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As a kid growing up in Wichita - I’m a 6th generation central Oklahoman but my mom got a teaching job in the 316 and my folks moved there before I was born - I was extremely partial to Taco Tico. We also had another solid chain there called Taco Grande, though I have no idea regarding whether it still survives.
Anyway, when I moved to OKC in the mid eighties I was super happy to find Taco Tico, including the aforementioned one in Edmond but also one on May just south of Mayfair. Now that one is Sheesh Mahal. I was terribly bummed when it closed. The entire Tico chain folded but various attempts were made to revive it using the original recipes. I ate at one on a trip to Wichita maybe a decade ago; not sure if it still survives. It was a pretty close approximation but not precisely as I’d remembered it.
Taco Bell’s off-menu enchirito was a pretty close approximation of the Taco Tico enchilada, which was my favorite thing at Tico. Now I can’t even get THAT.