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Thread: Worst Nightmare?

  1. Default Worst Nightmare?

    Misty brought this up on another thread and I decided to ask about nightmares.. hate them.

    What is your worst nightmare.. an actual 'dream' or real 'nightmare' that you have had and woke up with heart palpitations or worse?

    Mine sounds so silly now but it scared me to death at the time! I've had a few but this one, I've never forgotten!

    In my nightmare, I can't remember what I was doing but my hand was itching.

    I looked down at my hand and turned it over palm up.. and in between my index finger and my thumb on the inside of my hand ( the pad below my thumb) was a huge gaping hole (wound) in my skin and inside, a honeycomb - being made by bees in my skin... oh God! I could actually see the shapes of the crusty honeycombs in my skin.... and bees crawling around inside my hand..... aahhhggg it was so horrible!

    I'm totally creeping myself out right now. Why did I start this thread? lol
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    The other night I had a dream that Mitt Romney was stalking people over the phone. I don't remember much else.

    I have lots of nightmares about spiders, snakes, and other creepy crawlies, and people trying to kill me or my family.

    Last year I had three nightmares, three nights in a row, and all of them included either my death or the death of many others around me. In one, my mom and I drove off a mountain in Greece; another I was on a plane that was out of control on the ground and was beheading people (must have been a small plane) and the last one my mother in law was driving and we drove off the bridge at lake arcadia and drowned...in my dream it was arcadia but it was bigger and deeper.
    Still corrupting young minds

  3. #3

    Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    You guys are weirding me out.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I sometimes dream that packs of ferocious wild dogs are chasing me.

    When I was much, much younger I had a reoccurring dream that I fell into a Grand Canyon type ravine. I had that dream so many times that I found I could control some aspects of it, like using my hands and feet against the dirt wall to slow my descent or grab onto a small bush growing out of the face of the dirt wall. The bush grab never worked out though, it would always pull out or I would hang there until I couldn’t hold on any longer, at which point I would continue the fall again.

    The legend that states; “If you dream you are falling from a deadly height and hit the ground, you will die.” isn’t true. I hit the bottom many times and would just wake up with a jolt.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I also once dreamt I witnessed a person jumping from what looked like a steel railroad trestle jutting from the side of a tall building. The mystery person landed in a dark pond the surface of which looked like water, but shattered like glass. Three days later someone told me about a weird incident they had observed in Downtown OKC where a person (to my knowledge a total stranger to me) committed suicide by jumping off a metal walkway between two buildings and landing on a car’s windshield.

  6. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    My dreams are all very dark and disturbing. I die quite frequently and am chased or frantically trying to get somewhere most of the time. My cat talks in my dreams and is in a lot of them with me. He has a funny little voice, it's weird. The first time he spoke in a dream to me I was carrying him and running and he said "hold me closer because I'm scared" lol.

    About 12 years ago I was living in Texas and dreamt the lotto numbers. I clearly remembered them and while sitting in a gas station parking lot I thought "I should go buy a ticket" but I was in a hurry to get to College Station for the Candlebox concert...and...no joke...those exact numbers won. I was so upset for not buying a ticket. That's why I don't play anymore, I missed my chance.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    How do you know you are dead in your dreams?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    Misty, I am beginning to see that you are a truly dark and mysterious person. ( I'm trying to be nice and not say creepy, jk)

    My worst recurring nightmare occurs every May. I dream I'm back in Stillwater and it's finals week and I have not attended a single class all year and all of my classes moved during the year and I've lost my schedule and basically everything goes wrong and I'm not going to graduate and get that fancy job with the big firm (overrated anyway). Or I do my graduation check and found out I never passed fifth grade and have to go back and take all of Sr Agatha's classes over again.

  9. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I just remembered another nightmare... I'm driving along on a dark freeway and take an off ramp to exit... I'm driving up and go really high, higher than any normal freeway would ever go and curving around the bend....... when all of the sudden there is no more freeway.. (road construction or something) and I fly off the edge. I always wake up in a panic before I hit the road below though ( I think ).

    I'm not going to sleep tonight.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I do my graduation check and found out I never passed
    Yes! Oh my goodness... I dream about that too! For me, it's always not having enough math credits to graduate! Which is so strange because I loved Algebra and got straight A's... but I hated Geometry.. maybe that's it?

    I wonder what those types of dreams mean?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    A recurring dream during childhood used to really bother me. It had no images in it at all, just total blackness, like being locked in a dark closet, except you could hear loud, threatening breathing, like some kind of monster was "in there" with me. When I'd awaken, I was always terrified.

