I don't understand what it is that you actually do daily. Can you explain it a little better.
hahahhahahahahaha does that help?
hahaha does that help explain the context, Frisky?
I know it's not an attack...but merging ***at the last minute*** is the key to saving time...because the rest of the courteous people have already merged early on..and the traffic line is long..so you can save time by going all the way to the last point where you can merge..lol I feel so bad..but oh well.it's worth it to me =)
and the traffic line is long..so you can save time by going all the way to the last point where you can merge..lol I feel so bad..but oh well.it's worth it to me =)
That may be illegal but possibly only in a construction zone.
Either way, it's not a very safe practice in my opinion. People get pretty ticked off at people who 'cut' in front of the line with no consideration for others.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Duh! The clarification was so simple. I was picturing someone running 70mph and merging into another lane that was going 70mph, not cutting in line at an offramp that had cars backed up for a half mile.
hahahahhaha nice. I always run into people like YOU. But I don't have hard feelings...I know when to pick my battles..so rather than sit there and try to fight you to get in..I just scoot up further on like several cars ahead of you and try to find my opening there. PROBLEM SOLVED plus a bag of chips because I'm even further up! woohoo...
hey 6string, if you ever see a dark silver AMG s66 drop top, just scoot on in! together we'll rule the world ten minutes at a time.
My thinking on the old merging at the last minute technique is most of the people that do it
What big event is going on at 5:30 that isn't still going on at 5:45?
Not sure why many people are in such a big hurry to get home to....Well nothing
Hell yeah I'm home at 5:30!!
My list for hurrying home:
1- Sooners are starting soon
2- Wife calls and says she is wearing lingerie (Never happens)
Rest of the time I get home when I get home...No need to hurry
So true.. it's just not worth it to rush home and endanger yourself and everyone else.. but that wisdom sometimes doesn't come until we're older.. I remember when I was younger.. I thought I was invincible and sped more than I should have ... I'm surprised I never got in an accident.
lol...Valentine's Day = Victoria Secret Gift CardWife calls and says she is wearing lingerie (Never happens)
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
I'm the person that wont let those ppl in that are trying to make it all the way till the end. I see both sides.
My personal fav is the ppl that think a yeild sign is a stop sign. Lady, just gun it, and whip it over.
speaking of transportation, does anybody have any news or knowledge about any mass transit being implemented. i thought there was something about that in the maps program?
LOL...I could totally understand reason #2. But just for the record, (and not that it helps or justifies anything) I only do this IN THE MORNING on the way to work hahahah I don't care when work lets out...I am pretty lazy and slow at 55mph on the highway when I'm off work..I actually let people in and just cruise. In the morning is a different story....I scoot my butt in at the last minute and if the person let me in and was nice about it..I wave my hand in a friendly manner. LOL If they are road-raging about it, I just ignore them and crank up my 104.1 soft rock on KMGL.
Some of mine:
1) Those who get over in the right lane at the last minute, although they aren't turning right, just so they don't have to wait behind ONE person. ridiculous.
2) In Norman, improper etiquette for the middle lane turn lane....I witness someone do this everyday: they completely stop with their nose pointing to turn but their butt is still in the other lane of traffic!! This happens A LOT in Norman and it drives me crazy, especially at like 5 or 6 p.m. when 300 other people are behind these idiots.
3) 16 year-old kids on the road in general, don't need to say more, except I stay outta their way b/c I value my life.
4) SUV/pickup trucks that act like they can do anything & anyone should yield to them simply b/c they are in a larger vehicle....not cool!!
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