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Thread: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

  1. #1

    Default Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    Curt used to do some funny as the Dickens radio commercials photomag, and 7-11 come to mind. He was also a local actor frequently seen at the old gaslight dinner theater.

    Sadly. Curt was killed on the Delta 191 crash in August of '85.

    He was also a partner of Local personality Larry Bledsoe. Who has also passed on. I was trying to find some of his voice work that still exists but have been unable.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    I can remember him doing the Southwest Ford commercial. IIRC...wasn't his plane crash caused by violent downward wind...which after that crash the aviation industry changed safety rules on wind shear...IIRC.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    Wasn’t he the guy that did the 7-11 ads with the tag line “We got some!”? The premise was that he would show a multitude of consumer products and then say the tag (Chips, beer, pistachios, cereal, milk, corn nuts, newspapers, TV tubes, etc). I might be fuzzy, since it has been over 40 years, but wasn’t he the first “No, that’s Southwest Ford” guy?

    I think the plane crash in question was one of the biggest “ Wind Sheer” crashes in the US, and is still in the rotation in the “Air Disasters” series on the Smithsonian Channel. A piece of trivia is that I recall the daughter and son- in-law (or vice versa) of Cyd Charisse and Tony Martin were also on the flight.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    Curt's daughter was also murdered in 2000, another of the tragedies his family has experienced.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    Correct. The plane was downed by a violent microburst.

    And thanks for the reminder Southwest ford was one of his clients. Also Hook and slice golf.

    I would love to find some recordings of his work and hear that stuff again.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    Oh my, I did not know about that. I had made a cursory effort to contact some of tube organizations he had been associated with a crew years back, including Larry Bledsoe but was unable to contact ANYONE who had a clue about the man.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dob Hooligan View Post
    Wasn’t he the guy that did the 7-11 ads with the tag line “We got some!”? The premise was that he would show a multitude of consumer products and then say the tag (Chips, beer, pistachios, cereal, milk, corn nuts, newspapers, TV tubes, etc). I might be fuzzy, since it has been over 40 years, but wasn’t he the first “No, that’s Southwest Ford” guy?

    I think the plane crash in question was one of the biggest “ Wind Sheer” crashes in the US, and is still in the rotation in the “Air Disasters” series on the Smithsonian Channel. A piece of trivia is that I recall the daughter and son- in-law (or vice versa) of Cyd Charisse and Tony Martin were also on the flight.
    Yes, the downing of Delta flight 191 in Dallas on 2 Oct 1985 was the crash that brought the danger of microbursts yo the attention of the F.A.A. If I recall, 136 PEOPLE LOST THEIR LIVES THAT DAY.

    Curt had become ubiquitous in OK with his typically deadpan approach in the early 1980's. At least on par with Linda Soundtrack. His voice (just the memory) takes me right back to that time in history.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    *** I'm not speaking negative of the dead*** After reading barretted's post on Katie Schwartz being murdered... I swear I remember either a news report ( tv) or read an article on her murder and in the report I remember it was also implying ...why was this young lady in THAT part of town??? Never mind her friend lived in the area and they were forced to drive to a different location. I remember it struck me odd as to imply ... why was she there. Anyone else remember something to that effect?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cohiba View Post
    *** I'm not speaking negative of the dead*** After reading barretted's post on Katie Schwartz being murdered... I swear I remember either a news report ( tv) or read an article on her murder and in the report I remember it was also implying ...why was this young lady in THAT part of town??? Never mind her friend lived in the area and they were forced to drive to a different location. I remember it struck me odd as to imply ... why was she there. Anyone else remember something to that effect?
    Yes, I re-read the Oklahoman article and some others about the case. They were in a bad part of town, yes, and they gave a ride to someone they didn't know. Ended up killing them for no reason. Katie, if I recall, did have some struggles with addiction, however, I do not believe this was an instance where one led to the other.

    Back then, it seems, the general public treated addicts as if they deserved whatever was coming to them, and there were a lot of rumors about Katie and the circumstances surrounding her death. Ultimately, I think it was proven to be a random multiple murder.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    Does anybody have a "best guess" about anyone still around who would have copies of any of his commercials or voice work?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Does anyone recall local actor/voice over artist Curt Schwartz?

    Quote Originally Posted by whorton View Post
    Does anybody have a "best guess" about anyone still around who would have copies of any of his commercials or voice work?
    This is a real longshot, but back when my dad was in advertising, I'm thinking he might have worked with Curt, or at least they ran in the same circles. My dad used to do a lot of voice work at Garman Productions, which was run by Steve Garman. I have no idea if they would have hung to anything, or have any archives to speak of, but Garman was sold to Gossett (https://www.gossett.tv/). No idea if it's even worth looking into, but that's my only random contribution.

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