Quote Originally Posted by kukblue1 View Post
Yes and no Does show line of storms around the metro at midnight but also keeps trying to form storms in Western Oklahoma all afternoon. They look like little tiny storms but the signal is there that's its trying tor form storms. One by Woodward 1 pm, Another small blimp 5pm far western Oklahoma on i-40
Those are high elevation storms throughout the day. Basically, there’s a ton of energy and moisture with limited cap expected so it’s easy for those storms to fire. The high res NAM fires storms pretty much just west of the city. It’s easy to look at that and say it will line out and not be a problem. If you look close, there are dozens of individual supercells, and they’re going to go up spinning given the atmosphere parameters. The models don’t show massive super cells that stay isolated for a long time but I’m willing to bet the several of those small individual storms drop tornadoes before lining out just east of the city.