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Thread: Jack Be Grocery

  1. #101

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Edmond zip code, Deer Creek Schools, Oklahoma City utilities. If someone wants to physically go there, the address says Edmond. It is what it is and is nothing new. When I lived on the southside it was the same thing with Moore and Oklahoma City, the edges of cities are blurred. I don't know why some think it's such a big deal but Edmond citizens are the only ones that are outraged by it.

  2. #102

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    When all the houses in OKC city limits, west of Edmond city limits were being built in that area, a new post office apparently wasn't in the plans, so I believe that whole area over there is served by the Edmond post office at 33rd/Kelley, and all their zip codes are Edmond, therefore according to the Post Office, you have an Edmond mailing address.

  3. #103

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by KTB View Post
    Edmond zip code, Deer Creek Schools, Oklahoma City utilities. If someone wants to physically go there, the address says Edmond. It is what it is and is nothing new. When I lived on the southside it was the same thing with Moore and Oklahoma City, the edges of cities are blurred. I don't know why some think it's such a big deal but Edmond citizens are the only ones that are outraged by it.
    I know some Edmonites do seem to get worked up over but I wouldn’t say it’s too prevalent. I also understand that Edmond addresses do extend west into OKC just didn’t know it went as far as SH-74 which is what shocked me. I thought it stopped at Penn.

    Just out of curiosity, why is this so? What is the point of having a zip code claiming to be part of a city it physically isn’t in? Why not create a new zip code for NW OKC?

  4. #104

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    When all the houses in OKC city limits, west of Edmond city limits were being built in that area, a new post office apparently wasn't in the plans, so I believe that whole area over there is served by the Edmond post office at 33rd/Kelley, and all their zip codes are Edmond, therefore according to the Post Office, you have an Edmond mailing address.
    Just read this lol. Interesting. Never really gave much thought into zip codes but that makes sense. So I wonder if that will change in the future. I know I’d prefer a post office in NW OKC if I lived there instead of having to drive into Edmond.

  5. #105

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Just read this lol. Interesting. Never really gave much thought into zip codes but that makes sense. So I wonder if that will change in the future. I know I’d prefer a post office in NW OKC if I lived there instead of having to drive into Edmond.
    We lived at NW 164th/May for 7 years, never had to drive to the PO, always were able to get things delivered/redelivered, and there are plenty of other places on the way to/from work, etc. to send packages or buy stamps. The main thing about that PO that was super-annoying is that I subscribed to some expensive magazines that arrived folded in half (MOJO, Frank Lloyd Wright magazine, etc.), so I had to get a separate address to deliver those to. That post office had the new design of vertical square slots that everything would go into, so they just folded the magazines, no matter how many times I asked them not to. Our current PO (we're at NW 36th/May now) has the older style flat slots that magazines just lay in (city-style slots, the PO calls them).

  6. #106

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Yes where you live is a big deal. Why because if you need to get a building permit then you have to go to the city you live in to get it. (or if you are in unincorporated Oklahoma county then you get it from them) Also if you call 911, it does matter as to who responds. If you have an issue with say a problem in your area then you have to call the correct city hall. If you dont like a business moving in to your area then you have to talk with the correct city. The reason for school districts not following city limits is that back in the day, there where the one room school houses and their districts. In the mid 50s a law was passed that said any school or school district with less then 15 students and to consolidate with another district. More consolidations resulted in school districts lines. Next cities annexed land and they did not follow school districts. They are not the same entity. Postal districts are a thing to themself since its is done by the postal service. Phone numbers are a thing of the phone company. This is why things dont line up.

  7. #107

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    As a retired firefighter, city limits are important to emergency response agencies. Fire dept respond in their jurisdiction.

  8. #108

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    exeption being when they are asked to go by the authority. If they get called by someone, they ie dispatch will call the correct agency to respond.

  9. #109

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    i think the point is it is lazy for any media entity to "report" something and use facts that are incorrect ..

  10. #110

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    I noticed that precast concrete wall sections are being erected at the future Jack Be location on Mustang Rd.and SW 29th St.

  11. #111

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    They are suspending operations at their Danforth location in Edmond.

  12. #112

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC Guide View Post
    They are suspending operations at their Danforth location in Edmond.
    I had been wondering about them.

    I never seen any promotion or hear anyone talk about them. I guess locations at NW 178th & May and SW 29th & Mustang will continue. That Danforth spot also contains their corporate offices and a warehouse.

    I'm sure it hasn't helped that Kroger entered the market and is pushing hard for business.

  13. #113

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    The idea was good. It's just a few years too late. People have moved on to grocery delivery.

  14. #114

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I had been wondering about them.

    I never seen any promotion or hear anyone talk about them. I guess locations at NW 178th & May and SW 29th & Mustang will continue. That Danforth spot also contains their corporate offices and a warehouse.

    I'm sure it hasn't helped that Kroger entered the market and is pushing hard for business.
    We have ordered from Kroger numerous times, even though we live near a Jack Be. The prices were really the deal breaker. Kroger essentially has the same prices as their stores with the $7 delivery fee. Every time we thought about JackBe the item was either out of stock or priced higher than competitors. While the on-demand aspect is nice, with the new Homeland open at 164th and May has turned into our "need an item or two" for tonight store.

  15. #115

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by scottk View Post
    We have ordered from Kroger numerous times, even though we live near a Jack Be. The prices were really the deal breaker. Kroger essentially has the same prices as their stores with the $7 delivery fee. Every time we thought about JackBe the item was either out of stock or priced higher than competitors. While the on-demand aspect is nice, with the new Homeland open at 164th and May has turned into our "need an item or two" for tonight store.
    Margins are incredibly low in groceries, so it comes down to buying power and that's where Kroger or Walmart can crush the competition.

