Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
Absolutely this. I've lived here most of my life and it's become a much, much better place to live (especially within the last decade or so)... but to be frank, there's still a lot of reasons to dislike living here and it's perfectly okay to discuss those things. We can't grow and be a better, more attractive city without listening to the reasons why people might not want to live here. Some of those reasons may be out of our control, but they're still worth talking about to see if there is room for improvement somewhere.

The reasons this video comes up with are as follows:
10. Speeding tickets/speed traps
9. Lack of effective public transit/you need a car to go most places
8. Conservative politics
7. Bad schools (on average)
6. Bad weather (tornadoes, heat, etc) (also mention of earthquakes)
5. Road construction
4. Low wages/lack of support for unions (also high crime rates?)
3. Homelessness
2. Mold (???)
1. "It's boring"

Some of these I'll agree with, but some of these are either no longer relevant or weren't really an issue to begin with (unless I've been living under a rock or something?). The one thing on this list that's a big hot-button issue for me personally for a few reasons is also one we can't really talk about on here, so I won't go into any detail on that one... but 9, 7, 5, and 4 are definitely issues that sorely need to be addressed. (for 5, by that I don't necessarily mean we need less construction, we just need these projects to be completed quicker and be built to last way longer)
I will add one that is real, allergies. This is one of the worst places for allergies and that comes from my allergist.