Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
Probably about as frustrated as I'll be when, 18 or 24 months from now, we have to start closing swimming pools or eliminating parks maintenance and mowing because the NBA demands a new spa and Swedish massage at the Ford Center.


Your ignorance is showing completely. The one has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other.

General operating funds for the city come from annual tax revenues. When the city does well, and people are spending money (as happened when the Hornets were here), the City government prospers, and these maintenance issues are easily taken care of.

The proposed 0.1 cent tax is above and beyond the monies collected for general operating expenses. It is a penny sales tax designated specifically for "special" projects that the City cannot otherwise tackle through general revenue and/or bond issues, which fund general infrastructure improvements (roads, park improvements, sidewalks, etc.)

If you would take time to learn how the city funds these initiatives, you would see the picture for what it is.

The general operating revenues are the cake.
The bond issue is the icing.
The MAPS penny sales tax is the decorative flair, which attracts people from all over who want to share in that cake. It's what makes us more and more attractive to others.