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Thread: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

  1. #1

    Default David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    And he's still fibbing about the team staying here if we don't pass the tax, despite the fact that no one has ever corroborated his opinion. I guess he thinks no one reads the Gazette, where Clay has come out personally and said the team is not coming if we don't pass the tax.

    Opponents of a sales tax to raise $121 million for improvements to the Ford Center and construction of an NBA practice facility pushed the argument Friday that the cost is too high.

    Voters will decide Tuesday whether to approve the one-cent sales tax.

    At a news conference Friday, Oklahoma City area resident David Glover handed out copies of an e-mail from Oklahoma City special projects manager Tom Anderson informing him that the proposal aimed at luring the NBA's Seattle SuperSonics would cost the average resident $10 per month or $150 per year.

    Glover said he would support the relocation of an NBA team to Oklahoma City, but this price is too much to pay.

    "If I thought it would be just a penny or just a couple of pennies, I'd be for it," said Glover, who lives in the small suburb of The Village but pays most of his sales tax in the city that surrounds it.
    Mayor Mick Cornett has said he doesn't believe breaking down the cost per citizen is an accurate way to approach the issue, since different people and businesses spend different amounts in the city.

    "It's real easy to do the math. For people to say the average is X amount, people can do that in their head. They know every time they buy something, it's 1/100th of what they pay," Cornett said earlier this week. "I don't think an average does much good because the percentage that some people spend in Oklahoma City is different."

    Glover also challenged the notion that the SuperSonics, owned by a group of Oklahoma City businessmen led by Clay Bennett, would stop seeking relocation to the city if voters reject the proposal at the polls Tuesday.

    "You will never hear anybody say, 'If the citizens don't make this change, we won't come.' The reason why is because I believe these people have civic pride, and that these people want this team in Oklahoma City," Glover said. "The only thing is if they don't come, we'll all know what it's really about and that it's about the money."

    Former state Rep. Wanda Jo Peltier told reporters at the news conference that she thinks the money could be spent better to fight hunger in the city.

  2. #2

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Clay Bennett doesn't live in Oklahoma City, either.

  3. #3
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    I do and I'm voting YES.

    Glover and Hunt both appear to be nothing but attention whores.

  4. #4

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Clay Bennett has said a lot less on this issue than David Glover. And it's Oklahoma City that would have the team, not the Village. At least Clay Bennett is not publishing inaccuracies, or deliberate misrepresentations in the local news. Why are the "no" voters all fired up about Mick Cornett saying "taxes would not increase", when the opposing side is actually misrepresenting the truth as much if not more than him? If you're not voting yes because you don't trust Mick Cornett, then don't vote no because you can't trust your opposition leaders either. Don't vote, I guess.

  5. #5

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    Clay Bennett doesn't live in Oklahoma City, either.
    Oh, and where does he live? Looks like an OKC address to me although awefully close to Nichols Hills, it is still an OKC address:

    Leonard Sullivan Oklahoma County Assessor Real Property Detail Sheet

    Leonard Sullivan Oklahoma County Assessor Real Property Detail Sheet

    Clay Bennett also has spent MILLIONS for OKC and will spend $400 MILLION PLUS to get an NBA team here too. He and his family also partially own a multi-billion dollar company located in OKC proper that is one of OKC's largest employers. While I don't like Gaylord/Bennett's paper, you can't say David Glover has done more for OKC than Bennett.

  6. #6

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by metro
    Oh, and where does he live?
    Nichols Hills. Technically, not OKC. He won't even get to vote.

  7. Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Nope. Both of those addresses are definitely in Nichols Hills. (Dorchester's west end does eventually get into Oklahoma City, but not until the 2500 block or so; the 1600s are east of Pennsylvania.)

    The proffered math does not impress: $10 a month does not equal $150 a year. And why the hell isn't Glover shopping at the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market? It's actually in the Village.

