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Thread: Can we get a MAPS tax for this?

  1. #1
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Can we get a MAPS tax for this?

    Funny/nostalgic look back at how we used to look at the future:

    YouTube - Magic Highway USA

  2. Default Re: Can we get a MAPS tax for this?

    That was quite humorous. Do we know what year it's from? They were right about one thing: suburban sprawl.

  3. #3
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Can we get a MAPS tax for this?

    It was from 1958 I believe. Yeah they were right about people living further out from the city. Who wants to live in a cramped, noisy downtown area?

  4. Default Re: Can we get a MAPS tax for this?


  5. #5
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Can we get a MAPS tax for this?

    Well, "different strokes..." and all that, though I think you are in the minority in Oklahoma (although perhaps not on this site).

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