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Thread: Why I am voting No.

  1. Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    That's what kills me. Comparisons to Seattle, which has a plethora of other things to do... beautiful scenic country, the coasts, huge IT base.... we have none of that!

    Sure we will, no arena improvements - no NBA. How is that for learning?
    Exactly right.
    They and their anti pro sports peeps killed it and proved they don't want the NBA, made it loud and clear to Stern ( which is what we will do if the no voters get their wish)

    Seattle got their wish and the fans are heartsick and full of regret that they will leave.

    That is how I will feel if this doesn't pass.

    We might not even get a chance to have a team because of misinformation and some who hold a complacent, laid back, no progress, no forward thinking same old Oklahoma attitude.

    I can't believe we are this close to becoming big league, for the first time in history and the naysayers might blow it for everyone. I'm so frustrated.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #302

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Probably about as frustrated as I'll be when, 18 or 24 months from now, we have to start closing swimming pools or eliminating parks maintenance and mowing because the NBA demands a new spa and Swedish massage at the Ford Center.

  3. Default Re: Why I am voting No.


    What precedent is there for anything like that? You have no reason to think that the city budget is going to be cut to make concessions to the NBA.

  4. #304

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    If anything, the city budget will be able to be increased due to increased sales tax revenues from the NBA's economic impact.

  5. #305

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    Probably about as frustrated as I'll be when, 18 or 24 months from now, we have to start closing swimming pools or eliminating parks maintenance and mowing because the NBA demands a new spa and Swedish massage at the Ford Center.


    Your ignorance is showing completely. The one has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other.

    General operating funds for the city come from annual tax revenues. When the city does well, and people are spending money (as happened when the Hornets were here), the City government prospers, and these maintenance issues are easily taken care of.

    The proposed 0.1 cent tax is above and beyond the monies collected for general operating expenses. It is a penny sales tax designated specifically for "special" projects that the City cannot otherwise tackle through general revenue and/or bond issues, which fund general infrastructure improvements (roads, park improvements, sidewalks, etc.)

    If you would take time to learn how the city funds these initiatives, you would see the picture for what it is.

    The general operating revenues are the cake.
    The bond issue is the icing.
    The MAPS penny sales tax is the decorative flair, which attracts people from all over who want to share in that cake. It's what makes us more and more attractive to others.

  6. #306

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Bornhere - At first I thought you were serious about your opposition to the Ford center improvements. However, after that last post I now know that is not correct. Good one! You had me, and a few others on this site, going for a while. Oh well, I guess anything to spice up the debate. Closing swimming pools because the NBA came to town; pure comic genius. Your cover is blown - welcome aboard.

    Oh wait - I am getting a message from our producers through my ear piece…

    Ok, I stand corrected. Apparently Bornhere is serious about his opposition to the NBA and threw out closing swimming pools as a real possibility. Who uses these swimming pools? Could it be the poor that we have to protect at all cost? Everyone knows they would rather swim than watch their favorite NBA players in OKC.

  7. #307

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Dear Lord,

    Don't let these foolish rednecks turn out to vote on March 4th. Don't let their bitterness over people having more money than them ruin this for everyone. Don't let their "Git off muh land" mentality kill any hopes for community growth.

    Thank you.

  8. #308

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    JB1875 - If this vote fails it won't be because the good people of OKC Talk didn't do their part.

  9. #309

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    JB1875 - If this vote fails it won't be because the good people of OKC Talk didn't do their part.
    I fear you are right. It's going to be because there is a culture and mindset that is bred in this city, and I fear things may never change.

    I hate to make grandiose rhetorical statements, but I feel like this is a chance to get some real unity in the city. There has never been any pride or identity in our city. And now we have an opportunity to get it.

    But it appears that there is a vocal minority of people who are so stingy and so tight with their pennies that they will try to kill all of that.

  10. #310

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Sure we will, no arena improvements - no NBA. How is that for learning?
    He said, "we could". I said, "we won't." You said, "sure we will". Are you now saying that the tax is going to fail?

  11. #311

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    I have little doubt the sales tax will pass.

    Once it does, what happens afterward is out of your hands. The city (with, I suppose, SMG as a spectator) will negotiate a deal with the Sonics partners and you will have no input on it whatsoever.

    I believe it is entirely possible – in fact, probable – that the Sonics' deal with the city will be so generous that the city will be paying into it for years to come. I believe it is probable that to cover the costs of supporting the Sonics, or more accurately, appeasing the Sonics partners, the city will end up cutting the budget in other areas, such as reducing the number of days pools at Earlywine and Will Rogers are open, cutting code enforcement staff, reducing animal control officers or cutting back mowing and parks maintenance.

    These are programs that benefit and are used by a broad spectrum of citizens, not just the insignificant 'poor.'

    My recollection is that the city made similar cuts when it opened the Ford Center, because although the city had MAPS funds with which to build it, it did not have sufficient funds set aside with which to operate it. The Sonics deal will be more of the same, only moreso.

    Ask the mayor or some other city official at the next one of these 'Praise Stern from whom all blessings flow' rallies. Maybe they'll set me straight on this.

  12. Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Keep doing what you always do and keep getting the results you always get.

    In this case, nothing.

    What else do you have up your sleeve to benefit OKC and inspire corporations and citizens to either move here, stay here ( college graduates) or at least look at us as more than a flyover state?

    We need positive press and tourism and corporate relocations to keep revenue in the city.

    It all goes hand in hand ... and all works together to energize this city.

