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Thread: helped got robbed!

  1. Default helped got robbed!

    So let me give everyone an insight to my situation, single mom, i do work, been staying with a friend waiting on public housing to have a free slot so i could have a home, i went away for a night to stay at my moms to watch her house, and the place i was staying in gets *gasp* robbed. Everything i own of value is gone, so all my video games, tv, movies, even my daughters baby book is gone, i keep to myself so im not sure if anyone has a grudge or anything. Should i just kiss everything goodbye? I am 20 so this is kinda depressing, and i know material things shouldnt be important its the saftey of me and the little one, but its kinda sad that everything i own is now gone! I already filed a poice report, but do i have to check on it, or will they? I can aquire serial numbers to my game systems since i registered them online, and i honestly dont want to stay in that neighborhood anymore fear of safety! Is there any way to get temp housing? while i wait? they took my cash too so im dead broke! Thanks for reading all this!

  2. Default Re: helped got robbed!

    I am sorry to hear this happened to you, I am 20 as well and would be done for if this happened to me. I can't really help with your questions but if there is anything else I could help you with let me know. I hope things get better for you.

  3. #3

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    kiss it goodbye. Even with serial numbers, honestly the pawn shops do not care and there are way too many of them to find your stuff. And honestly, it may not be a grudge but chances are likely that it was either a) the people you were staying with or b) someone who frequents the house. It is usually someone you know. Not all the time, but I would bet someone knows something. That really sucks and I am sorry it happened to you. Try to remember it is only stuff and your kids and you are okay. It's hard, but you will work your way up and can get more stuff.

  4. #4

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    I don't know much about this, and sometimes I hate to suggest govenment agencies, but have you called Social Services to see if they can help? Or churches? I know a lot of churches have money they use to help people in trouble.

  5. #5

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Exactly why I have renter's insurance.

  6. #6

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Be sure to check in the trash cans and dumpsters around that area in case the thieves got rid of the things they didn't deem valuable.

  7. #7

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    I am sooo sorry to hear what has happened to you. They even took the baby book? Even if you had renter's insurance, they couldn't have replaced the memories.

    Another statistic of Oklahoma City's ridiculous crime rate. I always wait for somebody to be held accountable - but everybody is interested in Bricktown and the NBA. I'm voting YES on March 4th, but we HAVE to place a priority on fighting property crimes in this city and giving the police the tools to do their job. Compared to other cities our size, our crime rate is astronomical. Per capita, compared to some HUGE cities, we are crime-ridden.

    I am hoping David Prater can make a difference. Many things have to change here. We'll only be a "world-class city" or an "elite city" when we show we are a city that cares about its people. A basketball team will be nice - but we have real problems in this city, problems that having a basketball team won't mean a damn thing.

  8. #8

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Checking the trash cans and area around where you were living is an excellent idea, especially if looking for things like the baby book.

    Here are a couple of places that might be able to help:
    Frequent Questions

    And for help with schooling or life skills:
    Programs Offered - Adult basic education classes at Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) of Oklahoma County

    Good luck!

    solitude, I wish I understood what the solution to the crime program would entail. Do you think more police officers would help, or how do we change that kind of behavior in our population?

  9. Default Re: helped got robbed!

    I'm so sorry this happened to you.

    Like others have said, thank God you weren't home when it happened and you and your daughter aren't harmed.

    How old is you daughter?

    Since you have access to a computer, try placing a LOST ad on OKC's Craig's List.... you never know, someone might have just seen your baby book or found it lying around near where you were robbed.

    You might also be able to pick up an inexpensive game system/games package on Craig's List too..
    what kind was it?

    Good luck
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. Default Re: helped got robbed!

    You might try calling the OK Red Cross and see if they can direct you....

    American Red Cross of Oklahoma
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Ty everyone for the kind words, i found the baby book they threw it in on the ground a few blocks from home, just happened to stumble on it so im happy about that, I am not worried anymore about getting the stuff replaced, I did have an xbox 360 with 25 games, and a wii with 10 games, but they are kinda stupid and didnt realize i dont keep my games in the cases, and in a metal ammo box under my bed that they didnt touch, the cops access the damages and losses at 3k, so i cant really do much about it without renters insurance, but now i know! But from now on i know i am not going to live in that neighborhood anymore!

