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View Poll Results: How will you die?

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  • Heart Attack

    4 25.00%
  • Cancer

    3 18.75%
  • Diabetes

    0 0%
  • I'll catch a flu; a bad one, obviously.

    1 6.25%
  • The way I drive, I'm going to die behind the wheel, unless I forget to buckle up that day.

    2 12.50%
  • With my luck, I'll be shot for sure.

    1 6.25%
  • Septicemia. Whatever that is, it sounds bad.

    2 12.50%
  • Die? I can't die! I won't die!

    2 12.50%
  • Have you heard of some named Kavorkian?

    2 12.50%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: How will you die?

  1. Default Re: How will you die?

    Quote Originally Posted by zuluwarrior0760 View Post
    I wanna be executed and then be acquitted by DNA testing
    What's the point of that? It hasn't worked yet.

  2. Default Re: How will you die?

    I was waiting for someone to explain that to me as well. Of course, it's one o clock in the morning .. and I can't think straight nor do I want to.. but what does that mean?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. Default Re: How will you die?

    I'm pretty sure that it means that by getting executed by the state only to be proven innocent after the fact...It would somehow give people pause about the death penalty and it would be taken off the table as a punishment option for all the rest of mankind. Or to put it shortly...Taking one for the team.

    And like I said...It hasn't worked yet. Quite a few innocent folks have unjustly met their untimely demise at the hands of the government and it's not changed many minds to this point.

  4. #29

    Default Re: How will you die?

    Quote Originally Posted by zuluwarrior0760 View Post
    I wanna be executed and then be acquitted by DNA testing
    Would that be lawyer malpractice? Or does that even exist? Could you sue if it turns out your lawyer was shooting heroine?

  5. #30

    Default Re: How will you die?

    i'm sure your lawyer would be in big trouble for shooting a heroine.

    ...and for shooting heroin.

    in any event, there are many factors that can lead to an innocent person being convicted of a crime... it doesn't necessarily mean that his attorney wasn't representing him to the best of his ability. so... it could be a situation of legal malpractice but wouldn't necessarily be so.


  6. Default Re: How will you die?

    I knew at the break of dawn, it would all make more sense.. believe it or not at about 3am I realized what it was all about... lol

    But thank you, when having a blonde moment, it's always good to have OGTS's take on things to clear it all up for me!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. Default Re: How will you die?

    It's dark, I enter the bathroom and it's dim and cold. I feel him behind me. I turn around, he smiles and shoots me twice. One bullet in my chest and one in my thigh. I fall into the bathtub and watch the blood pour out of me. He stands over me, still smiling and puts his finger in the bullet wound in my thigh. I scream and he leaves. I get really cold, I don't know how much time passes. I stand up, look in the mirror and realize I'm dead. I start laughing a manical, shrill laugh.....then I wake up and I'm really screaming.

    That was a real dream I had years ago. Freaky.

  8. Default Re: How will you die?

    Misty, now, I'm scared to go to sleep, guess what I'll be dreaming about tonight? lol

    That's a crazy nightmare! I'm starting a new thread...
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. #34

    Default Re: How will you die?

    I hope to die, kissing my soon to be wife, watchin OU football drinking a labatts beer.

  10. #35

    Default Re: How will you die?

    I'm dying now from this golden trophy flu that some lovely person in norman gave to me and my entire band. I think it's called the plague. It feels like death.

  11. Default Re: How will you die?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chefdavies View Post
    I hope to die, kissing my soon to be wife, watchin OU football drinking a labatts beer.
    Wasn't that actually a super bowl commercial?

  12. Default Re: How will you die?

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    my entire band....it's called the plague. It feels like death.
    Great band name!

  13. #38

    Default Re: How will you die?

    Obviously from what ever event it will be from heart stoppage, the number 1 killer of americans

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