After a few beautiful weather days, we are going back to some action.

SPC going with Slight Risk across roughly all of W OK for severe storms developing Thursday evening. Right now it is unlikely the storms stay severe if/when they move into C OK. We could see some low clouds hang around C OK after some quick morning showers.

This storm system is non-traditional in the sense that the low is actually tracking (while weakening) from N to S rather than traditional W-E. So for OKC, I would forecast best rain chances for early Thursday, then a break before potentially getting remnants from any storms out west Thursday night. Then finally we would be getting wrap-around on Friday as the system falls apart and jumps east. Early Friday is the best shot for OKC to see meaningful rain.

Friday after the wind shift, temps will plummet into the 30s for the evening - perhaps a few snowflakes with any lingering precipitation. Saturday will be highs in 50s with strong N winds. Sunday looks great.