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Thread: OnCue OKC Expansion

  1. #1601

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    I wish they would do some maintenance on the pumps at the NW 10th & Portland location. Seems like every time I fill up, which is about once a week, the pump can't print out a receipt, and I have to go inside and request one. Also the pumps higher than number 10 regularly have some issue where they can't process a credit card at the pump. It doesn't happen on pumps lower than number 10. At least that is what employees behind the counter have told me more than once.

  2. #1602

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    I wish they would do some maintenance on the pumps at the NW 10th & Portland location. Seems like every time I fill up, which is about once a week, the pump can't print out a receipt, and I have to go inside and request one. Also the pumps higher than number 10 regularly have some issue where they can't process a credit card at the pump. It doesn't happen on pumps lower than number 10. At least that is what employees behind the counter have told me more than once.
    I got frustrated with tap to pay/Apple Pay not working at the pumps consistently too at OnCue.

    Took the advice of a post on here and downloaded the FuelForward App that sync's with OnCue/Phillips66. I found this method much more reliable, secure, gives me a digital receipt that looks just like the print out at the pump, keeps track of all my fuel purchases and the icing on the cake...5 cents off per gallon for using Apple Pay. You can also get larger percentages off if you have a Phillips 66 card or link it directly to your bank account for auto draft.

  3. #1603

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    A lot of their pumps at a lot of their locations need some maintenance. It's going to start hurting their reputation at some point.

  4. #1604

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    The tap to pay/Apple Pay is horrendous! Why the hell can they not get that figured out and functioning all of the time?

  5. #1605

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    OnCue owns the three small buildings on the SW corner of NW 122nd and MacArthur.

    They just filed to demolish one of the buildings, so they must be planning to move forward soon.

  6. #1606

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Do you know if they have plans to build over the open drainage canal?

  7. #1607

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Quote Originally Posted by soonergooner View Post
    Do you know if they have plans to build over the open drainage canal?
    No, that is not their plan as far as I know.

    They don't own any properties on the other side.

  8. #1608

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    OnCue is renovating the Western/Memorial Location. They removed a section of cases on the back wall and put in a kitchen with a pick up window. This will allow them to offer the full grill menu as before they only had the case with the pre packaged sandwiches and pizza slices.

  9. #1609

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    They are moving quickly on the Broadway Ext at Wilshire location. The structural steel for the building is up.

  10. #1610

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Quote Originally Posted by nickeljoshua View Post
    OnCue is renovating the Western/Memorial Location. They removed a section of cases on the back wall and put in a kitchen with a pick up window. This will allow them to offer the full grill menu as before they only had the case with the pre packaged sandwiches and pizza slices.
    Good to see they are making the updates/renovations to some of their "older" or original stores in OKC and trying to make what they offer across the stores consistent.

  11. #1611

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    I tried the brand new OnCue on Classen last Friday and I was a bit surprised to see that the payment interface on on the pumps was a more fancy touch screen concept.

  12. #1612

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Fuel Forward has 10 cents off per gallon tomorrow March 4 and it looks like they are going to do that the first Tuesday every month.

  13. #1613

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Looking east. All structures next to excavator will come down.
    122 and MacArthur
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2359.jpeg 
Views:	124 
Size:	2.88 MB 
ID:	19514

  14. #1614

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Quote Originally Posted by gjl View Post
    Fuel Forward has 10 cents off per gallon tomorrow March 4 and it looks like they are going to do that the first Tuesday every month.
    It was 15 cents off per gallon. You got the normal 5 cents off then an additional 10 cents. Then the 5% cash back by using my Sams Mastercard linked to the fuel forward app.

  15. #1615
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
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    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Quote Originally Posted by soonergooner View Post
    Looking east. All structures next to excavator will come down.
    122 and MacArthur
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2359.jpeg 
Views:	124 
Size:	2.88 MB 
ID:	19514
    Kinda shocked me when I drove by that corner a couple days ago even though I knew it was coming. Wonder if they are going to build that up on the West end to make it level with 122nd. If they do it would really drop off to the east side, so not sure how that is engineered.

  16. #1616

    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Back when I was a newly licensed 16 year old, being able to drive a manual transmission car out of the What-A-Donut parking lot without rolling into the car behind you was something to write home about.

  17. #1617
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    Default Re: OnCue OKC Expansion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lafferty Daniel View Post
    Back when I was a newly licensed 16 year old, being able to drive a manual transmission car out of the What-A-Donut parking lot without rolling into the car behind you was something to write home about.
    My kids used to talk about that as well!! Funny. Spent quite a few mornings at What-A-Donut before school. It’s a big dip!

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