Since 1993, Oklahoma City has had a different history, and it's a history made possible by saying, "YES!" By saying "Yes" in the past, we (that's you and me, all Oklahoma Citians) got ...
* A DOWNTOWN PLAN ... MAPS ... which has served us well
* The Oklahoma River Project by reason of which Oklahoma City is fast becoming a center of United States attention for its national AND international rowing competition, not to mention the River Trails, water parades and other festive events for all Oklahoma Citians to enjoy, and with much more development to come down the line
* A beautiful new downtown learning center, named after its principal benefactor, the Ron Norick Downtown Library and Learning Center
* The Bricktown Canal which has spurred the development of Bricktown as the premier entertainment venue in the state
* The Bricktown Ballpark which helped a lot with that, too
* The present Ford Center by reason of which it became possible to attract major entertainment people, bands, etc., and other organizations to select Oklahoma City to visit, not to mention the 2-year extended stay of the New Orleans Hornets
* MAPS FOR KIDS which we enthusiastically supported after seeing the success of MAPS
* A $500 Million bond election to improve our city's streets, parks, and bridges
* Hundreds of millions, maybe billions, of private investment spurred by the success of a revitalized downtown
* A revitalized city of which we are all justly proud which is seen by many outside our horizons as the model of what a city can do to help itself become a great place to live, work, play, and visit
Might this virtually miraculous chain of civic progress be broken? Might we turn our backs on what we know because of our history and adopt the "Vote No" perspective of our cousins in Tulsa?