Originally Posted by
Bill Robertson
In public I'm a very quiet person until I know someone. That's one main reason there's a couple bar/grills that I'm a regular of and don't go much of anywhere else.
This morning I'm grocery shopping. I'm at the back of the store where the dairy and meat stuff is. Carry On My Wayward Son comes on the sound system. So I'm singing in my head. Then when the bridge plays I silently mouth the words.
Carry on,
You will always remember
Carry on,
None can equal the spender
Now your life's no longer eemptyyyyyyyyy
Surely Heaven waits fooor youuuuuuuuuu
Or at least I thought I was just mouthing it until I realized that I was belting it out and everyone in view was looking at me. One probably 70ish lady was bobbing her head.