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Thread: Mission BBQ

  1. #26

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    If you truly love this country, volunteer yourself. Armed Forces, Peace Corps, VISTA, etc.
    Yes I did 4 years voluntarily myself.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by The View Post
    It’s not patriotism. The anthem at noon? It’s performative. And to salute TVs? Disgusting.
    Why on earth is that "disgusting?"

    There's a flag waving on the TVs, which is presumably where the national anthem is being played. That's generally acceptable when it comes to where to face/salute during the national anthem, regardless of whether there's a physical flag in the room. It's like being at an OU game when the color guard is on the field and they're raising a flag in the south endzone. You can face either during the national anthem and that's okay. In this case since it's almost as if a flag ceremony is taking place, the one waving on the screen might actually be the more correct one to salute.

    I'm pretty patriotic and still think this is a little weird/uncomfortable (especially playing it every day at noon...seems like more of a "start or end the day" type thing if you're going to do it) but there's hardly anything "disgusting" about it. If you don't like it, you can choose another lunch BBQ spot. There are plenty of better ones (I'm assuming) around the city that don't play the national anthem at all (The pride of the state park system, Swadley's, right down the road!).

  3. #28

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake View Post
    Feels like a cutaway gag in an episode of Family Guy/American Dad!
    LOL this was my first thought.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by MagzOK View Post
    I find this ritual weird also, but what I find more disturbing are all these negative posts about a company's patriotism. Nobody should ever be ashamed or made fun of for being patriotic or for their love of their country.

    Agreed. That's definitely the more "disgusting" sentiment of those being expressed here.

    And one of the best things about this country is that if you don't like they way they do business, you're completely free to take your business elsewhere to one of many other similar businesses nearby or go to this business at sometime other than between the long hours of 12:00 and 12:03.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    It's called a gimmick. People only stand up and salute because it's been drilled into their head to do it every timed it's played. There are a lot of silly rituals with customer products if you think about it. People will get into arguments over certain brands.

  6. Default Re: Mission BBQ

    I am as patriotic as they come, and I find this forced and weird. I mean, if the anthem is on a tv for like the Super Bowl, I actually will stand in my own house while I watch it, but to do it just like ritually at noon at some random restaurant seems strange. C'mon, let's just be normal, please. We can all love our country and also just be normal, right?

  7. #32

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    I guess you can always take a knee if you don't like the Anthem in this context...

  8. #33

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    I may be the odd guy out for I usually avoid places that passively or aggressively subject me to their beliefs out in places where is isn't connected to the business. I go to a restaurant to eat...not be subjected to politics, religion, etc. This is whether I agree or not. It is out of place. There is a hamburger place in OKC that brands Trump on its burgers before they serve them. Will never darken their door (and it wouldn't matter if it said Biden). Their business and they can do what they want but I can also not give them my business. I never understood why a business would want to do anything to run off even a small percentage of customers. I will put a campaign sign in front of my house but would never do it in front of my business.

    In the same vein, several years ago, i was looking for a hot tub repair guy. He actually had on his business facebook page that if he pulled up and saw a Biden flag or bumper sticker at your house, he would turn around and would not provide any services to you.. GOP dollars and Democratic dollars are all green and spend the same. (Not eliciting any political statements about either party or candidate as it a political comment but a comment on letting your beliefs get int he way of making money)

  9. #34

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    I don't think its smart business one way or the other.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Playing the national anthem is not "patriotism", it's marketing.

    The marketing is obviously working on some people though.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Smh ........

  12. #37

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Will Dearborn View Post
    Playing the national anthem is not "patriotism", it's marketing.

    The marketing is obviously working on some people though.
    The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Do you know the owners personally? Have they expressed to you that they aren’t doing it because they love the US and want that to show through how all their locations are run? Have they told you that they don’t actually care about veterans and that it’s just a marketing gimmick to get business?

    On its face, it would seem dumb to do something only for marketing purposes at every one of your restaurants when it apparently bothers a reasonable percentage of potential customers. Again, I’m not sure why something they do to show support for our country that last for at most 3 minutes of the day is bad regardless (they aren’t out there putting down other people our countries…just promoting their own)…if you don’t love them doing it but otherwise like their food/service…just don’t go at that time.