    We've covered all of us .... we need more than a concrete canal to revitalize and grow downtown.

    We have an incredible opportunity to have our own pro team, to bring excitement, positive news articles and renewed interest to OKC.

    Or not ... and our claim to fame is the bombing, tornadoes, all of negative stereotypes that we're known for, obesity, meth, poverty stricken, nothing to do in Oklahoma ... always.

    Because this is it, if we let this opportunity pass us by, we'll have what we've had all along and that's not enough in my opinion.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. #313

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    It's more backward to let your public investment remain dormant in order to save a dogcatcher or two, or to keep a swimming pool open one more day.

  14. #314

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by JB1975 View Post
    I fear you are right. It's going to be because there is a culture and mindset that is bred in this city, and I fear things may never change.

    I hate to make grandiose rhetorical statements, but I feel like this is a chance to get some real unity in the city. There has never been any pride or identity in our city. And now we have an opportunity to get it.

    But it appears that there is a vocal minority of people who are so stingy and so tight with their pennies that they will try to kill all of that.
    Then don't make them. Because they're not very smart. Sounds to me, you don't understand the definition of unity or pride.

  15. #315

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Keep doing what you always do and keep getting the results you always get.

    In this case, nothing.

    What else do you have up your sleeve to benefit OKC and inspire corporations and citizens to either move here, stay here ( college graduates) or at least look at us as more than a flyover state?

    We need positive press and tourism and corporate relocations to keep revenue in the city.

    It all goes hand in hand ... and all works together to energize this city.

    We've covered all of us .... we need more than a concrete canal to revitalize and grow downtown.

    We have an incredible opportunity to have our own pro team, to bring excitement, positive news articles and renewed interest to OKC.

    Or not ... and our claim to fame is the bombing, tornadoes, all of negative stereotypes that we're known for, obesity, meth, poverty stricken, nothing to do in Oklahoma ... always.

    Because this is it, if we let this opportunity pass us by, we'll have what we've had all along and that's not enough in my opinion.
    It's no use. In the end, they are fine with the stereotypes as long as it didn't cost them anything. At the end of the day, it's all about how much money they can save or horde. It's about them. Always has been. Their money. Their tax dollars.

    It's all about feeling proud of themselves because they didn't "give" anything to anybody. It's stupid, but take it from someone who has lived here his whole life, it's the way it is.

  16. #316

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    I can't speak for anyone else, of course, but as for myself I've voted for every temporary and permanent tax increase that has been proposed. This will be the first one I've voted against.

  17. #317

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    Then don't make them. Because they're not very smart. Sounds to me, you don't understand the definition of unity or pride.
    Sorry to hurt your feelings, but I stand by what I said. This issue is really bringing to light just how stingy and scary-conservative people in this city still are.

  18. #318
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    I can't speak for anyone else, of course, but as for myself I've voted for every temporary and permanent tax increase that has been proposed. This will be the first one I've voted against.
    Why did you vote for MAPS 1? The rich guy from Express is making all the money off the Brick. The rich guys that own the property on the canal and river are going to make all the money off of those projects. SMG makes all the money off the Ford Center. The Symphony and Broadway shows at the Civic Center are obviously geared toward rich people.

    It makes no sense.
    Last edited by SouthsideSooner; 02-29-2008 at 01:48 PM. Reason: sp

  19. #319

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by JB1975 View Post
    Sorry to hurt your feelings, but I stand by what I said. This issue is really bringing to light just how stingy and scary-conservative people in this city still are.
    Don't worry you didn't. I will also stand by what I said. So please, by all means ramble on.

  20. #320

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by SouthsideSooner View Post
    Why did you vote for MAPS 1? The rich guy from Express is making all the money off the Brick. The rich guys that own the property on the canal and river are going to make all the money off of those projects. SMG makes all the money off the Ford Center. The Symphony and Broadway shows at the Civic Center are obviously geared toward rich people.

    It makes no sense.
    I would have to agree. It's being selectively judgemental.

  21. Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    I can't speak for anyone else, of course, but as for myself I've voted for every temporary and permanent tax increase that has been proposed. This will be the first one I've voted against.
    What's different now? There were no provisions for dog catchers or swimming pools in MAPS either.

  22. #322

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    Don't worry you didn't..
    Of course, as indicated by your NOT responding to me in such a surly fashion.

    No need to ramble. I said my peace. There isn't any point in getting personal. It's just a message board.

  23. #323

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    I have lived here almost 15 years. I came from a place where the town never grew, the economy never prospered. A place where vision was something you had when you got your new glasses. I think it is great we stand a chance of getting a big league team the rewards are endless. All for a few cents more when we shop.
    It is such a minor sum of money for the huge return for anyone who lives and works in our beautiful city why wouldn't people vote Yes for something so positive???? Maps has been such a huges success and so many people benifit from the library, walking trails, whats a few more years of the tax we have been paying for years? Vote Yes watch our city continue to grow...

  24. #324

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by JB1975 View Post
    Of course, as indicated by your NOT responding to me in such a surly fashion.

    No need to ramble. I said my peace. There isn't any point in getting personal. It's just a message board.
    I'm sorry if I've now hurt your feelings. I'll try to better control my foolish Redneck side.

  25. #325

    Default Re: Why I am voting No.

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    I'm sorry if I've now hurt your feelings. I'll try to better control my foolish Redneck side.
    Sorry about that. It was a heat-of-the-moment comment. I'll edit it.

    Eh, can't edit it now. Suck. Oh, well. Cheers.

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