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Thread: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

  1. #1

    Default Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    March 6, 2008

    OKLAHOMA CITY – Now that city voters have passed a temporary 1-percent sales tax worth about $120 million, city leaders have entered a complicated new phase of actually setting in motion construction of Ford Center arena upgrades.

    “We don’t know the time frame exactly for designing what’s supposed to be ready and when,” City Manager Jim Couch said. “We know generally the scope of what we want, but the staging is going to be difficult.”

    Couch’s staff has made at least one big step, however: Weeks ahead of Tuesday’s election, architectural firms were reviewed and a contract is ready to be awarded for initial designs on the new facilities. That decision will be announced next week.

    Oklahoma City residents passed the sales tax by a large margin with a vote of 44,849-27,564, or about 62-percent approval. Voter turnout was nearly 31 percent, double the response of an average city election, election board officials said.

    The tax, which will go into effect at the beginning of 2009, is earmarked to pay for massive upgrades to the downtown arena to make it worthy of hosting NBA league games. About $20 million of the expected tax revenue will go toward the construction of a practice facility for the sole use of a National Basketball League team.

    Tax supporters hope that team will be the SuperSonics, currently based in Seattle. Oklahoma City businessman Clay Bennett heads Professional Basketball Club LLC, the group that paid $350 million last year for the Sonics and the WNBA’s Storm.

    Bennett’s partners in the deal include Aubrey McClendon of Chesapeake Energy, Tom Ward of SandRidge Energy, and Jeff Records of MidFirst Bank, all based in the metro area; Bennett is chairman of Dorchester Capital. But before Bennett and his group can move the Sonics to Oklahoma, they’ve got a few hoops to jump through. One of the two largest problems is that the Sonics’ lease with Seattle runs through 2010, and city officials there aren’t going to let the team go without a fight; the city has sued the team to hold to the contract. That case is still three months away from being heard in federal court.

    Before then, the NBA’s board of governors is scheduled to meet in April to consider the Sonics’ relocation proposal. That decision deadline is the main reason Oklahoma City leaders put the arena sales tax issue to a public vote so quickly after announcing it in January – Ford Center upgrades originally were intended to be part of a larger package of infrastructure improvements under MAPS-3, a successor to Metropolitan Area Projects and MAPS for Kids.

    A committee of NBA owners will visit Oklahoma City ahead of the board’s decision – “a dog and pony show is what they’re calling it,” Cornett said Wednesday – to judge whether the city can legitimately sustain a team of its own. That group is expected later this month. Cornett, Chamber President Roy Williams and others will show the group around town and answer their questions. “If we’re going to get a team will be decided by the NBA’s relocation team here in the next 30 days or so, and when we get a team will be decided by a judge in Washington,” Cornett said.

    But otherwise city leaders and residents have played their parts in the election. Now it’s largely a matter of waiting for certain dates and decisions to be made elsewhere, Cornett said. For example, Couch said designing the arena can’t begin until it’s known whether the center will serve as the new home of the Sonics. Certain amenities such as a warm-up court, executive operations offices and reserved spectator suites might not make it into the blueprints otherwise.

    If the Sonics team is allowed to move to Oklahoma City to play as early as November, the start of a new league season, officials might be able to push ahead certain improvements – a new scoreboard and skyboxes or offices, for example, Couch said.“When we know that, it will really help us in our decision-making,” he said. As for the funding, even though the dedicated sales tax won’t start until next year, the city has some flexibility in its budget to cover minor expenses, Couch said. A short-term line of credit also is available if needed until the tax revenue starts coming in.

    Funds for the election campaign itself are still be collected across downtown by the chamber of commerce, Williams said. Cornett has been the main spokesman promoting the issue; the chamber took the lead financial role in the campaign. According to campaign financial records filed with the city clerk’s office, by mid-February the Citizens for a Big League City campaign collected more than $113,000, of which $100,000 was submitted by Williams on behalf of the chamber’s Forward Oklahoma City III project. Half of that had been spent by Feb. 17, mostly on advertising. Williams said Wednesday he didn’t know how much money the campaign ultimately will report next month. Contributions are still being accepted, he said. None of the Sonics’ owners or their companies have made contributions yet, he confirmed.“We knew it was going to be close, and we actually thought it was going to be closer,” he said of election results. A last-minute media surge was needed, Williams said. “We didn’t want this to be a small group of people to make this decision. We wanted as many voters as possible to weigh into this. You do have to have a very, very high-profile campaign to turn the voters out.”

    The chamber last year created Forward OKC as an economic development program with funding separate from chamber operations. Williams said supporting the “Major League City” campaign was well within the program’s mandate. And the large number of residents involved in the election is bound to have a positive effect on NBA officials’ decision to move the Sonics, he said.

