Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
Comparing OU to Alabama is nuts. They are not in the same conversation. Georgia and possibly Ohio State would be. Knoxville would be a more apt comparisson
I have no idea what you are talking about. Alabama is a very successful, traditional power in College Football. They don't draw twice as many fans for home games, make 5 times a much money, or draw 3 times as many TV sets an an even comparison. I just read a story on an Alabama site that was expressing outrage that OU-Texas already had been listed as the number 1 SEC rivalry experience. I think OU-Texas is number 1 nationally, so it will be ahead of Alabama-Auburn.

I understand familiarity fatigue, as well as Big-12 fatigue. But, SEC in Norman is gonna be well regarded everywhere except Norman, IMO.

Having said that, I don't think 7 weekends a year is going to change the hospitality business in Norman. Or anywhere else.