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Thread: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

  1. Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    ..."meeting" being held while he's more than likely at a job interview. I wonder if they all went to the same trainer? They're pretty good at rolling over...

  2. #52

    Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    Porter, Hudson resign in OKC School Board settlement

    January 24, 2008

    OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma City School Board accepted the resignation of suspended Superintendent John Q. Porter Wednesday in an agreement in which board Chairman Cliff Hudson also resigned, ending weeks of bitterness between the two men.

    After meeting privately for about 30 minutes to discuss Porter’s employment, the board voted 6-1 to accept a settlement agreement that resolves the protracted dispute and ushers Porter out as superintendent after less than seven months on the job.

    Under the agreement, Porter will be paid his salary and health insurance premiums through June 30 and Porter must reimburse the district $5,000 in disputed expenses and claims. In a separate 6-1 vote, the board voted to pay Porter’s settlement expenses totaling $71,530.

    The agreement also requires Hudson to resign after about seven years on the board and rescinds the board’s earlier adoption of a series of allegations claiming Porter was involved with financial irregularities, mainly concerning his personal expenses.

    Hudson offered to step down earlier this month in exchange for Porter’s resignation. Porter, who has clashed with Hudson on a variety of management issues, did not attend the meeting or the board’s executive session. Board member Wilfredo Santos Rivera, who cast each of the no votes, said he had hoped to hear from Porter at a board meeting that had been planned for Feb. 6 to consider firing the superintendent.

    “He was denied his opportunity to tell his side of the story,” Rivera said. The meeting had none of the acrimony that had characterized previous meetings where Porter’s supporters spoke out against efforts to dismiss him. Porter was suspended with pay on Jan. 7. A week later the board had to suspend him again because the earlier meeting did not comply with state open meeting laws.

    “Our concern at the present time is quality education in Oklahoma City,” said the Rev. John Reed, head of a coalition of black clergy that backed Porter, who is black.“I’m not disappointed in Dr. Porter at all. I’m disappointed at what has happened,” Reed said.“We have hit the rewind button. We have whitewashed everything,” said the Rev. Teron Gaddis.

    Some officials have questioned whether the turmoil will affect voter sentiment on a 1-cent sales tax to pay for improvements to the Ford Center in hopes of luring an NBA team to the city. The election is planned March 4.“We want big league. But we want big league education,” Gaddis said.

    Rivera said Porter’s departure will force the board to begin a new search for a superintendent. Porter, a former deputy superintendent for the 140,000-student Montgomery County public school district in Rockville, Md., was hired following a nationwide search that lasted almost one year. Sandra Park has been named acting superintendent.

    Hudson reflected on his seven years on the board and “a whole series of initiatives” launched in the 35,000-student Oklahoma City school district, including the MAPS for Kids school improvement program that has resulted in construction of four new schools and renovations to 20 others.

    In October, voters overwhelming approved a $248.3 million school bond package that will pay for capital improvements, new equipment and other upgrades.

    School Board member Thelma Parks said she appreciated Hudson’s service on the board although “we have not always agreed on everything.”

  3. Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    Some officials have questioned whether the turmoil will affect voter sentiment on a 1-cent sales tax to pay for improvements to the Ford Center in hopes of luring an NBA team to the city. The election is planned March 4.“We want big league. But we want big league education,” Gaddis said.

    I just wish other cities had a chance to vote ... looks like this may affect the outcome, although it's hard to see why one has anything to do with the other. I just don't see the correlation... NBA or Education?

    Is there something in the works that would direct the 1 cent to further education in the city if the sales tax doesn't get approved? I think I'm missing something.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #54

    Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    I agree Karried. I personally don't think Porter's supporters have enough momentum to actually make much of a difference in the actual vote based on voting history (I hope my speculation is right). Less than 50% of the voting population actually votes, less than that in special elections. Now, I'm not sure what the statistics are for the NE side of town in elections, but I'm assuming they are about in line with the average or slightly below due to economic conditions. Let's not forget, we haven't seen any serioius money yet come to the opposition side of things. Hopefully, the Chamber's PRO FORD CENTER campaign will kick off soon to help shed some positive light. Either way, it is stupid to react out of anger and set back progress for future generations (which seems to be the exact opposite of what these people are trying to do). Just goes to show what irrational thinking Rev. Gaddis has made on record.

