join Urban Neighbors, downtown's residents association. Members get voting rights and the organization is a direct conduit to The City of Oklahoma City. Our next meeting is next thursday night and we will have a special session for voting members to vote on a few issues, for more info: Home | Urban Neighbors

  14. #14

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    What do you vote on?

  15. #15

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Quote Originally Posted by okctvnewsguy View Post
    What do you vote on?
    Good Question. I am a member and don't even know what we vote on...Well, actually we are voting on a new set of by-laws coming up. Nevertheless, it's a great organization and a good way to meet some nice and friendly people.

    As far as location is concerned, there is a perfect building on 4th and walker. It's completely abandoned but it seems like a perfect size for a small to midsize grocery store. It is right across the street from the Legacy Apartments.

  16. #16

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Not to rain on the CBD grocery store parade, but there isn't a quality grocery store anywhere in the metro, and I point to Crescent Market as the "quality" option, and the Homeland takover of Albertson's locations as proof. Having made that arguable point, why would an outside grocer come to OKC and pick the CBD over the burbs? The suburbs have quantifiable and long-term histories to analyze in terms of sales and demographics, and a greater percentage of owner-occupied residences versus rental housing than the CBD (a grocer doesn't want to see his customer base suddenly move when the apartment lease expires). I believe that OKC is ripe for the picking, but if it were MY multi-million $ decision to open in OKC, I would pick NW, Edmond or far SW over the CBD.

  17. #17

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Quote Originally Posted by mecarr View Post
    Good Question. I am a member and don't even know what we vote on...Well, actually we are voting on a new set of by-laws coming up. Nevertheless, it's a great organization and a good way to meet some nice and friendly people.

    As far as location is concerned, there is a perfect building on 4th and walker. It's completely abandoned but it seems like a perfect size for a small to midsize grocery store. It is right across the street from the Legacy Apartments.
    mecarr, two things. The UN's vote next week is to approve the by-laws of the organization. Future votes, may include issues we will go to the city council with since we are the direct conduit to them for downtown residents issues. We have been discussing the grocery store issue with them for quite some time as well have other organizations. I strongly urge you to get involved with a committee and bring your ideas to the table and get involved in the inner workings of the organization, after all, it's your organization for you. We need as many active downtown residents, businesses, and friends of downtown as possible to make it successful.

    The building on 4th and Walker, well, see my post from yesterday called "Rick Dowell's building at 4th and Walker", they started rehabbing it this week. Not sure what will come of it.

  18. #18

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Banta recently let it slip out that he has a small bodego type market coming in one of his buildings in Midtown. He wouldn't say which one but said that it was leary of announcing it until he had a building permit.

  19. #19

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Quote Originally Posted by trison View Post
    Banta recently let it slip out that he has a small bodego type market coming in one of his buildings in Midtown. He wouldn't say which one but said that it was leary of announcing it until he had a building permit.
    I still believe that a Braum's Fresh Market would take care of the CBD for a long time. Maybe next year as the population increases. It would not only be a grocery, the burger/ice cream side would help. You would still need to make a run to a larger store every 2 weeks or so, not a big deal.

  20. #20

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    I read recently that the residential population in downtown would have to reach around 4,000 people before a grocery store would be profitable. I believe downtown is getting close to achieving that number....


  21. Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Quote Originally Posted by okctvnewsguy View Post
    I know this is a topic that has been discussed here many times, but I live downtown, I see other people downtown, and there is TONS of new construction downtown. What is the REAL possibility, and how can we get a grocery store interested in moving into downtown okc. I know we have the residential numbers to support it. There are enough people in the midtown and downtown area to support a store. I think it would be a perfect fit in one of the many new Banta developments along tenth, or in any of the new retail areas along walker. It could even be a bodega type store, catering to essentials like Milk, Bread, Eggs, minimal produce.
    You could always hold an election and get taxpayers to subsidize it.

  22. #22

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    There are a lot of folks in the Crown Heights and Edgemere Park (where I live) neighborhoods that would shop downtown at a quality grocery store. There is nothing decent close to us. Like Dustbowl mentioned, I shop at Super Target every two weeks and use the Braum's market for my perishables. Not an ideal setup but it works.

  23. #23

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    The rumor is that Braums is purchasing a site in Bricktown. I wish that they would put a new site in the Midtown area that included their fresh market. I really don't see people going down to Bricktown to pick up groceries.

  24. #24

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    Bad idea, why can't these chains have the foresight to put a nice walk-up, zero lot line, streetfront store with NO drive in. Braum's new design is crappy in my opinion although it is better than their old design of stores. The new one does not have any consistency. It's half the old store/half urban looking new store. I wouldn't mind if they had a downtown/Midtown store with all stone (the stone they are using now is very nice) and modular looking, but no pitched roofs, etc.

  25. #25

    Default Re: What to do to get a grocery store downtown.

    I agree that the new design would not work well in Bricktown but if it is in Upper versus lower that design would not fly there with the board. I always thought a Braum's would be great in Bricktown but that was before Marble Slab and Sonic went in. Does anyone know what side of Bricktown it's supposed to be built?

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