    Even Homeland struggles to stay price competitive so not sure how a very small operation like Jack Be is going to do it.

  16. #116

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Amazon hasn't even really gotten into the grocery delivery game yet. If they ever upgrade their vans to something that can support refrigeration, watch out. I still think having "Personal shoppers' roam the stores isn't the most efficient use of labor. Next gen Walmarts may have bigger warehouse space.

    The Penn and Memorial has their grocery pickup and delivery storage space on the other side of the building from the grocery section.

  17. #117

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    ^Doesn't whole foods already do delivery?

  18. #118

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    ^Doesn't whole foods already do delivery?
    Yes, but it's limited to pantry type of items.

  19. #119

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    man i just hate the idea of delivery. I'm not even a fan of online ordering. I know it is convenient but not everything conveninent is good. All social interactions are going away.

    As an aside, doesn't it seem odd that we are going back in time for groceries? the concept of online ordering and pickup is not far removed from how grocery stores originally operated. Give the clerk what you want and they go get it for you.

  20. #120

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery


    With Kroger, you have the option of either having them leave your order on the porch without even knocking on the door, or meeting their delivery person at the door and checking everything before they drive off. If there is an issue with the order, they will do their best to deal with it on the spot and at the very least, get the right items quickly delivered. Kroger drivers are employees trained in customer service, not just a 3rd party throwing stuff down and then rushing off.

    It's understandable that many want to go into a grocery store and hand-select their own produce, meat, etc. But I've had a fantastic experience with Kroger: great prices (you can use coupons just like any grocery store), on-time delivery, orders have been complete. But what I like most is being able to see exactly what they have on-line and the pricing. I spent hours running around trying to find a certain type of flour and then I signed on to Kroger, saw they had it, and it was dropped right on my doorstep.

    It's particularly fantastic for the elderly or people who have a hard time getting out, temporarily or otherwise. Or those at home with small children where dragging them along and through a store is a big ordeal.

    Frankly, it's just a better way IMO. And Kroger's aggressive strategy has forced Walmart/Sam's to up their delivery game. Both are pretty darn great.

  21. Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Yeah, Kroger is pretty fantastic in my experience. And I've mentioned this here before, the groceries aren't even warehoused in Oklahoma, nor are the individual orders assembled here. The actual warehouse is in north Texas. The orders are received there and picked/assembled there. Each customer's order is placed in standard plastic grocery bags, which are then put into individual crates (3 or 4 bags per); with crate being dedicated to the same customer's order. The bags are hung in the crates by their handles, so bruised or broken items are very, VERY rare.

    Assembled crates are then transported to OKC, where they are then transferred to the refrigerated delivery vans that you see driving around town. So basically the OKC distribution center acts as a depot rather than as a warehouse. Perishable items are refrigerated end-to-end, until they leave the van in your driveway. Which means they are even more fresh when they get to your door than they would be if you'd bought them yourself in a store and transported them in your trunk or back seat.

    It's the scale of the operation that allows it to remain the same (or even cheaper) than you'd find them in a local store. Sure, I've had the occasional missed item, but surprisingly few considering I've been using them weekly for nearly two years. And they ALWAYS make it right. It's just tough to make a case against Kroger, in my experience. Plus, if you're dead set on selecting your own produce, for instance, you can still run to the store for that and just that and save yourself a ton of time.

  22. #122

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Yeah, Kroger is pretty fantastic in my experience. And I've mentioned this here before, the groceries aren't even warehoused in Oklahoma, nor are the individual orders assembled here. The actual warehouse is in north Texas. The orders are received there and picked/assembled there. Each customer's order is placed in standard plastic grocery bags, which are then put into individual crates (3 or 4 bags per); with crate being dedicated to the same customer's order. The bags are hung in the crates by their handles, so bruised or broken items are very, VERY rare.

    Assembled crates are then transported to OKC, where they are then transferred to the refrigerated delivery vans that you see driving around town. So basically the OKC distribution center acts as a depot rather than as a warehouse. Perishable items are refrigerated end-to-end, until they leave the van in your driveway. Which means they are even more fresh when they get to your door than they would be if you'd bought them yourself in a store and transported them in your trunk or back seat.

    It's the scale of the operation that allows it to remain the same (or even cheaper) than you'd find them in a local store. Sure, I've had the occasional missed item, but surprisingly few considering I've been using them weekly for nearly two years. And they ALWAYS make it right. It's just tough to make a case against Kroger, in my experience. Plus, if you're dead set on selecting your own produce, for instance, you can still run to the store for that and just that and save yourself a ton of time.
    how long is the average time from order to door?

  23. #123

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by CatholicSooner View Post
    how long is the average time from order to door?
    Next day.

    Can get a delivery as early as 6 AM or as late as 10 PM.

  24. #124

    Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    I usually make my weekly Kroger order on Sunday afternoon and get them delivered in the 6 AM window on Monday, it really is just so convenient.

  25. Default Re: Jack Be Grocery

    Quote Originally Posted by CatholicSooner View Post
    how long is the average time from order to door?
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Next day.

    Can get a delivery as early as 6 AM or as late as 10 PM.
    Yep. In two years there has only been once or twice that I couldn't schedule a delivery for exactly when I wanted it, and it was 100% because I flubbed up and forgot to order soon enough ahead of a holiday or something. It's pretty bulletproof, and 1000x more convenient than going to the store myself.

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