    Thanks again everyone that made me feel better to have people thinking of me and Kairi, and shes one thanks for whoever asked (shameless brag MySpace.com - Donna - 20 - Female - Wish i wasn't here., Oklahoma - www.myspace.com/d0nn4 theres pictures of her on there)

  12. Default Re: helped got robbed!

    o, and i am in school right now, getting my ged, but i can grab a night job, if anyone knows anything please contact me? i would be extremely greatful!

  13. #13

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Quote Originally Posted by xd0nn4x View Post
    o, and i am in school right now, getting my ged, but i can grab a night job, if anyone knows anything please contact me? i would be extremely greatful!
    Contact Express Personnel if you're serious... or 7-11 is usually a sure bet.

  14. #14

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    So sorry for you. Thats a real kick in the butt for sure.
    Regarding the serial numbers and the pawn shops. If they were pawned you would have to pay the pawn shop for the amount of the pawn to get them back. Thats the law as much as it sucks.

  15. Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Redskin 70 View Post
    So sorry for you. Thats a real kick in the butt for sure.
    Regarding the serial numbers and the pawn shops. If they were pawned you would have to pay the pawn shop for the amount of the pawn to get them back. Thats the law as much as it sucks.
    Really? Even when you can prove it's stolen property with a serial number and a police report?

  16. #16

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Contact Express Personnel if you're serious... or 7-11 is usually a sure bet.
    I'm so glad you found the baby book. It's things like that that break your heart when they're gone. The other thought I had, although it's not interesting work, is that most businesses have cleaning services that work after hours. Most of it is pretty light work, I suspect.

  17. #17

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Really? Even when you can prove it's stolen property with a serial number and a police report?
    Yes, been that way for about 18 years now.
    The ruleing on that was the pawn shops were a third party victim who should be compensated for their loss.
    It sucks.

  18. #18

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    You guys are way off base on the Pawnshop deal. I own a pawn shop here in Oklahoma City and we report everything we take in to the Police Dept. They have a department setup called Pawn Detail and they match serial numbers and descriptions of stolen merchandise to that of pawned merchandise. If something does come up stolen and it is found at a pawn shop the victim does not have to reimburse the pawnshop. The person who pawned the merchandise will have to pay restitution to the pawnbroker. Pawn shops have cleaner image now, and steer clear away from shady individuals or questionable merchandise. At least we do.

  19. Default Re: helped got robbed!

    FunkieMunkie - Glad you chimed in with the correct answer. You are right (I didn't have to tell you that though). Many departments use Leads Online to locate stolen property. The problem though is that some small shops do not participate. I wish they would make it law that all pawn shops must participate.

    Don't know about OCPD so much, but Norman PD is great about getting stolen items back via Leads Online.

    Pawnshops just realize it is "a cost of doing business." Makes sense, otherwise they'd have no reason to try and make sure they are not taking stolen items.

    Personally, I LOVE pawn shops!

    If I was the victim? First, I'd made sure I had renter's insurance. It is just too cheap to not get. Second, get the name of the investigating detective and become a thorn in his/her side. Also, in the future, you can sometimes make enough 'noise' that the police will go ahead and look for any fingerprints and run them for matches. You'd be surprised how often they don't do this unless pressured. Notify any high end manufacturers of your stolen stuff that it was stolen. Many times they can locate it is the thief is dumb enough to seek a repair or accessories. This often happens with stolen radar detectors. Another great reason to register your stuff!

  20. Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Donna.. I know this is going to sound weird, but I know your sister anna.

  21. #21

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Donna, be careful, hon. You have a lovely daughter and I want to caution you to not out too much out there on the internet. There are a lot of creeps on the lookout for vulnerable young, single moms with small children. Don't mean to be creepy or anything.

  22. #22

    Default Re: helped got robbed!

    Man I feel so lucky. I mean getting robbed is never lucky but when I had my car window busted and my purse stolen, all they really got a way with was a $20. I found my purse and keys along side the highway, empty of course. But, there was a 7-11 right there so I told the clerk about what had happened and left my phone # with him and sure enough he called to tell me all of my ID's, credit cards, checkbook EVERYTHING was found right outside the 7-11. Sad thing is there was more cash in my wallet, they just weren't smart enough to find it. It did cost me a pretty penny to fix my window, but not having to have all new ID's, credit cards, and keys made sure made for something good of a bad thing!

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