    Based on the fact that they donate and raise a bunch of money for a lot of organizations supporting veterans, their veterans, policemen, firemen, first responders and their families…. It seems like they walk the walk as well. Could be a bunch of lying hypocrites just doing it for the money but it sure doesn’t seem like it at first glance: https://mission-bbq.com/giving-back/

  13. #38

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    I may be the odd guy out for I usually avoid places that passively or aggressively subject me to their beliefs out in places where is isn't connected to the business. I go to a restaurant to eat...not be subjected to politics, religion, etc. This is whether I agree or not. It is out of place. There is a hamburger place in OKC that brands Trump on its burgers before they serve them. Will never darken their door (and it wouldn't matter if it said Biden). Their business and they can do what they want but I can also not give them my business. I never understood why a business would want to do anything to run off even a small percentage of customers. I will put a campaign sign in front of my house but would never do it in front of my business.

    In the same vein, several years ago, i was looking for a hot tub repair guy. He actually had on his business facebook page that if he pulled up and saw a Biden flag or bumper sticker at your house, he would turn around and would not provide any services to you.. GOP dollars and Democratic dollars are all green and spend the same. (Not eliciting any political statements about either party or candidate as it a political comment but a comment on letting your beliefs get int he way of making money)
    Agree. I do primarily oil and gas work but also now have a pretty reasonable renewable client base. While I don’t necessarily believe in everything they’re doing (at least with current technology) or the reasons they’re doing it…I don’t drag their projects or reject them…money is money and regardless of their political leanings, they’re all great people…would be dumb to mess that up over minor differences.

    Though while I haven’t read up that much on this company, I didn’t think playing the national anthem at noon everyday, weird as it may seem, is a political statement unless there’s something else in their marketing that states their political leanings.

  14. Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by MagzOK View Post
    I find this ritual weird also, but what I find more disturbing are all these negative posts about a company's patriotism. Nobody should ever be ashamed or made fun of for being patriotic or for their love of their country.

    This reminds me more of Sooner fans yelling Boomer........... Sooner. Also, when a certain group of people will stop talking and sing that annoying Journey song in a bar. To me, it is more like programming than patriotism.

  15. Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Why on earth is that "disgusting?"

    There's a flag waving on the TVs, which is presumably where the national anthem is being played. That's generally acceptable when it comes to where to face/salute during the national anthem, regardless of whether there's a physical flag in the room. It's like being at an OU game when the color guard is on the field and they're raising a flag in the south endzone. You can face either during the national anthem and that's okay. In this case since it's almost as if a flag ceremony is taking place, the one waving on the screen might actually be the more correct one to salute.

    I'm pretty patriotic and still think this is a little weird/uncomfortable (especially playing it every day at noon...seems like more of a "start or end the day" type thing if you're going to do it) but there's hardly anything "disgusting" about it. If you don't like it, you can choose another lunch BBQ spot. There are plenty of better ones (I'm assuming) around the city that don't play the national anthem at all (The pride of the state park system, Swadley's, right down the road!).
    I get what you are saying, but it is astonishing to me how far we have come from just a flag. There are U.S. Codes for respecting a flag, and many of the people who claim to be patriots and love this country usually break every one of those codes of respect. They will literally have a flag swimsuit, polo shirt, or worse. They will put people like Rambo or Trump on the flag. They will then salute those flags. I think some patriotic people would find it hard to salute a TV over a real flag. This is just my opinion.

  16. Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Will Dearborn View Post
    Playing the national anthem is not "patriotism", it's marketing.

    The marketing is obviously working on some people though.
    As a Marketing consultant, I totally agree with this. It actually breaks the U.S. Code for Respect of the Flag.

    (I) "The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever."

  17. #42

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    Agree. I do primarily oil and gas work but also now have a pretty reasonable renewable client base. While I don’t necessarily believe in everything they’re doing (at least with current technology) or the reasons they’re doing it…I don’t drag their projects or reject them…money is money and regardless of their political leanings, they’re all great people…would be dumb to mess that up over minor differences.