  2. #2
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    "But otherwise city leaders and residents have played their parts in the election. Now it’s largely a matter of waiting for certain dates and decisions to be made elsewhere, Cornett said. For example, Couch said designing the arena can’t begin until it’s known whether the center will serve as the new home of the Sonics. Certain amenities such as a warm-up court, executive operations offices and reserved spectator suites might not make it into the blueprints otherwise."

    I find it hard to believe that even if we didn't get the Sonics, we wouldn't still go ahead with plans to make the arena NBA ready. That would be incredibly short sighted.

    The locker rooms and warm up court would be excellent for the Big 12, the NCAA's and the All College.
    Last edited by SouthsideSooner; 03-06-2008 at 09:27 AM. Reason: sp

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    I agree, especially after the big push for this vote, if we don't get NBA then, we'll get it within the next 5 years probably, don't have another Ford Center election. Get it done right in hopes of luring some sort of major-league tenant whether it be the NBA or NHL. The executive offices and suites can still be used as well as a practice area (Big 12 could use it, gynastics championships, and other events could make use of it too).

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    I agree, especially after the big push for this vote, if we don't get NBA then, we'll get it within the next 5 years probably, don't have another Ford Center election. Get it done right in hopes of luring some sort of major-league tenant whether it be the NBA or NHL. The executive offices and suites can still be used as well as a practice area (Big 12 could use it, gynastics championships, and other events could make use of it too).
    I'm one of the more cautiously optimistic (emphasis on cautiously) or even pessimistic people about this issue you'll ever find, and I would be completely shocked if we do not get a team within the next two to three years.

    Our city's response must be like a breath of fresh air to the NBA, because of what they have had to deal with in the last few years. Charlotte voters turned down the arena proposal, more because of their dislike of Shinn than anything, I've been told, but the city council had to find the money to make it happen. Memphis and Orlando didn't put the arena issue up for a citywide vote, but rather again found the money elsewhere, and I heard that was because they were afraid of the results. Seattle passed I-91, which if it is interpreted and used correctly, would make it very difficult for the city to fund an arena, and Sacramento voters voted down an arena proposal.

    Oklahoma City is precisely the model the NBA would like to present to the other cities in the league or any other cities looking to become NBA hosts. We were sixth in the league in season ticket sales while the Hornets were here, and even though our ticket sales were only mid range, we were supporting a team that wasn't ours and was a "lame duck" team the last year they were here. Now, and this is the most important part, we've shown the NBA that we as a city will robustly support a tax on ourselves to create an NBA ready arena.

    On top of all that, David Stern has shown himself to be a commissioner that recognizes a debt. He gave Charlotte the Bobcats when the Hornets left, he made George Shinn take the Hornets back to New Orleans. By passing this tax, coupled with our support of the Hornets and what Clay Bennett has had to endure up in Seattle, I believe he will go out of his way to make sure we get a team. I'm not sure what team. It's still not inconceivable that the Hornets could end up here, and he's certainly talked with Las Vegas about an expansion team, so it wouldn't even shock me if he were to award us an expansion team with the plan to put one in Las Vegas when they deal with the betting issue, although I think that has a small percentage chance of happening.

    But regardless, I believe there will be an NBA team here soon.

  5. Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    I thought the designs were done. What were the floorplans that were in the powerpoint presentation?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I thought the designs were done. What were the floorplans that were in the powerpoint presentation?
    Were you voting for the floorplans you were shown in the powerpoint presentation?

  7. Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way


  8. #8

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Oh no, they are going to go cheap now with stucco!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Sorry, I just assumed from your comments those were the ones you voted for. My bad.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by Nixon7 View Post
    Oh no, they are going to go cheap now with stucco!
    They wouldn't

  11. #11

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Our city's response must be like a breath of fresh air to the NBA, because of what they have had to deal with in the last few years.
    You keep talking about the NBA like it was World Neighbors or something. And they've just been treated like dirty dogs because other cities weren't willing to adjust their spending and priorities to get the poor beleaguered owners their skyboxes and office suites. (Or the city leaders and local chambers had to go around the citizens to get the NBA what it wanted.)

    Oklahoma City is precisely the model the NBA would like to present to the other cities in the league or any other cities looking to become NBA hosts.
    Well, I don't doubt that.

    what Clay Bennett has had to endure up in Seattle
    Poor Clay. It's a wonder he hasn't become a monk or something, given the hell his life has been.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    Poor Clay. It's a wonder he hasn't become a monk or something, given the hell his life has been.
    Clay (and the other owners) are spending upwards of half a billion dollars, all told, to bring professional sports to their home town.....

