I mean they’ve literally voted against everything regarding the arena. If you didn’t want a new arena, that’s fine but the vote passed by 70+ percent making it clear that it’s what your constituents want. They’re now voting against approving THE ARCHITECT lol. It’s very obvious what they’re doing and they deserve to be called out for it .
Is it too much for me to read into this in that Manica will the architect for the arena (pretty straight forward on the press release) and maybe TVS is the architect for everything else that will go on that block? The reason I ask is that TVS's background has more to do with hotels, office buildings and common areas. They have several projects that are mixed-use developments including an amphitheater in Georgia and then places like the UGA performing arts center, Georgia southern PAC and other performance venues. I am probably not breaking any new ground, but thought it was interesting after looking at their project list.
I believe you are exactly right. TVS doesn't do arenas; they do hotels and mixed-use projects.
It's amazing to me that at this point of the process, we still don't have even the vaguest idea of what else might be built other than an arena. Any mixed-use aspect hasn't even been mentioned, nor who will build/own it.
I'm as happy as anyone that we will be getting a new arena but the lack of transparency in OKC when it comes to spending billions of tax-payer money is astonishing.
And as a reminder, this is not going to be handled the same way as previous sales-tax-funded projects like MAPS. There will be no citizen oversight committee and they haven't even disclosed how they plan to share information as they proceed.
Curious how architects are awarded a bid without the city counsel seeing even a conceptual idea of what they propose to build. Is that common practice? Seems like a massive leap of faith for something of this magnitude.
I know we're a ways away from it but I'd like to see a site plan more than anything at this point, I am curious to see what else they have planned for activating that block and if we're going to get a connection over to Sante Fe station.
I would expect the actual arena footprint to be along the furthest NE side of the property having primary entrance be on the S of the arena with all activation space and garage/hotel/food/shop to be along the SE to SW sides of the site. Then a makeover of the streetcar stop on the NW corner with secondary entrance to arena.
I would not be surprised to see EKG closed during games just like Reno gets currently.
Major pipedream because of cost, but imagine if we could put EKG below-grade at the Santa Fe station and allow the "capped" roadway to be direct connection into the arena site.
Toronto's arena is similarly positioned near their main transportation hub, but they use a series of skybridges and tunnels to connect to the arena.
Probably a new concept for Thunder Alley ?
I'm very curious as to what this will actually fully cost in the end.
If I remember correctly, there will be an addition (not sure in what capacity) to the multi-modal stop at Santa Fe Train Station, so I am going to guess that is on the full east side of the space. I hope we don't have a big gaudy parking garage taking up one of any of the corners and there is at least ground floor retail or hotel built into it. Even better would be for the parking garage to be built in the middle of the development but ingress and egress would be tricky that way.
I just saw this, the proposal looks amazing. They are sorta lucky in a way that the current arena is surrounded by a wasteland of parking, so it is easily developable. OKC has development surrounding the site. I am actually going to Ball Arena tomorrow night for their home opener against OKC, will be cool to see it before it has the areas transformed.
Big difference: the Denver arena has been in place for a while and the development around it is a completely separate project. Our situation is that all this will be done at once with public funds and I guarantee you there were plenty of handshake deals that coincided with the arena.
There were about 1,000 spaces under the Cox Center.
I pray they do something similar rather than building another hideous parking structure that is nothing but an eyesore along a major downtown road.
Agreed. I feel like as long as it is part of A structure and not something separate. that will help a lot. Back in 2015, I had to go to Little Rock to work and there were four buildings within a stones' throw of each other that all had parking garages built into the project. I also went to Nashville for work and stayed at the Cambria hotel right off of Broadway that had at least three levels of parking with a large restaurant on the ground level and then amenities from the fourth floor up. There are definitely ways to do it, it's just will it be done.
From what I've been told the Thunder want to have as much control of this project as possible to the point of trying to tell the City who and who can't be involved in meetings. The City needs to reminds them who owns the building and who is paying the vast majority of the costs.
That's not the way things work in OKC, which is why there won't be a citizen's committee.
I don't see any reason this project should be handled differently than the MAPS process which has been refined and successful for over 30 years. It is MAPS, just by a different name.
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