  8. #8

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Former state Rep. Wanda Jo Peltier told reporters at the news conference that she thinks the money could be spent better to fight hunger in the city.
    Extremely lame argument that can be used against any freakin tax measure

    Vote come up for mass transit...Should be used to fight hunger

    Bonds for schools, street or highway repairs?...Not until hunger has been eradicated

    MAPS III....Anyone still hungry out there?

    That lady drives me crazy

  9. #9

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Ha, ha, ha. David Glover can't even vote in this. Really, he shouldn't even be allowed to have talking time at a council meeting, since he's not a citizen of Oklahoma City.

    As for Bennett not living in OKC.....he hasn't been pressing the vote one way or the other, although I'm sure he hopes it passes.

  10. #10

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Ha, ha, ha. David Glover can't even vote in this. Really, he shouldn't even be allowed to have talking time at a council meeting, since he's not a citizen of Oklahoma City.

    As for Bennett not living in OKC.....he hasn't been pressing the vote one way or the other, although I'm sure he hopes it passes.
    You're kidding, right? Clay Bennett is not a citizen of Oklahoma City, does that mean he shouldn't speak at official city functions?

    Bennett hasn't been pressing the vote one way or the other? His family newspaper has been a daily flyer in support of the proposal.

    While I am voting "Yes," I am so tired of people here thinking those who oppose this are awful people who hate Oklahoma City that it's made me sad for OKCTalk as a community.

  11. #11

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    You're not getting my point. David Glover made this speech towards the end of the meeting, when they allow citizens to voice their opinions. That's just it though, he isn't a citizen of Oklahoma City.

    Clay Bennet is different, only in the fact that the business he owns is located within Oklahoma City. So, I don't think he should be allowed to speak in front of the council as a citizen, but he should be able to speak as a business owner.

  12. #12

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    David Glover's occupation is hang gliding. What a great corporate citizen.

    Flying Humans, LLC.

    Here's his email: davidhglover@gmail.com

  13. #13

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    David Glover's occupation is hang gliding. What a great corporate citizen.
    It's a job, isn't it? Good grief.

  14. #14

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    You're not getting my point. David Glover made this speech towards the end of the meeting, when they allow citizens to voice their opinions. That's just it though, he isn't a citizen of Oklahoma City.

    Clay Bennet is different, only in the fact that the business he owns is located within Oklahoma City. So, I don't think he should be allowed to speak in front of the council as a citizen, but he should be able to speak as a business owner.
    Borat was allowed to speak. Of course it was just a Traffic Commission meeting. Nevertheless. There has been a precedent established.

  15. #15

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    David Glover's occupation is hang gliding. What a great corporate citizen.

    Flying Humans, LLC.

    Here's his email: davidhglover@gmail.com
    This is exactly what I'm talking about. How incredibly rude. It's things like hang-gliding that add an urban, hip vibe to a city like ours. What's with the elitism? He is a business owner! What about somebody who pays people millions of dollars to dribble a ball up and down a court? Who's crazier?

  16. #16

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Some businesses generate revenues and create jobs, and thus benefit the local economy. Glover's isn't one of them.

  17. #17

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    How do you know that?

  18. #18

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Glover's business is a self-serving hobby and does very little for our local economy.

    The NBA just isn't just about people dribbling a ball. There are many different jobs within an NBA organization. And the impact the games have on the local economy is huge: hotel/motel nights, money spent at restaurants downtown, retail purchases downtown, etc. Also, if you want to look specifically at the NBA millionaires, someone has to do their maid service, lawn service, car service, etc.

    Also, if you're talking about individual impact on the economy. Sandridge, Dorchester Capital, and Chesapeake are HUGE employers in the city. Maybe we should thank those millionaires for all of the jobs they offer to local area residents.

  19. #19

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Some businesses generate revenues and create jobs, and thus benefit the local economy. Glover's isn't one of them.
    And everybody does what he/she has a passion for. You're a doctor. Some people paint and had names like "Vincent Van Gogh." Some write and have names like "Toni Morrision." Some simply make arts and crafts. Others don't do their own thing at all, but work 40 hours a week turning the same screw or pushing the same buttons day in and day out. Are they less of a person than Clay Bennett and (apparently) yourself?

