I think just being around the tower would freak me out for fear of it falling over. I know that is unlikely but still.
I'm convinced this is some elaborate April Fools joke played by someone who has beef with OKC. I'll give it a chance of happening if there is still talk after April 1st. Lol
Should be called The Alva, because that's how far away you'll see it.
There is no demand or reason to build a skyscraper this tall in OKC. Matteson Capital is just doing it, just because he can. I guess to make history.
Just doesn't make any sense. We will see what happens, but not calling in to work to wait and see.
I would feel so so good about this project happening if there were maybe 3 other confirmed developments in the 900-1,200 foot range. Let’s get something on the Ford site!
Okay, that much height added for a spire? I'm sure they'll be using that spire for emergency broadcast systems, cellular device amplification, and radio signal transmissions, but seriously... that's got to be the biggest phuk-u to New York City I've ever seen. Madness if it gets built. I'm sure the developers are just doing this for notoriety, but something tells me that the planner would be highly disappointed if the units don't sell as well as he wants them to. My only advice is keep these units at a fair $1100-1500 a month and watch the other towers fill up. Then he'll have every right to full-send this project into orbit, because he's planning this out like he reeeeeaaaallly wants to, while also hedging his bets on the safe side.
I'm all for the proposed 1907 ft. tower. No doubt it takes out of staters to make Oklahoma and Oklahoma City see BIG! What other cities in the U. S. have a developer wanting to build the nation's highest skyscraper in it? If it isn't more than just a few, then better take it seriously.
I’m starting to think guys ego is the only demand this project needs it seems like he legit wants to pull this off(and I’m only half joking)
If Matteson Capital were serious about this aspiration they'd stack the three 345' phase-1 buildings, leaving only 872' more to reach the 1907' record height. Even if they just stacked the 3 phase-1 buildings into a single tower (and forgot about their aspiration) it would result in a building taller than Devon.
It seems they're either serious about this tower, or aiming for the stars to hit the moon.
I’m not here to make a case for the supertall, but too many folks here and in general insist on only seeing the world through their own lenses and circumstances, without considering the possibility that other people might have different priorities, tastes and personal means.
Basing an opinion on the average or median individual income of a city’s residents allows for zero nuance and ignores the fact that the metro has nearly a million and a half folks, exactly half or who are above the median by definition; many of them WELL above. It also ignores the existence of two income households, couples with no children, etc.
Also, many of the comments are disassociated with the present reality of the market. You’d currently be hard pressed to find even a halfway-decent apartment in or around downtown in the above-mentioned $1100 range. Aging, poorly-maintained buildings like the Aberdeen and Regency are more than that. Most halfway upscale apartments are ALREADY $1500 or more. Many well above $2000.
It’s of course an outlier, but apartments at First National range from around $3000/mo for a tiny one bedroom and ~$4500 for a two bedroom to ~$8K/mo and even ~$13K/mo for the penthouse units.
Just because something doesn’t appeal to YOU or isn’t in YOUR budget doesn’t mean there’s not a market for it.
That tower looks like 1 WTC (Freedom tower) with the spire.
Yes couldnt agreed more with you! Urbanized
If I am not mistaken, Oklahoma City is not even one of the top 40-50 large metros in the country for new apartment construction in the past five years. Regardless of the exact number, the fact that our new apartment construction is not keeping pace with population growth, and is in fact a limiting factor, is one of the more pressing problems we face in terms of development. We simply need more apartments being built in the city at all price points.
This is really peaking my interest haha. I understand how much of a pipe dream this is, but the skyscraper enthusiast in me won't let me look away!
Imagine what this would do for the image of the City. Combine the current position of the Thunder to make possible HUGE playoff runs in the coming years, the resort, the all but confirmed Olympic event, and while all this is happening the images of the City could include the construction of the tallest building in the U.S...
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