    Though while I haven’t read up that much on this company, I didn’t think playing the national anthem at noon everyday, weird as it may seem, is a political statement unless there’s something else in their marketing that states their political leanings.
    Playing a political song is absolutely a political statement. I think part of the issue here is that people take the word "political" to mean "bad," which it isn't. Patriotism is inherently a political feeling, but that doesn't mean it's a *negative* feeling.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    I have a hard enough time sitting and standing as it is. Ain't no way I want to stop chowing down on my hot & fatty brisket sandwich and baked beans so's I can stand at attention and look at a TV for 3 minutes. All the while rubbing BBQ sauce on the front of my shirt, over my heart.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieBerto View Post
    I get what you are saying, but it is astonishing to me how far we have come from just a flag. There are U.S. Codes for respecting a flag, and many of the people who claim to be patriots and love this country usually break every one of those codes of respect. They will literally have a flag swimsuit, polo shirt, or worse. They will put people like Rambo or Trump on the flag. They will then salute those flags. I think some patriotic people would find it hard to salute a TV over a real flag. This is just my opinion.
    I understand what you're saying as well though I don't think any of that is actually against the flag code as long as it isn't done with an actual american flag. I'm an Eagle Scout and ran all of my troops' color guard, flag ceremonies, and flag retirement ceremonies so it's been awhile but we had the flag code drilled into us pretty hard while active in Boy Scouts (though I'll admit, I'm rusty on it). Obviously that's not the same as being in the military but the BSA abides by the same flag code and most of our Scout Masters while I was there were ex-military or reserves (including one adult leader who was a General down at Fort Sill) so we had pretty knowledgeable folks advising us on it.

    Though obviously different than a flag on a polo, we were taught that you could salute the flag patch on one of the scouts uniforms if we didn't have one on hand during the pledge of allegiance at the start of a meeting.

    All of that to say, the flag code is strict, but not near as strict as some think it is.

  20. Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    I understand what you're saying as well though I don't think any of that is actually against the flag code as long as it isn't done with an actual american flag. I'm an Eagle Scout and ran all of my troops' color guard, flag ceremonies, and flag retirement ceremonies so it's been awhile but we had the flag code drilled into us pretty hard while active in Boy Scouts (though I'll admit, I'm rusty on it). Obviously that's not the same as being in the military but the BSA abides by the same flag code and most of our Scout Masters while I was there were ex-military or reserves (including one adult leader who was a General down at Fort Sill) so we had pretty knowledgeable folks advising us on it.

    Though obviously different than a flag on a polo, we were taught that you could salute the flag patch on one of the scouts uniforms if we didn't have one on hand during the pledge of allegiance at the start of a meeting.

    All of that to say, the flag code is strict, but not near as strict as some think it is.
    I'm also an Eagle Scout, and I did all of the same things as you. I don't think this act is patriotic, and I would hate it if someone suggested I stop before I start eating to recite a prayer. I know we all have our opinions, but anything like this makes me think the owner is suggesting that if a patron does not stand for the National Anthem, they are unpatriotic.

    In the flag code, an American flag patch or a lapel pin are accepted as respectful versions of the flag. I really don't need any business to tell me about their political or religious ideology. The only thing they respect is cash.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by PoliSciGuy View Post
    Playing a political song is absolutely a political statement. I think part of the issue here is that people take the word "political" to mean "bad," which it isn't. Patriotism is inherently a political feeling, but that doesn't mean it's a *negative* feeling.
    I disagree with it being a "political statement" unless their intention is to use it that way. I don't get the sense that it is here but hell, maybe it is...hard to tell without actually knowing the intention behind it.

    Political Statement: "We listen to the national anthem here everyday at noon and if you don't like it, get the F out! You there, still sitting down...relinquish your BBQ and take your unpatriotic a** out the door! O'DOYLE RULES!"

    Not a Political Statement: "We do this every day at noon to honor the sacrifices made by veterans, police, fire, first responders, etc. Feel free to stand and join us if you'd like to."