    What David Glover does for a living has absolutely nothing to do with this vote. If he chooses to be an activist on an issue he feels passionately about - more power to him! Too few people get involved in local government. Or, is the problem really that he is working for something in which the two of you disagree?

    By the way, with your attitude toward economics, you need to go back to the Republican Party. It's a much better fit for you.

  20. #20

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Sandridge, Dorchester Capital, and Chesapeake are HUGE employers in the city. Maybe we should thank those millionaires for all of the jobs they offer to local area residents.
    By the way, Sandridge and CHK are public companies. It's not the CEOs paying out for jobs, it's the capital provided by stockholders. I own CHK stock and proud of it, but I also know that I AM HELPING provide those jobs.

  21. #21

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    By the way, Sandridge and CHK are public companies. It's not the CEOs paying out for jobs, it's the capital provided by stockholders. I own CHK stock and proud of it, but I also know that I AM HELPING provide those jobs.
    The CEO controls the overall corporate structure, under approval of the stockholders of course. Whether the corporation sinks or swims ultimately falls on the CEO's shoulders.

    CHK may be a public corp now, but Ward and McClendon started it and have built it into what it is today.

  22. #22

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude
    And everybody does what he/she has a passion for. You're a doctor. Some people paint and had names like "Vincent Van Gogh." Some write and have names like "Toni Morrision." Some simply make arts and crafts. Others don't do their own thing at all, but work 40 hours a week turning the same screw or pushing the same buttons day in and day out. Are they less of a person than Clay Bennett and (apparently) yourself?
    I actually agree with you completely. BUT, at the same time, people like Ward and McClendon have an economic impact far greater than I ever will. I'd say they're far better corporate citizens than I ever will be.

    What David Glover does for a living has absolutely nothing to do with this vote. If he chooses to be an activist on an issue he feels passionately about - more power to him! Too few people get involved in local government. Or, is the problem really that he is working for something in which the two of you disagree?
    I can agree with you on that.

    By the way, with your attitude toward economics, you need to go back to the Republican Party. It's a much better fit for you.
    I've never been a Republican. Always been very liberal. I'm in favor of higher taxes and govt. handouts for various programs, that benefit members from all walks of life. I favor public schools, socialized healthcare, socialized programs like welfare, Medicare, and Medicaid. I'm against the war in Iraq. I'm for higher taxes on the wealthy, and taxcuts for the middle class and poor. I think that all fits pretty much with the Democratic Party.

    Most true "conservative" Republicans would be against this tax increase, and all tax increases.

  23. #23

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    The CEO controls the overall corporate structure, under approval of the stockholders of course. Whether the corporation sinks or swims ultimately falls on the CEO's shoulders.

    CHK may be a public corp now, but Ward and McClendon started it and have built it into what it is today.
    Thanks for the info, Patrick. I did not know that. Christ almighty.

  24. #24

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    Thanks for the info, Patrick. I did not know that. Christ almighty.

  25. #25

    Default Re: David Glover doesn't even live in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Whatever that means.

    You said you agreed with me on all that I wrote about diverse occupations and how we're all a part of the quilt, the fabric of our city, state and nation. Yet you made fun of Glover's occupation. Frankly, that made me mad. The fact he has turned a hobby into a profession is something I envy. I wish we all could be so lucky.

    Some of you are making it harder for me to pinch my nose and vote "yes." I just cannot believe the attitude so many of you have for anybody who dares oppose this thing. It is something else.

    Hopefully, we'll have a "Yes" win on March 4th. But more importantly, Senator Barack Obama has a chance to win Ohio and Texas that day and pretty much put away the Democratic nomination for President. To me, that's the most important election of the day.

    Sorry for saying you should go "back" to the Republican Party. I could have sworn I read where you were once a Republican. I was obviously mistaken and I apologize. Though, many of your posts here - especially concerning this vote - show an elitism that fits in much better with the GOP. Standing up for corporations and deriding small business is not a typically "liberal Democratic" position.

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