Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
The thing about Winco is they have tons of employees there at all hours. Tons of people stocking and baking and working in the deli... I bet I saw at least 20 of them tonight.

And 2 flipping checkers and no self checkout. Just a horrendously poorly run store. Makes me angry because I really like the place and want to shop there.

If they are having such a hard time staffing their stores, they should cut back from 24/7 and concentrate the people they do have into hours when customers are actually shopping.
Sprouts is having this problem, but they do keep the self-checkout open. Went in one time and that's all there were, and no damn way was I going to scan a whole cart, mgr said they're having a hard time finding people to work and she opened a lane for me and eventually other people lined up behind me. Now they usually have only one checkout lane open (occasionally two) on a Sat afternoon, and tons of stockers, so her explanation doesn't really hold water - lots of employees all over the store and only *one* can check people out? And why the hell do they restock at probably the busiest shopping time/day of the week?