Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
My guess is the Southmoore and Westmoore home sides are going to look the same based on the way the press boxes look. But at Westmoore, i think the only way they can do it is if they remove the track. Otherwise there's no home side stands. The fact they haven't taken that out yet (even though i mean how could you have kids still using it so close to a construction zone in May), it makes me think they are going to rip out the old track stands in favor of a new away side. But maybe that comes later?

I do not know the capacities but high school sports in general are not as well attended as they used to be. And when Southmoore split off, it took part of the crows for both Moore and Westmoore with it. My guess it that they will be in the 4-5k range and that depends on the size of the away stands. And the away sides always could stand to be a bit smaller than they are for most games. But when there are events like the Moore band contest (MOMFest), the finals bands sit over there while waiting for massing and do a pretty dang good job of filling it up.

But neither of the new ones will have the height of the Moore one. Same thing happened with Putnam City and with Edmond. You won't be seeing Union or BA sized stadiums in OKC. Not that they fill theirs for most games either, but we don't build to keep up with the Jones' like they do.

There's a lot to do with these things, but then again, you can throw up a lego erector set grandstand of seating in a few weeks. The field can go about as fast, and they can happen at the same time. So really, we could see the last weeks in July where we go from slow to DONE in no time. They must feel very optimistic about it, or they wouldn't have done the Moore High field work already.
The Westmoore stadium is not going where the current track field is. It's going to the north next to the apartment complex.