    Here is Rev. Teron Gaddis' email if you want to tell him how you feel about his statements on Dr. Porter and the School Situation vs. the unrelated Ford Center vote:


    New page 1

  5. Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    My email to him:

    Rev. Gaddis,

    I would like to request that you stop opposing the sales tax for the Ford Center. Please tell me how that has anything to do with education in Oklahoma City. If the proposal passes, OKC will grow and become more well known on the national scale. This means we will be able to pay our teachers more and attract better talent to both administrative and teaching positions. Sales tax revenue will increase. We will have new role models for our children to look up to. Please don't take your dissatisfaction with the Dr. Porter situation and retaliate against the wrong people. A no vote on the proposition doesn't hurt Cliff Hudson--it hurts Oklahoma City. Please consider this. Thank you.

  6. Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    Good letter JBrown... I'll send one too.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. #57

    Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    My email to him:
    Not to mention the fact that both the NBA arena and practice facility will drive up property values, thus education's take of the ad valorem taxes will be greater.

  8. Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    oooh, good point.. I wish I would have added that to my letter...

    Your turn Midtowner... send him a note
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    Send him all the notes that you wish, but it won't do any good. He already knows that the issues are completely unrelated. He's grandstanding and trying to stand out in the community. Us contacting him might actually light a fire under his ass and make him harp even louder in order to garner even more attention.

    This "idea" was mentioned at my church on Sunday and was clearly an effort to lash out because "we" were slighted by "the man".... I called BS and everyone near my age(26) agreed w/ me. Some of the older contingent is set on being anti because they still have SERIOUS trust issues with "the man".

    I'm pissed that most of the Revs are acting on this fear and wanting to march on the castle with pitchforks and no-votes in hand. Very Sharpton-like.. 'nuff said.

    Gaddis is being a dickhead and trying to bolster his own image by feeding on the trust issues of his older patrons...pardon my french.

    Almost forgot. Nothing will come of it.

  10. #60

    Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    Well said Decious.

  11. #61

    Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    My note:

    Rev. Gaddis,

    Your opposition of the Ford Center/NBA vote makes absolutely no sense to me. What in the world does the school board/Dr. Porter issue have to do with the NBA?

    Attracting the NBA to town will improve our stature as a city, and will be a huge economic impact that will bring money into the city and actually HELP our schools. Voting NO stops all of the momentum in OKC, and this will have grave consequences on our school district.

    Also, most African American children look up to the stars in the NBA. Having a team here, with good role models, will actually help the African American community.

    The NBA will increase the quality of life factor in OKC, which will encourage businesses to locate here, which will mean more taxes coming into our schools....which will help our schools.

    I encourage you to rethink your position on the NBA. Your current opinion is misdirected at the WRONG people. A no vote will only HURT the city of Oklahoma City and the OKC Public Schools.


    Patrick *****, Northeast High School alum

  12. #62

    Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    Here's the reply I received from Rev. Gaddis:

    Mr. *****,
    Let me first say that I am very impressed with your concern for our
    city. We likewise have the same concern but it includes the education
    system of our city. I would first like to be clear that I have NOT
    publicly come out against the vote nor has the Concern Clergy for
    Spiritual Renewal. As citizens we have every right to support or not
    support the sales tax vote, but what you maybe referring to is our
    statement that if we?re going to be a Big League City we must have a
    Big League education system. There are some very serious issues facing

    the children of our city. This in no way has anything to do with Dr.
    Porter or Mr. Hudson they are no longer a part of the Oklahoma Public
    Schools. I would like to invite you to come and listen to the
    educators, parents and students who have come and asked for our help.
    There will be another community meeting on Thursday, February 28th.
    Again, we are not against the city moving forward but every citizen
    should have the opportunity to enjoy the ride.

    Teron V. Gaddis, Senior Pastor-Teacher
    Greater Bethel Church
    P O Box 36369
    Oklahoma City Oklahoma
    (405) 424-1625 office
    (405) 424-1665 Fax
    New page 1 Web-address

  13. Default Re: What's going on with OKC school superintendent?

    I got the same reply.

    If you are telling people to vote no, then you are telling people to vote no. Why not focus on other ways that we can improve our schools? Maybe he needs to have a rally encouraging parents to become involved in their kids education. That's the BIGGEST problem with OKC Public Schools.

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