Ran across this article...I wonder how this guys business is doing?
News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | Russian-inspired vodka made in Oklahoma
Ran across this article...I wonder how this guys business is doing?
News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | Russian-inspired vodka made in Oklahoma
I got a bottle for my brother last year. He said it was okay.
The guy at the store said it was some of his favorite stuff.
In my opinion, vodka is vodka. You mix it with stuff. As long as it's not cheap swill like Heaven Hill, it's all about the same.
This particular vodka comes in a small bottle and costs a lot of money. It's a novelty purchase at this point.
They've been around here for several years. I think he actually won #2 best tasting vodka a year or two ago. There is an article on it somewhere.
Metore's - Old Russia Distillery and Spirits
haha, hence why I don't drink vodka. maybe it's something about drinking anything made with charcoal?
Ahh being a little bit harsh on vodka dont ya think...haha
You gotta mix it up with other things. By itself, it is nothing special. I like somthing called "7-ups Evil Twin" very tasty. But thats for another thread...
Ive never heard of this guys brand before. Might try some, just to see what all the hype is about. And he is a local business person. Gotta support them, right?
Im just surprised that he is able to run a distillery.The article said some laws were changed for him to run it...
You guys.All vodka is not created equally. Try sipping a bit of something like McCormack's then Grey Goose. You'll taste the difference. I definitely can, even in mixed drinks.
Anyone know of a liquor store that carries it, I'd be willing to give it a try?
Also I wasn't clear on its name from the article, is it Old Russia?
Yes, it is referring to Old Russia, which is in the old Fred Jones Ford plant downtown at Classen and Main.
Quicker Liquor , on south May Ave and 89th, they carry all of the varieties, and I must say that it is an excellent vodka. I would compare it to grey goose in both taste and price.
I have also given this vodka as gifts many times to vodka drinkers and they all want more and I send them to Quicker Liquor.
I would think surely Byron's would carry it.
I love vodka arguments.
It's like arguing over lightly used (but strained for purity) bathwater.
To me anyway. BLECH
I was told about this thread by a friend this afternoon. I make Metore's vodka. If you have any questions about Metore's feel free to ask and I will try to answer as best as possible. Metore's is not a novelty vodka. It should be priced below Gray Goose in your liquor stores. If it is higher then the store is ripping you off. Also Metore's has ten different vodka's. The original Russian Heritage has won multiple medals at international competitions and just won a gold at the Chicago Beverage Institute. This is my first post so I will add more later.
Is it Metore's or Old Russian?
Old Russia Distillery is the name of the company. The vodka is named "Metore's".
Pronounced "Me-Torz".
I think Metore's is Old Russia, jbrown.
Metore's - Old Russia Distillery and Spirits
Got it. thanks
I really like the bottle design, vodkaczar! How wide is your distribution?
If it's made in OKC, what's Russian about it?
I've tasted it side by side with Grey Goose and it's noticably smoother.
For those of you who are vodka afficionados, try Ciroc. Like Grey Goose, it's a French vodka, but distilled from grapes. Very clean and smooth - makes a great vodka/soda with lime.
I bought a bottle when it first came out. It was okay, but nothing special. Like any vodka, to drink it straight you should get it as cold as possible. Out of the fridge it was smooth - but no more so than any other mid to high range vodka. Besides, most people I know rarely drink their vodka straight. So, using a less expensive brand name makes alot more sense. For the rare occassions a guest wants a martini or a basic highball, who is going to be impressed with something 'made' in downtown OKC?
Regardless, I think the price is ridiculous though. I mean c'mon, who pays premium prices for 'Oklahoma Vodka'? I'm guessing there is nothing actually Oklahoman about it. Let me guess, they order in medical-grade ethanol from out of state and combine it with either shipped in water or they are filtering city tap water - Yippee!
Personally, I love it when they do the blind taste tests in some snobby bar with call vodka's vs premium vs. super premiums and usually the vodka snobs can't tell the difference - I know, I know, there will be some Grey Goose snob here that swears they can tell. Of course then they'll spew how they love it in their Diet Coke!
Regardless, save your dough or at least buy something in a really cool bottle with name recognition.
Now, if they packaged it in a teepee shaped bottle and called it "Firewater" or such, I'd buy it as novelty on a regular basis.
Gotta love message boards.
Somebody asks a question abount an Oklahoma made product, the guy who makes it shows up and offers to answer any questions somebody may have, and then only to have somebody degrade it and "guesses" that they probably use medical-grade ethonal. Nice.
If you don't like it, thats OK. Nothing wrong with that. But all you really did what tell us how stupid it was for someone to make a vodka in Oklahoma and not to buy it. Why? Tito's vodka out of Austin, Tx has won several major awards.
For us that don't put our vodka in diet coke, do you mind if we give the okie & his company a chance and decide for ourselves?
Vodkaczar - Good luck & thanks for posting and keep it up. Its nice to hear from people that are actually doing and not just posting about how stupid something is or how they are doing it all wrong.
Sorry, just had to vent.
Metore's is made using Oklahoma Wheat to produce our ethanol and we distill our own water. The Oklahoman about it is that I am from Oklahoma and haved lived here most of my life. The Russian about it is my wife heritage and her father "Simoyn Metore" is the man that gave the recipe. Bailjumper should come to one our tastings. We give our samples at room tempature to show that we are better than Grey Goose and the others.
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