Quote Originally Posted by The View Post
How has Partner Tulsa been a massive failure? Can you expand on that?
Oh that is a massive list.

They have hired a lot of good people don't get me wrong but there's a few at the top that have put the breaks on a lot and if they don't feel like it benefits them (financially or personally) good luck getting anything out of them. Kian was one of the highest paid public employees in the entire state and has accomplished nothing - there isn't a single large project that has happened because they helped foster it. Casey Stowe is a massive liability for the city - it's odd to me how someone who has unpaid loans, massive conflicts of interest, etc. is able to be in charge of the finance portion of development projects. There's half a dozen developers who have gone to city council and the mayor to complain they are stalling projects and being obstructive. They've done nothing with the Our Legacy project either beside let the land sit there and non stop show off renderings that mean nothing. They refuse to work with most developers, took the Evan Fintube project away from that developer for made up reasons. Partner Tulsa claimed JE Dunn Capital pulled out of the project all while that developer gave the mayor and others a signed letter from JE Dunn Capital saying their commitment had not changed and that just one of their employees was no longer with that firm and no longer involved with the project which Partner Tulsa used as the reason to remove the lead developer saying her "capacity as a developer changed" and it's because Casey wanted to give the project to the development team his girlfriend was involved with (not a conflict of interest at all). So it was no shock that Kian is "stepping down" to save face and I expect there to be other housing cleaning done hopefully soon so some of the good people there can actually make a difference.

Rose Rock's 3rd & Denver project is on hold waiting on Partner Tulsa, the reason Pivot's Arts District project is on hold is because they are waiting on Partner Tulsa, etc. etc.

Crutchfield has been asking Partner Tulsa for 2 years to get a TIF formed to kick start a massive neighborhood redevelopment lead by Guru Stu/Helmerich Foundation (who now owners like 65%+ of that neighborhood) and others in the neighborhood. They had to go around Partner Tulsa and go directly to City Council and the Mayor and just got that TIF approved. They had to do that because Partner Tulsa said no - wasn't worth their time to waste on them and they were too busy with other projects.