It's mind boggling to me how anyone can say that the owners have nothing to do with any of this. How come the owners of the Sonics had the blessing of Stern and the NBA to offer up 100 Million to the City of Renton, Washington for their share of a 530 Million arena, yet they are strictly forbiden from contributing a penny to OKC. Lets see the 100 Million offer to Renton was contingent on the owners recieving all of the revenue for the naming rights. Which amounted to 150-200 Million. Why can't they do that here? Oh I forgot, Ford has already paid for those rights. I would also like for someone to please explain to me the pecking order of the NBA. I know you've got your owners, you got your Bd. of Governors, and you got your Commissioner. Anyone else? If not then who controls these three groups, and who do these three groups control.
Who appoints the Gov's and who appoints the Commish? Anyone know?