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Thread: New Downtown Arena

  1. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    You should create an argument thread and just chat there so other people can continue discussing the topic

  2. #3027

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    The city stopped mid-renovation on the current arena. The remaining $70MM that was slated for the renovation was paused.

    Posters here acting like they need to see a copy of an offer sheet to be convinced the team may be sold is just purposely being obtuse. Ownership bought the team for $350MM, it is worth close to $2B 15 years later. The team can make more money in basically every other city that is salivating for OKC to not pass this vote. If you seriously think OKC has any leverage whatsoever then you don't understand the crazy circumstances that went down in order for us to land the Thunder in the first place. Do people need to be reminded that it took a record-breaking hurricane hitting New Orleans to play a major role in OKC getting a professional sports team? Literally a 1 in 400 year natural event.

    Not doing everything in your power to keep the gift that is the Thunder - is incredibly reckless. There is no other "offers" coming people.

  3. #3028

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Hope the city writes good penalty cause into the lease if OKC has so little leverage.

    We're starting to sound like the poor guy who only has the girl because we bought the expensive car we can't afford. That girl is going to leave anyway unless there are high value strings attached.

    The funny thing is I support a new arena. I would expect more the Thunder leadership to be more vocal about the upcoming vote if they had any loyalty at all towards OKC. I may have greatly overestimated that loyalty.

  4. #3029

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I'm sure they are targeting people who vote in almost all the local OKC elections.

    That describes me and my friends who have been getting all the mailings.
    That 100% describes me and I have gotten probably four or five mailers for this one.

  5. #3030

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    The city stopped mid-renovation on the current arena. The remaining $70MM that was slated for the renovation was paused.

    Posters here acting like they need to see a copy of an offer sheet to be convinced the team may be sold is just purposely being obtuse. Ownership bought the team for $350MM, it is worth close to $2B 15 years later. The team can make more money in basically every other city that is salivating for OKC to not pass this vote. If you seriously think OKC has any leverage whatsoever then you don't understand the crazy circumstances that went down in order for us to land the Thunder in the first place. Do people need to be reminded that it took a record-breaking hurricane hitting New Orleans to play a major role in OKC getting a professional sports team? Literally a 1 in 400 year natural event.

    Not doing everything in your power to keep the gift that is the Thunder - is incredibly reckless. There is no other "offers" coming people.
    I think the NBA teams are valued about $3 billion and up. Maybe closer to $3.5 billion. Of course legacy teams like the Lakers, Celtics, Knicks, etc. are waaayyy more.

  6. #3031

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    You are correct, +1B in the last yearish. My reference point was in 2022 when Holt announced the pause on the arena renovations. They were willing to sell @ 2B, and now we are near 3B.

  7. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Mark Cuban is selling his controlling interest in the Mavericks for $3.5 billion. The Thunder is probably worth $3B as presently constituted. They won't even have to tell anyone they want to sell. Offers will start pouring in next Tuesday night at 7:30 PM if it's announced publicly that this doesn't pass. Actually, there are surely soft inquiries already. To think there aren't ignores human nature and the nature of business.

  8. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    And for everyone thinking the timing on this is somehow suspect...the timeline was set for this by the most recent lease renewal, plain and simple. The Thunder is unwilling to face the rapidly-escalating cost of operating a team in the existing building. They can't make moves in that building that allow for new revenue streams. They refused to sign a long-term lease, and from that moment forward this timeline was set. There's nothing coincidental or nefarious about it. The building simply won't work in the future, and this has to be rectified to allow them to make a long-term commitment, which will happen, assuming this passes. None of this is especially complicated.

  9. #3034

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Another 'Vote Yes' mailer from the Chamber today.

    The frequency and related expense tells me they are worried about the vote. Usually for MAPS, you get one or two. I've already received four with a week to go.

    Also, Mayor Holt left the City Council meeting early yesterday to go campaign for the arena.
    It seems odd that they've smashed it all into the last week or so before the vote instead of actually running a campaign.

  10. Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Actually indicates pro-yes polling. Why fix something if it's not broke? The most likely reason for the current mailer spree is to remind likely voters to get to the polls.

  11. #3036

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Actually indicates pro-yes polling. Why fix something if it's not broke? The most likely reason for the current mailer spree is to remind likely voters to get to the polls.
    I made sure to change my registration from OKC to Tulsa and have pushed several friends that have moved into the OKC city limits from the Village, NH, Edmond, etc to do the same. Everyone I know who lives in the city limits is a hard yes vote. Hopefully that's the trend elsewhere.

  12. #3037

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    I made sure to change my registration from OKC to Tulsa and have pushed several friends that have moved into the OKC city limits from the Village, NH, Edmond, etc to do the same. Everyone I know who lives in the city limits is a hard yes vote. Hopefully that's the trend elsewhere.
    I know around a dozen people in OKC and are all voting yes. Everyone they know is voting yes. I’ve yet to interact with someone in person that is voting no.

  13. #3038

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I know around a dozen people in OKC and are all voting yes. Everyone they know is voting yes. I’ve yet to interact with someone in person that is voting no.
    My Office is about 60/40 for it.