    I also dream in extraordinary detail, especially when it comes to faces, and yet I am terrible with details in reality. Who knew? I often dream about people I have never seen, so I always wonder how my brain made up a new face.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    I just remembered another nightmare... I'm driving along on a dark freeway and take an off ramp to exit... I'm driving up and go really high, higher than any normal freeway would ever go and curving around the bend....... when all of the sudden there is no more freeway.. (road construction or something) and I fly off the edge. I always wake up in a panic before I hit the road below though ( I think ).

    I'm not going to sleep tonight.
    I have a variation of that dream except I am driving up a hill so steep that my car flips over backward and then the dream ends. I assume that means I died.

  13. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    You people are messed up!

  14. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I sometimes have dreams that involve me not being able to do anything: Something scary happens, I try to run away, and I don't get anywhere; or I'm holding a basketball, but I can't shoot it because it's so heavy.

    I read somewhere that your brain partially shuts down your muscles when you sleep, so that probably explains it.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    Mostly just control freaks. These are almost all variations on the fear of loss of control.

    The cat dream is interesting. It kind of depends on what you subconsciously think of your cat, whether he is a symbol of friendship or something else.

    The lotto number dream is even more interesting. Please tell me the numbers were 4 8 15 16 23 42. ;-)

    From what I understand death dreams are usually your subconscious trying to tell you about a desire for change of some kind.

  16. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I often dream about people I have never seen, so I always wonder how my brain made up a new face.
    wow.. I've always wondered the same thing about fear... I mean, when I was little, after a nightmare, I was completely terrified, paralyzed with fear .. but I'd never really been terrified like that in real life or had a reason to be .. how did I know to feel that in my dream or what made me feel that way, instinct, survival mode, adrenaline? This has always intrigued me.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  17. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    Mostly just control freaks. These are almost all variations on the fear of loss of control.
    How do you explain a honeycomb imbedded in your hand? I hate to even think about it. It's so real and vivid.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?


    I agree. Most of my nightmares are about losing control, or not feeling like I ever have control, and that's how I feel most of the time when I'm awake so it makes perfect sense

    I read somewhere once that spiders are supposed to mean good luck.

    My sister had a lot of dreams where she lost her teeth when she was younger! I have a lot of dreams about shopping. Often for groceries. I don't have recurring dreams, just recurring themes.
    Still corrupting young minds

  19. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    The only recurring dream I've ever had is one where I'm on a game show winning like mad. Because every time I smack that buzzer, I get like $10,000. I'm always up about fifty grand when the phone rings and wakes me up. "Mike, you coming to work today?" So I jump out of bed, throw on the nearest pair of trousers, and head out the door...All angry that I overslept because I thought my snooze button was winning me money.

    It's usually when I'm about halfway to work, stewing to myself about oversleeping when I finally wake up all the way and realize that not only am I late for work....I also don't have $50,000 in winnings.

    I've had this dream like 3 times in my life. Good thing too...I don't think my heart would take it if I lost that much money every time I woke up.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I actually hate great dreams that aren't true more than nightmares. It's terrible to wake up with a great feeling because something wonderful has happened, and then realize it didn't. I can wake myself up in the middle of a nightmare. If it's bad enough, my brain does this "why are you putting up with this terror, wake up!" thing and I can get out of a really scary dream. So I don't mind them all that much. I've had the "realize it's time for a final exam and you never went to class or bought the book" dream, and I've also had the "planned to drop a class, forgot to do the paperwork and now it's time for the final" dream. I hate dreams where you're being chased by people trying to kill you, and I hate airplane crash dreams, although I always survive the crash.

  21. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I had a dream the other night that George W. Bush was re-elected for a third term.

    Now, THAT'S scarry!

  22. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    Oof...THAT'S a doozy.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    How do you explain a honeycomb imbedded in your hand? I hate to even think about it. It's so real and vivid.
    What's been bugging you and getting under your skin? :-)

    I've found that sometimes my dreams are cute word plays like the one above. If that's not it ask yourself what symbolism a bee's honeycomb might have to you. Is it a symbol of sweets, engineering, insects, etc. to you?

  24. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I once was stung by a bee twice in one week.. the first time it got my hand and it hurt like crazy.. a few days later, a bee was buzzing around my face and instead of ignoring it ( since i had just been stung.. I was afraid) I started running around and swatting at it.. needless to say, it stung me in the upper lip!

    I ended up in the emergency room with half of my entire face so swollen the skin couldn't stretch anymore.. I looked like a tomato.. it was horrible.. so maybe that's it.... a fear of bees.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  25. Default Re: Worst Nightmare?

    I have an intense fear of things with stingers too, Karrie.

    I can't recall a specific awful dream at this point, but I think it's interesting that I've actually been able to re-enter a dream after having been woken up. Like if it's a good dream and somebody/thing wakes me up, if I go back to sleep pretty quick, I can go back to that dream.

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