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Thread: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

  1. #51

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    You can see they are moving dirt in the NW and SE corners -- image is looking due east:

    Glad this is getting started! Great shots!

    I think Stephens & Johnson are drilling as many wells as they can there before construction gets into full bore. Basically had a drilling rig in that area continuously for 7 months.

  2. #52

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    I may be one of the only ones here with this opinion, but this is (along with U-Haul lot) is the development I'm looking forward to most, when it comes to watching it develop. I want a lot more industrial (especially manufacturing) development, and this development is simply huge.

  3. #53

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Drove by it today. Seems like they are still pushing dirt around like in the photo above.

  4. #54

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Quote Originally Posted by rtz View Post
    Drove by it today. Seems like they are still pushing dirt around like in the photo above.
    Yeah, unfortunately, ground prep takes a long time. I drive by there from time to time to see the progress because I'm anxious to see this huge development unfold.

  5. Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    You can't see much, mostly just dirt piles slowly building up.

    The Locke area is probably the most visible at 89th/Bryant. It's starting to form into something.

    There is a pile of roof beams sitting visible from 240, but it's not near anything so i dont know if they are just putting Locke's stuff there to keep it out of the way (a mile away) or what the deal is there.

    OG&E and ONG have been doing a LOT of prep work all over the place. Some is more conspicuous than others (like the pipe that's 10ft in the air at 89th/Eastern.

  6. Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    You can't see much, mostly just dirt piles slowly building up.

    The Locke area is probably the most visible at 89th/Bryant. It's starting to form into something.

    There is a pile of roof beams sitting visible from 240, but it's not near anything so i dont know if they are just putting Locke's stuff there to keep it out of the way (a mile away) or what the deal is there.

    OG&E and ONG have been doing a LOT of prep work all over the place. Some is more conspicuous than others (like the pipe that's 10ft in the air at 89th/Eastern.

  7. #57

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Any updates on this?

  8. #58

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Any updates on this?
    They are moving quickly. Building roads, there is a building going up at 89th and Bryant, as well. It's moving.

  9. #59

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Nice, haven't been that way in a while, so I was wondering. Might drive by this weekend for a view.

  10. #60

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Nice, haven't been that way in a while, so I was wondering. Might drive by this weekend for a view.
    Give it a year, and it will be completely different. Hopefully it draws some restaurants that way.

  11. Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    I thought it was an industrial park - not retail?

  12. #62

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I thought it was an industrial park - not retail?
    It is. But I'm hoping with all the workers, that a few restaurants may follow. I live down near there.

  13. #63

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    It looks like they are well along on the building for Locke:

  14. Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Let me just say, the Locke building is turning out to be absolutely MASSIVE. It's hard to really do the size of it justice on this map. But you can see that it's about 1/2 mile long. They keep adding more and more slab as they work westward. I think the finally have gotten to the end of it, but that is a LOT of warehouse.

    What I am a little disappointed in, but also absolutely not surprised about, is that the removed the office buildings from the plans. There could have been a good push for some of the folks related to Tinker, but there really also isn't a shortage of space around the Mid-Del area right now for that use. But it would have been nice to bring the area up a bit from just warehouses and docks.

    I do also appreciate that they decided to not have any entrances off of 89th. That will keep that VERY residential 2-lane road, just that.

    Now if U or H could just please be a gas station! That new Express and Quicktrip are the wrong direction for me a lot of the time. But H...well that would be lovely And the thousands of people that take that Eastern/240 ramp for their commute say so too.

  15. #65

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Let me just say, the Locke building is turning out to be absolutely MASSIVE. It's hard to really do the size of it justice on this map. But you can see that it's about 1/2 mile long. They keep adding more and more slab as they work westward. I think the finally have gotten to the end of it, but that is a LOT of warehouse.

    What I am a little disappointed in, but also absolutely not surprised about, is that the removed the office buildings from the plans. There could have been a good push for some of the folks related to Tinker, but there really also isn't a shortage of space around the Mid-Del area right now for that use. But it would have been nice to bring the area up a bit from just warehouses and docks.

    I do also appreciate that they decided to not have any entrances off of 89th. That will keep that VERY residential 2-lane road, just that.

    Now if U or H could just please be a gas station! That new Express and Quicktrip are the wrong direction for me a lot of the time. But H...well that would be lovely And the thousands of people that take that Eastern/240 ramp for their commute say so too.
    Edit. Misread the comment.

  16. #66

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    OnCue has purchased 7 acres on the NW corner of this project; on the SE corner of I-240 and Eastern.

    They have already submitted preliminary plans.

  17. #67

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Of course they did, OnCue is oversaturating the market. There is already one a mile down the road at I-240 and Sooner Rd...SMH.

  18. #68

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Of course they did, OnCue is oversaturating the market. There is already one a mile down the road at I-240 and Sooner Rd...SMH.
    There's nothing wrong with another a mile away. Especially here, where you have thousands of people living nearby, what will be thousands working, and no gas station.

  19. #69

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Eastern is 3 miles from Sooner, not 1.

  20. #70

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Of course they did, OnCue is oversaturating the market. There is already one a mile down the road at I-240 and Sooner Rd...SMH.
    I hate to tell you this, but go to Tulsa. See how QT has them LITERALLY a mile apart. They aren't even close to oversaturating the market. No gas stations anywhere on Bryamt or Eastern near this location.

  21. #71

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    And if they didn't build one there, someone else would have. QT, Casey's, etc. Again, to Chris' point, you will have thousands of people going to work in that area each day and hundreds of houses directly south of 89th that would utilize that.

    And, it is on the south side of the highway, not the north side, which makes a difference for people traveling, at least it does for me.

  22. #72

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    I've never seen an OnCue that wasn't very busy.

    They seem to know what they are doing.

  23. #73

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    The new On Cue at SW 104th and I 44 is just a mile north of the on cue at SW119 and I44. Both stay very busy.

  24. #74

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    They have one at 36th and May and are building one at Expressway and May, about a mile and a half apart. They will both be very busy as well.

  25. #75

    Default Re: OKC 577 Industrial Reserve

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    The new On Cue at SW 104th and I 44 is just a mile north of the on cue at SW119 and I44. Both stay very busy.
    When they have two relatively close together, they usually are on the opposite sides of the same major road, to make it easier to capture customers traveling in both directions.

    Many examples, including NW 63rd & NW Expressway and then Wilshire & NW Ex.

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