  14. #3039

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Mark Cuban is selling his controlling interest in the Mavericks for $3.5 billion. The Thunder is probably worth $3B as presently constituted. They won't even have to tell anyone they want to sell. Offers will start pouring in next Tuesday night at 7:30 PM if it's announced publicly that this doesn't pass. Actually, there are surely soft inquiries already. To think there aren't ignores human nature and the nature of business.
    This is a pet peeve of mine. Mark Cuban is selling based on an overall team value of $3.5 billion. He is not getting $3.5 billion. What I have read so far indicates Mrs. Adelson is paying about $2 billion for a majority of the team.

    I think Mark Lasry sold his part of the Bucks to Jimmy Haslam a few months ago for about $800 million. That was based on an overall team value of $3.2 billion IIRC.

  15. #3040
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    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by fortpatches View Post
    My Office is about 60/40 for it.
    Spoke to a restaurant owner friend in the downtown business area last week and asked what they felt the consensus was among their customers and they said "overwhelmingly for". Of course, this is anecdotal, but that does seem to be the feeling downtown, at least.

  16. #3041

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    There's a reason for this timeline... League expansion and updated TV contracts are just around the corner. One would be extremely naive to think we will have another shot at this if it doesn't pass. Potential bidders are licking their chops (Kansas City in particular) and the owners are in absolutely fantastic position to cash in.

  17. #3042

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Hope the city writes good penalty cause into the lease if OKC has so little leverage.

    We're starting to sound like the poor guy who only has the girl because we bought the expensive car we can't afford. That girl is going to leave anyway unless there are high value strings attached.

    The funny thing is I support a new arena. I would expect more the Thunder leadership to be more vocal about the upcoming vote if they had any loyalty at all towards OKC. I may have greatly overestimated that loyalty.
    arena leases generally are not breakable

  18. #3043

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    SEATTLE -- Clay Bennett finally found a dollar amount that would sever his contentious relationship with the city of Seattle -- $75 million.

    As a result, the SuperSonics are headed to Oklahoma City with Bennett leading the way, leaving behind the team name, colors and 41 years of history.

    Oklahoma City will have an NBA franchise for the 2008-09 season after a settlement announced Wednesday between the team and the city of Seattle, severing the bond with the city that culminated in a six-day federal trial over terms of the team's KeyArena lease. The judge was scheduled to rule Wednesday afternoon.

    Generally they aren’t but how exactly did the thunder get here?

  19. #3044

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by shai2022 View Post
    There's a reason for this timeline... League expansion and updated TV contracts are just around the corner. One would be extremely naive to think we will have another shot at this if it doesn't pass. Potential bidders are licking their chops (Kansas City in particular) and the owners are in absolutely fantastic position to cash in.
    Kansas City was even making bids to get the Toronto Raptors in 2020 due to travel issues related to Covid. The city even cited they could use KC just like OKC was used to host the Hornets. Kansas City voters are currently going through the same thing on the Royals new baseball stadium. That team could very well leave their city if the vote doesn't pass in Spring 2024.

    Money talks. Non-power cities are at the mercy of voters. OKC can't shoo-away our state's only major sports franchise and expect a new one to come in our lifetime.

  20. #3045

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocaine View Post

    Generally they aren’t but how exactly did the thunder get here?
    Should have wrote a lease contingent on a positive arena vote. Problem solved. Now were hoping to vote yes and our leaders actually approve a good lease in our favor.

  21. #3046

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    My brother from out of state texted me asking what the feeling of the general OKC population was regarding the new arena vote.

    What should I tell him? I don’t have cable or anything so I’m unaware of a large, organized push from the anti-arena crowd if there is one. It may be close but I’d be very surprised if this vote doesn’t pass.

  22. #3047

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    I'm slowly coming to the realization that I need to ask people if they are registered OKC voters. As I think about my business, there are 6 of us and I am the only OKC resident who is registered to vote. A lot of people are talking, but can do anything about it?

  23. #3048

    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    I made sure to change my registration from OKC to Tulsa and have pushed several friends that have moved into the OKC city limits from the Village, NH, Edmond, etc to do the same. Everyone I know who lives in the city limits is a hard yes vote. Hopefully that's the trend elsewhere.
    Tulsa to OKC*

  24. #3049
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    Default Re: New Downtown Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Hope the city writes good penalty cause into the lease if OKC has so little leverage.

    We're starting to sound like the poor guy who only has the girl because we bought the expensive car we can't afford. That girl is going to leave anyway unless there are high value strings attached.

    The funny thing is I support a new arena. I would expect more the Thunder leadership to be more vocal about the upcoming vote if they had any loyalty at all towards OKC. I may have greatly overestimated that loyalty.
    If you actually knew them then you might get a feel for their level of loyalty. Because you haven’t heard things you might recognize as loyalty statements doesn’t mean they aren’t loyal. And loyalty isn’t just a yes/no proposition anyway.

  25. #3050

    Thunder Re: New Downtown Arena


    Early Voting (Two Days)
    Oklahoma County Election Board
    4201 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105
    Thursday, December 7 & Friday, December 8
    8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

    Tuesday, December 12 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Regular voting

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