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Thread: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

  1. #1

    Default Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of the OKC PD. I called them several years ago when me and another guy had caught a man breaking into the house. We held the guy for 3 HOURS until the police finally showed up. Then, when they did show up, they just released him the next day, and we saw the guy out on the street committing the same crimes.
    Seems like most cops are macho......I overheard a cop tell another guy awhile back that he loved being a cop because it was the "only job where he could get paid for beating the crap out of someone else." That's the wrong attitude, I think.

    So, what is your opinion of the OKC PD?

    The reason for this post? See below:

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude
    Well.........OK. Just a guess, but I bet that's a position you probably won't find too many supporting here. You don't have to love the OKCPD, or even deny there's corrupt cops on the street, to still believe that the department cares about whether a rapist is caught or not. In fact, I find your suggestion they don't care about such a heinous crime to be rather offensive. My point about city priorities obviously fell on deaf ears in your case, I meant it as a contrast in public responsibility -- which is on-topic. I'll stop responding to your inflammatory comments so we can get back to topic.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    I know a couple of OKCPD and I know they are good people trying to do a tough job.

    I've never understood why police are paid what seems to be substantially less than firefighters, for example. Most municipalities have tons of applicants for firefighters but every city struggles to fill their police slots. And from my experience, that is largely due to the large discrepancy in compensation packages.

    However, a 3-hour response time to a 911 call is completely unacceptable. If that had happened to me, I'd be contacting everyone from the mayor to the police chief and on down the line.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    I have a really poor opinion of police in general, its not specific to the OKC police department however.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    We held the guy for 3 HOURS until the police finally showed up. Then, when they did show up, they just released him the next day, and we saw the guy out on the street committing the same crimes.
    Seems like most cops are macho......I overheard a cop tell another guy awhile back that he loved being a cop because it was the "only job where he could get paid for beating the crap out of someone else." That's the wrong attitude, I think.
    You should have just beat the crap out of the bad guy yourself and eliminated the middle man. Seriously, don't lump the police in with the rest of our crappy judicial system that allows this stuff to take place. Half of all crime is committed by people on parole. Just imagine how much less crime there would be if we didn't let people out early.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    I have several good friends, numerous acquaintances and a couple family members that are on the OCPD. They are all good people, but I don’t respect their job.

  6. Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    I think that the Okc cops do a great job, a job that I'd sure as heck not want to be doing (nor, for that matter, would you want me to!). I given 'em good marks.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    In general, I think most of our cops are pretty good guys. It's probably the select few that ruin it for everyone else.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    With a department the size of OKC, I'm sure you have some bad apples...but they do a job most can't and wouldn't do...(it doesn't usually involve beating people up).

  9. #9

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus
    it doesn't usually involve beating people up).
    Unless you happen to be in view of Brian Bates' camera.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Patrick, Why did you start this bad mouthing of the police department in the first place? I was only trying to point out that the OKCPD headquarters is getting a renovation instead of a brand new complex because of the expense. Yet, we are building a practice facility for the NBA with tax money? That was my point - a contrast in public responsibility and priorities. You then said.......

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Sounds good to me. I have no use for the OKCPD.
    Then, I posted....

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude
    I have had my beefs with some of the officers in the OKCPD, but.....

    When you see a man milling about in your neighborhood whose picture you saw on the news the night before, (because he's wanted for multiple rapes), who are you going to call? The Sonics ticket office?
    And again, Patrick, you wrote...

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Would probably be more successful calling the Sonics ticket office than calling 911. Like the police really care anyways. They're too busy to mess with "neighorhood issues." The wanted rapist would probably be out the next day anyways.

    Suggesting the cops don't care about rapes in our neighborhoods is outrageous. I'm glad you have come around to the "few bad apples," talk. But why did you come back here to OKCTalk and within a few threads already begin the old negativity without any context or reason? That was just an attack on all cops on the OKCPD from out of the blue!

    And why start this thread? Which, as the old administrator of the forum, you know belongs in "OKC Underground" anyway.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Unless you happen to be in view of Brian Bates' camera.
    I suppose...I've heard from someone that knew him that he's kind of a jerk himself...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude
    Patrick, Why did you start this bad mouthing of the police department in the first place?
    I was asking people to give their opinions about the OKCPD. I simply stated mine. I thought all opinions were allowed here.

    But why did you come back here to OKCTalk and within a few threads already begin the old negativity without any context or reason? That was just an attack on all cops on the OKCPD from out of the blue!
    Again, I was stating my opinion, which I thought was what this forum was all about.

    And why start this thread? Which, as the old administrator of the forum, you know belongs in "OKC Underground" anyway.
    I guess I just thought a discussion of the local police force was an OKC Metro Area topic. Maybe I'm wrong. If so, mods, please feel free to move the thread.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    I was asking people to give their opinions about the OKCPD. I simply stated mine. I thought all opinions were allowed here.

    Again, I was stating my opinion, which I thought was what this forum was all about.

    Talk about the OKCPD involves the OKC Metro..... I don't seem to get your point. Mods, feel free to move the thread if you wish.

    You're saying, "Who, me???? " The Patrick I have read in old posts, before your getting the boot, is definitely back.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    You're saying, "Who, me???? " The Patrick I have read in old posts, before your getting the boot, is definitely back.


