Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
I don't know. If my owners were losing $15+ million a year, I might want to try and protect them from further loss. People act as if a professional team should be available at no cost to them, that the team owners shouldn't mind if they're losing money, that they should never consider moving because, after all, it's that city's team, and yet we think there is something wrong with the league because they would like to see the team able to make a profit, or at least lose less money or break even? I realize, bornhere, that you have no interest in the NBA, so it colors your response, but I'd like any people who bring a business to Oklahoma City to make a reasonable profit, especially if it's one that, I believe, adds so much to that city, and that brings so much enjoyment to people who like the game.
You state. "If my owners were losing". Does that mean, that you own the owners? If so, who are you? Does Stern own the NBA and it's owners? Maybe the NBA owns Stern and the owners. If so then who owns the NBA? Maybe the owners own Stern and the NBA? What about the players. Who owns them?(no one I would hope) Who owns who? Who's on first? What's on second. Someone help me out here