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Thread: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

  1. #1

    Default City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Council OKs 1st purchase of Core to Shore land
    Journal Record
    March 5, 2008

    OKLAHOMA CITY – City council members approved the acquisition Tuesday of the first new parcel of land in the planned development of Oklahoma City’s core when the Interstate 40 crosstown is moved south.

    The council unanimously agreed to purchase the U.S. Postal Service main city branch, 320 S.W. Fifth St., for more than $3.68 million. The council also cleared the immediate use of $50,000 in earnest money to secure the deal. The purchase will be funded by general obligation bond proceeds.

    The Transportation Department has started building about three miles of a new I-40 route closer to the Oklahoma River and plans to release the old crosstown to development.

    City leaders have dubbed the area Core to Shore and have proposed setting aside 10-15 blocks of it for a city park. City planners are trying to synchronize the park’s development with the lowering of the current I-40 bridge to ground level as a new city boulevard, which is projected for 2014.

    The post office property would likely be near the center of the park. Early examples of the direction the park might take include the 25-acre Millennium Park in Chicago, sections of the massive Central Park in Manhattan, and the 21-acre Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta. Those parks often have multiple, concurrent community events throughout the year.

    Assistant City Manager Cathy O’Connor said city staff will submit the offer to the Postal Service for consideration. Council members first authorized the sale negotiations in September. If the deal proceeds as expected, closing will occur by June 30. O’Connor said the city already owned several properties near I-40 before the realignment was announced.

  2. Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!


  3. #3

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    A new "Central Park" will be a great thing for downtown OKC. I'm as excited about this as anything we've done downtown or will do.

  4. #4

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Quote Originally Posted by betts
    A new "Central Park" will be a great thing for downtown OKC. I'm as excited about this as anything we've done downtown or will do.
    Me, too!

  5. #5

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Very fortunate that this key property became available when it did!

    And another good job by city leaders to have their act together in order to acquire it.

    It really is a big, ugly concrete eyesore and removing it will really show off Union Station:

  6. Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Our future's so bright, we gotta wear shades... way to go OKC!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. #7

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Pete, the only bad thing is thanks to Istook, ODOT and past city/state leaders, we won't have much of the railyard left of Union Station. It was our best hope for light rail and would have been a fraction of the cost of what we'll probably pay later.

  8. Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Our future's so bright, we gotta wear shades...
    Just like the class of 1987!

  9. #9

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    You sure are tall Pete.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  10. #10

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Pete, the only bad thing is thanks to Istook, ODOT and past city/state leaders, we won't have much of the railyard left of Union Station. It was our best hope for light rail and would have been a fraction of the cost of what we'll probably pay later.
    Metro, I love union station, and it will be great to have the building, no matter what we use it for. I understand about the railyard being moved, but it always seemed to me that it was a bad location for a light rail station. It's an east/west line, and I've always thought north/south would be wiser. Also, isn't it awfully far from the CBD to be an effective station? These are just questions of mine, I'm not trying to be argumentative.

  11. #11

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    I agree, betts. I have mixed feelings about the loss of the rail lines at that location, but the structure itself is a true treasure.

    It could become a very special focal point at the south end of a grand new park.

  12. Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    I'm with betts on the rail yard. It's over and done with. Time to move on.

  13. #13

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    So when does construction of the park start? Is 2014 suppose to be when the park is completed?

  14. Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Metro, I love union station, and it will be great to have the building, no matter what we use it for. I understand about the railyard being moved, but it always seemed to me that it was a bad location for a light rail station. It's an east/west line, and I've always thought north/south would be wiser. Also, isn't it awfully far from the CBD to be an effective station? These are just questions of mine, I'm not trying to be argumentative.
    I did a little studing of my own and found that Santa Fe Station works as good if not better than Union Station. Not all is lost...we have a super bright future.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    It could become a very special focal point at the south end of a grand new park.

    I don't know the details of the property (size, partitians, etc.), but I think a great template for the place would be the San Francisco Ferry Building Plaza. They turned it into a farmer's market/plaza with many small specialty vendors in an open environment. It's actually pretty amazing of how important it has become to resident San Franciscans as more than just a transit hub.

    Ferry Building Marketplace

  16. #16

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Has anybody been inside Union Station lately?

    I can't seem to find any photos of the interior. Is it completely locked up these days?

  17. Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    No, I believe it is COTPA headquarters.

  18. #18

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    I think the old Post Office building is a wonderful example of post neo-classical architecture from the new international period and must be saved at all cost.

    Sorry, just try to get out in front of the local "save every building" group. Bring on the wrecking ball.

  19. #19

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Has anybody been inside Union Station lately?

    I can't seem to find any photos of the interior. Is it completely locked up these days?
    No there are several offices there.

  20. #20

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    I say tear down the US Postal building as soon as the city closes on the property. Refer to the master plan, plant some trees in the areas where there will be no water or structures, and let them mature until 2014!!! Don't just start the park around 2014 and plant all these seedlings then, let them mature for the next 6 years! Anybody know when the USPS is moving to their new building near Meridian?

  21. Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Great idea on the trees.

  22. #22

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    I say tear down the US Postal building as soon as the city closes on the property. Refer to the master plan, plant some trees in the areas where there will be no water or structures, and let them mature until 2014!!! Don't just start the park around 2014 and plant all these seedlings then, let them mature for the next 6 years! Anybody know when the USPS is moving to their new building near Meridian?
    Very good idea. Who is the person that needs to know this?

  23. #23

    Thumbs up Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    I say tear down the US Postal building as soon as the city closes on the property. Refer to the master plan, plant some trees in the areas where there will be no water or structures, and let them mature until 2014!!! Don't just start the park around 2014 and plant all these seedlings then, let them mature for the next 6 years! Anybody know when the USPS is moving to their new building near Meridian?
    Best idea I've heard in awhile!

  24. #24

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Quote Originally Posted by mecarr View Post
    Very good idea. Who is the person that needs to know this?
    I looked over all the C2S information on okc.gov again. I can't seem to find if there is even a plan as to the types of trees that will eventually be planted.

    Hopefully, the recent ice storms will be taken into consideration, and the horrible damage to the tree canopy. Has anyone noticed the HUGE popularity of bradford pears? Not only in OKC, but all over the state. I've always said that they are notorious for breakage; they were peeled like bananas all over Norman (where I live).

    I vote for lots of sycamores and cottonwoods and American elms (Survior Tree)!

  25. #25

    Default Re: City Council approves first purchase of C2S land!

    Probably the city council and the chamber of commerce. You can get their email addresses on City of Oklahoma City | News or Greater Oklahoma City Chamber - Official Home Page

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