Have to think between the improvements that will most certainly come at both Softball and Canoe sites, Thunder Arena, Soccer stadium, the 3 large towers on Uhaul site, at least 2 more hotels, all of the Okana site, and so much more these all equate to more than 2 billion in investment in OKC mostly downtown area in just 4 years. That is incredible.
Definitely goes to show how important it is to play to your strengths. The Canoe Slalom is actually more surprising than Softball if you're not on this forum and you zoom out a bit. But we created a world class facility where there wasn't a lot of competition. Softball we've been leaning into for decades and now it's paying off in a huge way.
I would really love to see the Softball hall of fame get however much money to build a compelling "Softball around the world" wing to their current facility that creates a cool experience for visitors from around the globe.
Every investment we have made in MAPS has paid off. Every one. Not a stinker in the bunch. What a trip it is and a contrast to see so many people in Norman getting all angry about the proposed arena and entertainment district, which doesn't even have a sales tax component.
These investments in ourselves have paid off by orders of magnitude. Interested to see what the "human needs" components of MAPS 4 do to change our landscape.
I should really try and make a rough tally of downtown investment since the first MAPS.
Just for perspective, before MAPS got the ball rolling, we only had ONE hotel downtown. One. And I just updated the Downtown Hotel Summary to show we now have TWENTY SEVEN with 8 more formally announced and certain more to come -- especially now.
Similar increases have happened in office, restaurants, infrastructure, entertainment and transportation, but public and private.
I hope they take the bs unearned OSU logo off the whitewater facility and put up the Olympic rings.
Would OKC be a part of Opening ceremonies or would those be in LA , then athletes fly into OKC?
This is SO awesome! FINALLY we figure out what Dallas and KC would be jealous of!!! :P
Could this fast track the second phase of Okana (aquarium…)?
Another thought: maybe this will provide the spark needed for the REHCO lots to be developed; all that primo property that sits directly between the two downtown parks.
I am very sure we'll have mini Olympic Villages at both venues; lots of tents, activities, merchandise, food and drink.
Even if you don't go to the events themselves, it will be great fun just to go hang out.
We all know the City and the people here are going to go crazy for this, just like we do anything else halfway cool.
It's fun going back to when Pete first dropped the news on social media that the Olympics were a possibility and the read the comments.
I've said for a long time at least the whitewater stuff was a done deal, and knew they were pitching hard for both rowing and softball.
I don't post things like that without a very high degree of confidence and first-hand knowledge.
There were tons of people who said things like, "This is a lie; they don't know what they are talking about." Which is very different than having a hard time believing in the possibility. Tempting to go back and tag some of those people in the latest posts.
I wonder if the new bridges for I-35 will be completed by 2028 ?
Since rowing was not included didn't know if it was pushed back ?
I know investments at the slalom and softball sites are going to be top priority, but is there any chance of additional investment for "beautification" efforts anywhere in the city? If the impression of visitors from around the world is a top priority, I feel like that would have more meaningful impact than just the view of aerial shots.
The next year will interesting. Things will have to be put in motion fast depending on how much infrastructure is projected to be needed outside the venues themselves.
That's accurate. About two years ago is when it started to get much more real. There has been a tremendous amount of work done on this project is my main point. OKC wasn't magically named as a host city, with officials now scrambling around like chickens with their heads cut off. Writing the City off as "reactive vs proactive" is incredibly insulting.
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