If you haven't been lately, well 240 is ripped up east of 35 now. Merged all to the westbound lanes. It's a real mess getting through there now with traffic swerving back and forth.

I can also see that they are starting on the new rail bridge. Some of the columns are in on the north side.

They are doing the prep work for drainage/etc on the east bound side so they can get to starting on the surface. I would imagine that they can do quite a bit of it while the train bridge is being worked on and then sort of fill-in after the old one is torn down.

There's really not much of anything happening anywhere else though. Maybe this section of 240 needs to be built with the new alignment before they start working on bridges over 35?

Like I said, it's slow progress, but right now it is steady progress. Better than it had been for several years. I only hope that when they do this section, they do a better job of it than they did on the western half of 240. That road is bumpier than the old one was....and you could see it was going to be from the crappy grading the did before they laid the asphalt down. I do not understand how jobs like that get approved by the state! Not to mention they never stained any of the concrete walls and they look like total crap.