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Thread: Building being built at SW 59th and May

  1. #1

    Default Building being built at SW 59th and May

    What are they building behind the Auto Zone at SW 59th and May? It's facing May Ave. I'm not referring to the new library.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Building being built at SW 59th and May

    It will be very similar to the drive-through immunization facility on NE 63rd just east of MLK:

  3. #3

    Default Re: Building being built at SW 59th and May

    Nice! Glad to see the southside getting one!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Building being built at SW 59th and May

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    It will be very similar to the drive-through immunization facility on NE 63rd just east of MLK:

    Okay, I was thinking it was going to be an oil change place or something like that. Something that would probably be a lot more productive than a drive through immunization facility.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Building being built at SW 59th and May

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisHayes View Post
    Okay, I was thinking it was going to be an oil change place or something like that. Something that would probably be a lot more productive than a drive through immunization facility.
    Productive? What do you mean by that? For people who need this and don't want to drive to the other side of OKC, this will be a winner. Maybe you think building something other than the library in that area would be more productive also?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Building being built at SW 59th and May

    Quote Originally Posted by unfundedrick View Post
    Productive? What do you mean by that? For people who need this and don't want to drive to the other side of OKC, this will be a winner. Maybe you think building something other than the library in that area would be more productive also?
    I question how many people are actually going to make use of it. Good intentions don't always make winners.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Building being built at SW 59th and May

    This seems an odd thing to be a permanent drive through, the temporary drive throughs set up was one thing with covid spiking demand massively past what normal facilities could handle, and it is not like most people keep their cars exactly sterile environments. Plus the main thing that takes time normally, would be if the county health department is staffed at a level you end up in a waiting room till someone is available, and this probably is even less efficient for staff time, and money that could have paid for additional staff.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Building being built at SW 59th and May

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisHayes View Post
    I question how many people are actually going to make use of it. Good intentions don't always make winners.
    On what basis would you question it? I suspect they know exactly how many people are using the other facility and what part of the city they are from. The south side of OKC gets neglected too often and I suspect it will be greatly appreciated.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Building being built at SW 59th and May

    Gonna have to agree. This relates to the health of the general population. So making immunizations more convenient is always a good thing.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Building being built at SW 59th and May

    Also, we got caught with our pants down with Covid.

    We've learned a few things as that will not be the last pandemic.

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