Where's Moshe Tal when you really need him?
Where's Moshe Tal when you really need him?
On the front page of the paper today we have the City of Oklahoma City (PD) launching an internal investigation regarding FAVORTISM of one city employee to a state official (the drunken labor commissioner).
And, the City of Oklahoma City CITY MANAGER basically apologizing (albeit WEAK) for infringing on someone's freedom of religion. His Merry Christmas memo cost citizens $20,000.
Still corrupting young minds
Why don't you start two new threads pertaining to local, state and federal government: 1) alleged favoritism; and 2) separation of church and state? These two subjects might garner some actual interesting and meaningful dialogue.
Otherwise, I don't see how either one of these issues connect with the subject of nepotism.
I do grant that your observation and post did resurrect the thread back to the top of the subject list.
The Christmas thing is old news. We discussed it here.
I missed the article - will have to check it out. A link would be nice.
This post has generated nearly 1,400 views since the first post (I think around the 10th of February.) It is one of the most viewed threads in the history of OKC TALK. (Bow to the horse; bow to the cow; twirl with the pig if you know how.)
Thank you for the superlative approval. In the absence of anything meaningful to say, you must resort to sophomoric dissing. (No offense to the origin of the vernacular.) This reminds me of people who run around saying the F word all the time. Simply a reflection of an anemic vocabulary.
It's ashame that you fail to see the relevance of possible favortism shown to a statewide elected official by a COP. ...and people wonder why there are 500,000 people running around Oklahoma HUNGRY.![]()
this thread has 630 replies and has been viewed 20333 times
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Please don't flatter yourself. It's a common occurrence on many boards that the most contentious threads get the most views. Like it or not, online trainwrecks have become a national pasttime.
I never thought I'd be thankful for that Lifechurch thread (Thanks, Metro), but see the viewer: participant ratio. It's one of our most contentious threads, and as such gets lots of views.
First off, who cares how often people use the F word? It's only a word. It's your hangup and perception of their inept elocution. I use the word "wonky" all the time. That doesn't mean that I don't know the meaning of, or can't use, antidisestablishmentarianism in a sentence. An extensive vocabulary is only usefuly if you have a brain behind it.
Second, if you think that 1400 views is a lot for a forum thread, you must be new to the internet. I could google for and link 5 threads within a minute that each have hundreds of thousands of hits. And that's on something as mundane as air filters or tires.
Third, you mean to tell me that one in seven Oklahomans are starving? They must be the ones that are allergic to McDonald's or something.
As to the topic at hand...Do you mean to tell me that you've gotten everything you own and have gotten every job you've ever had purely by the grace of your own merit? Ever put references on a resume? Or did you put "people I know shouldn't have any bearing on me having gainful employment, so kiss my ass with your need of references" on it. I doubt it.
Oh, and "ashame" is two words there Captain Vocabulary.
Can't find the article.
Also can't figure out what it has to do with Nepotism OR poverty...
You don't happen to be from Massachusetts, would you?
EagleTribune.com, North Andover, MA
somebody's been reading fark. -M
i've just gotten hooked within the past couple months... haven't signed up for an account, though. awesome site. -M
We've had a couple of OKC Fark parties that were an absolute hoot. At least 20 people showed up each time.
Sorry about the threadjack FOIA.
I don't even need to read this thread to know it deserves a "Romero" tag.
Your dog wants to drop f-bombs.
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