    Never been there in person, have no idea how they do it, but it seems like the situation is more the latter than the former and in that case...if someone there is not demanding that you stand up/making rude passive aggressive comments, etc and you just feel like you're being judged for not doing it...that's on you, not them.

    To me, patriotism/love for your country supersedes politics. I'm just so disgusted by the state of politics, politicians, both political parties, and the government in general (no matter who wins this fall) that it's becoming easier and easier to make that distinction in my mind but can also see your point on it.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieBerto View Post
    I'm also an Eagle Scout, and I did all of the same things as you. I don't think this act is patriotic, and I would hate it if someone suggested I stop before I start eating to recite a prayer. I know we all have our opinions, but anything like this makes me think the owner is suggesting that if a patron does not stand for the National Anthem, they are unpatriotic.

    In the flag code, an American flag patch or a lapel pin are accepted as respectful versions of the flag. I really don't need any business to tell me about their political or religious ideology. The only thing they respect is cash.
    First off, that's bad ass that you're also an Eagle Scout.

    Religion vs Patriotism...not really the same thing. We all live in the same country, but don't observe the same religion (and some don't observe any religion)... but regardless the Thunder asks the crowd to pause before the game for a prayer and the national anthem. Does that bother you and if so, what do you do during that part of the pregame? (if you don't go to games, then bad example lol) I've always thought the pregame prayer was a little much but a lot of fans really like it so that one minute of my night doesn't bother me.

    Have you been there? Do you know that's how they treat it or do you just feel that way because you assume they do?

    For one, it could of course be completely inflated but they seem to make fairly substantial donations to veteran, police, fire and first responder charities. If all they cared about was cash...would they do those things?

    And again, what is political about the playing the national anthem one time a day for under 3 minutes and building a restaurant around tributes to and support of veterans, etc?

    One the flag code, yes...that's why I made the distinction between patches vs an american flag on a polo. I figure people saluting swimsuits and towels are too drunk to know the difference but it isn't against the flag code to create things that look like the flag as long as they are not created "with" the flag.

  23. Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    First off, that's bad ass that you're also an Eagle Scout.

    Religion vs Patriotism...not really the same thing. We all live in the same country, but don't observe the same religion (and some don't observe any religion)... but regardless the Thunder asks the crowd to pause before the game for a prayer and the national anthem. Does that bother you and if so, what do you do during that part of the pregame? (if you don't go to games, then bad example lol) I've always thought the pregame prayer was a little much but a lot of fans really like it so that one minute of my night doesn't bother me.

    Have you been there? Do you know that's how they treat it or do you just feel that way because you assume they do?

    For one, it could of course be completely inflated but they seem to make fairly substantial donations to veteran, police, fire and first responder charities. If all they cared about was cash...would they do those things?

    And again, what is political about the playing the national anthem one time a day for under 3 minutes and building a restaurant around tributes to and support of veterans, etc?

    One the flag code, yes...that's why I made the distinction between patches vs an american flag on a polo. I figure people saluting swimsuits and towels are too drunk to know the difference but it isn't against the flag code to create things that look like the flag as long as they are not created "with" the flag.
    To get back to the food discussion, because I know Pete would like to keep the politics to a minimum on here, I would say that no matter how I feel about this act, I will still try their food. I love BBQ and have no problem supporting a business that gives to veterans, etc. No, I do not like prayer at any sporting event because even in OKC, we have many different types of religious people, and that prayer is 99% always a Christian prayer. I do not salute the flag at the games, either. I stand, but I reserve the right to be patriotic how I see fit. No patriotism should be compelled patriotism.

    When Mission opens, I will share photos of the food and give an honest opinion about the food and the service. I might actually love it.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Does any chain restaurant that offers all items at all times have good BBQ?

    They all seem the same to me and not in the same universe as the batch sell-until-its-gone places.

  25. Default Re: Mission BBQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Does any chain restaurant that offers all items at all times have good BBQ?

    They all seem the same to me and not in the same universe as the batch sell-until-its-gone places.
    I have not found one yet.

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