    Yes he has lots of money, but he is also willing to spend it, and lose it, for the sake of his community..... tell me again why he is such a bad guy??????

  13. #13

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    I think it's inaccurate to characterize him as some sort of oppressed minority in all this.

    He made a business investment, which was his choice to do. He asked the city to spend money to enhance his investment, which the voters agreed to do.

    But no one on any side of this, here or in Seattle or at the Sonics front office, was under a moral obligation to do any of this. Everyone made their free choices based on what they thought served their interests.

    (edited for elaboration)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    He's not an oppressed minority, but he has been ignored or villified, made fun of and disbelieved from the start. I would be pretty angry were I him, especially since word is he was really sincere about trying to get an arena built in Seattle ( as were at least a couple of the other owners), and they pretty much treated him like a pariah from day one.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    He's not an oppressed minority, but he has been ignored or villified, made fun of and disbelieved from the start. I would be pretty angry were I him, especially since word is he was really sincere about trying to get an arena built in Seattle ( as were at least a couple of the other owners), and they pretty much treated him like a pariah from day one.
    I'm no Clay Bennett fan. He married well.

    As for sincerity in keeping the team in Seattle, what is the name of the company that bought the Sonics? And....what was it exactly that Aubrey McClendon said?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    I'm no Clay Bennett fan. He married well.

    As for sincerity in keeping the team in Seattle, what is the name of the company that bought the Sonics? And....what was it exactly that Aubrey McClendon said?
    I think Clay's intent was and always has been to bring a team to OKC. Maybe the Sonics, maybe another team.....

    In the end Clay may just be what Seattle needed to resolve their arena issues. The pressure of the possible move may facilitate new local owners and a new arena deal.

    And in that case you know the NBA will take care of Clay and make sure his objective is reached as well......

  17. #17

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by WichitaSooner View Post
    I think Clay's intent was and always has been to bring a team to OKC. Maybe the Sonics, maybe another team.....

    In the end Clay may just be what Seattle needed to resolve their arena issues. The pressure of the possible move may facilitate new local owners and a new arena deal.

    And in that case you know the NBA will take care of Clay and make sure his objective is reached as well......
    But hasn't Bennett said the Sonics are NOT for sale?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    But hasn't Bennett said the Sonics are NOT for sale?
    everything is for sale for the right price. I'm just sayin'

  19. Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    Sorry, I just assumed from your comments those were the ones you voted for. My bad.
    I don't understand what you're saying.

    Yes, I thought the plans that they showed were at least somewhat final (that they had at least picked an architect). No, I didn't vote yes based solely on those plans and renderings.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I don't understand what you're saying.

    Yes, I thought the plans that they showed were at least somewhat final (that they had at least picked an architect). No, I didn't vote yes based solely on those plans and renderings.
    I have no doubt that your yes vote was NOT based solely on the advertised plans and renderings. I would think that your yes vote WAS based on, not solely on, but primarily on, upgrading the F.C. to the level that would facilitate landing an NBA team. Whether that be the Sonics, the Hornets, or possibly even an expansion team. My interpretation of your comments was that you seemed disappointed, and somewhat perplexed with the thought of the ultimate goal falling short, based upon Couch's statement that certain NBA specific amenities may be excluded from the final plans. I apologise if I misinterpreted your comments.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    It's good that they are going to get the ball rolling quickly on the Ford Center, but what about the Robinson exit? The plan with the Ford Center is to put the new entrance on the southwest side, which is where the exit is now. If they close that exit you have to go to Classen to get downtown. It would add at least a few min more to my daily drive.

  22. Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    I think that the "grand entrance" will have to wait until after the new Crosstown opens and the old bridge is taken down. It would look a lot less impressive with a dilapidated old bridge running across it.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCDrummer77 View Post
    I think that the "grand entrance" will have to wait until after the new Crosstown opens and the old bridge is taken down. It would look a lot less impressive with a dilapidated old bridge running across it.
    But isn't the bridge not coming down until 2010-2012?

  24. Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    Quote Originally Posted by bkm645 View Post
    But isn't the bridge not coming down until 2010-2012?
    Unfortunately, that's true. In fact, 2012 is closer to accurate. Maybe someone knows something about this that I don't. I was making an educated guess. Given the proximity of the Ford Center to I-40, and particularly the Robinson exit, I don't see how the new entrance could be completed while they are still in place.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Ford Center upgrade effort under way

    I saw something somewhere that said they were going to do a temporary entrance on Robinson to finish the Ford Center, before the Crosstown is done. Can't remember which article, though.

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