  15. #15

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Forget it, Patrick.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Solitude, the beauty of the Internet is it allows everyone to have a voice. So let's both agree to end this with a truce, no hard feelings. OK?
    I think we should stay on topic here. Feel free to send me a PM at anytime if you want to discuss the issue further!

  17. #17

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    I suppose...I've heard from someone that knew him that he's kind of a jerk himself...

    In theory, his mission began with the right motives. But, unfortunately, it just all got to his head. That's just my opinion though.

    That being said, the OKC PD has targeted him a lot in the past, but I noticed that's gone down since David Prater was elected.

    Back to the OKC PD..... I would like to restate my point that most members of the OKC PD are good people. I've met some really nice cops. I guess it's just unfortunate that I've have a few bad incidents with them, and I shouldn't let that color my opinion of the whole force.

    I do appreciate their service to our community though. I know it's a tough job, one I wouldn't want to do.

    Thanks to everyone for your opinions relating to the OKC PD. I always enjoy reading differing opinions.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Solitude, the beauty of the Internet is it allows everyone to have a voice. So let's both agree to end this with a truce, no hard feelings. OK?
    I think we should stay on topic here. Feel free to send me a PM at anytime if you want to discuss the issue further!
    You sound like you're still moderating the place. I was on-topic. You refused to accept any responsibility for your earlier comments attacking the OKCPD as a whole acting, (unsurprisingly) , like you didn't know what you had done.

    edit: I'm glad to see you recognize, again, that it's a few bad apples. But what about those earlier inflammatory comments?
    Saying the OKCPD doesn't care about rapes is beyond a simple opinion. You might consider a simple apology.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    I just didn't want to get off topic down a road discussing past posts I may have made, which have nothing to do with this thread, or a discussion on why I took a 6 month hiatus from the forum at Pete's request. I'd be happy to discuss those issues in a PM if you wish, although the past is the past.

    Concerning this topic, I accept responsiblity for the comments I've made on this thread. And those are my opinions. And as I said, the beauty of the Internet is it allows everyone to have a voice, whether you agree with it or not.

    To summarize, the experiences I've had with the OKC PD in the past have not been positive, and they've led to my negative view of the OKC PD, plain and simple. But, I do believe at the same time that there are a lot of good officers, and I respect them for their service.

    Anyways, we just hold different opinions on the topic. So, let's simply agree to disagree on the topic.

    This will be my last post on the thread. If you'd like to discuss further, I'd be happy to reply via PM.

    Take care.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I just didn't want to get off topic down a road discussing past posts I may have made, which have nothing to do with this thread
    Hey...hang on.....you posted that appalling comment about rapes in the Ford Center thread, Karried then asked that things get back-on-topic. Your last post was, "Maybe we should start a thread on the OKCPD." So that bit about "past posts that have nothing to do with this thread" is typical of your parsing of words and twisting things to where Patrick looks like he's done nothing wrong and Patrick is always the victim (not to mention always right.)

    Couldn't let that trickery slide by without comment. I'm sure you'll be back with an excuse for that as well. Wow, sure glad you're back!

  21. #21

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    I'm not the one that brought up the rape issue to begin with:

    But, it's okay. I agree to disagree with you concerning the OKC PD.

    Thanks for the welcome back. I've missed so many of you.

  22. Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Solitude, imo, you need to take a deep breath and chill. Cheap shots are, well, cheap. Patrick, Solitude is right in that the post should probably have been made in another area of the forum. You're both good people, so ...

  23. #23

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback
    Patrick, Solitude is right in that the post should probably have been made in another area of the forum.
    I concur. Mods, feel free to move the thread.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    I agree with what many others have said that in general, our police force is really quite good, and I certainly admire the job they have to do.

    I had an auto accident on the Hefner Parkway not too long ago, and the OCPD who came to the scene were as cordial and polite as possible, making sure I was ok every step of the way.

    That being said, until about a year ago, an OCPD officer lived across the street from us. How happy we were to see that cop car in the driveway. Safety, security, etc., etc.

    Then came the days off. And the loud parties. And the 8-cylinder Mustang revving up at all hours. And joining buddies for a little 3 a.m. "let's pop wheelies down the street on our brand new crotch rockets" sessions. And having friends over who would park in front of our house facing the wrong direction. And the rotating door of UCO co-eds coming to and fro at every hour of the day and night (Mr. Policeman had recently divorced from wife #1, and then subsequently broken off with hottie girlfriend/fiance).

    Ya think we could have called the police on a noise complaint, or any other complaint for that matter? Ha!!!

    Fortunately, Mr. Policeman found a girlfriend and they moved into her home since it could accommodate her 3 kids and his 1 child.

    While I still miss the cop car, I certainly don't miss everything we had to deal with for that extra sense of security.

    I don't want to say that this guy was a bad apple, but he certainly took advantage of his position, and I'm sure ego played into it. He was young, VERY well built, good lookin', and he had supposedly gotten quite a bit of money in the divorce, so he was spending it on every motorized toy (new trucks, orv, motorcycle, etc.) he could get his hand on.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Your opinion of the OKC Police Dept.

    Police deal with the dregs of society, day in day out. It has got to have an effect to see cruddy parents, lying colleagues, spoiled narcissistic teenagers and scoundrels. Tough job. Some cops keep their dignity and humanity, some don't. A good cop is a wonderful thing. A bad one or one with a snotty attitude is sort of scary.

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