I'll be voting yes...

Basically, if you ask anyone in the world where are the yankees from? New york
Where are the "lakers" from? Los Angles Ask ppl in china where Yao Ming plays? Houston...

To me it brings name recognition to the city and state. My personal thought is we say no to this, we are saying no to anything else big. I would give the city a 10% of getting anything other than double A, CHL, etc league play. No one cares about a CHL title, or a triple A league championship. Yeah I would be very happy but does it get talked about on ESPN? Just think if the Hornets were still here. They have the best record in the league this year. The Ford center would be a sell out every game. I know there are alot of behind the door dealings with this vote. And yes the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, but such is life.