Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
All one has to do is look around at the sad disrepair of OKC streets and infrastructure. Perception and reality play into this scenario. Nothing to do with imagination, haha!
An estimated 28% of residents are satisfied with the condition of major city streets according to the City of OKC. About 53% of potholes are repaired within 5 days of the work order.

Only about 57% of inoperable public fire hydrants were repaired within 7 days (184 reported of 308k).
78% of work orders are planned and scheduled maintenance/repair (6,962) vs unplanned repair work orders completed.
97% of water emergencies (main / service line breaks) are responded to within 1 hour. (4,397 emergencies)
78% of water leaks are repaired within 7 days (2,442 leaks)

In 2023, they treated 42.97Bln gallons of water.

FY22 Actual Water Line Maintenance: $20.2mil, FY23 Adopted: $10.3mil, FY24 Adopted: $10.6mil

(Selected) Water Capital Program projects include:
* 60-in water line replacement from SE 74th to SE 44th for FY24 estimated cost $35mil.
* City of the Village Main replacement for $1.3mil.
* Citywide Water Main renewal and replacement for $5.8mil.
* Replacement of water meters and meter pits $3.8mil.
* Draper Condition assessment of 72" transmission main $531k
* Draper water treatment plant renewal and replacement $14.8 mil.
* Draper-Hefner interconnection transmission and booster station improvements $1mil.
* Hefner Water Treatment Plant renewal and replacement $18mil.
* North and NW extension of large transmission main from Hefner WTP $1mil.
* Construction of a second raw water pipeline from Lake Atoka to Lake Stanley Draper $149mil.