Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
* I support the arena improvements. I do not support the practice facility if it's for the exclusive use of an NBA team. They should build their own practice facility. That is, in fact, a giveaway to millionaires - however you choose to spin it.
I cannot find a single quote from anyone that the practice facility will be for exclusive use of an NBA team. I can tell you that the practice facility for the Tampa Bay Lightning is open to the public when the team is not using the facility. However, I don't see this as being any different than Bass Pro. The city owns the building and Bass Pro pays rent. To my knowledge you cannot rent the Bass Pro building for a birthday party, so I assume they have an exclusive use clause in their contract.

* I will add the HYPOCRISY of "conservatives" that always run to the local government for subsidies yet oppose tax dollars for just about anything at the national level that doesn't benefit those of their own class. That's a legitimate beef.
As a conservative I can tell you that I support this measure when I oppose most federal taxes. Maybe it is because I see a difference between the roles of the federal, state, and local governments. I see the funding of an arena and practice facility as an appropriate function of local governement. In fact, I think the state and county should kick in some funds also. Do I think the federal government should be funding things like the Ford Center? No.