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Thread: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

  1. #1

    Default Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    What are your Top 3 wants for Oklahoma City and what do you think the path to get there could look like?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    I like this idea!

    1. Better roads
    2. More beautification around the city
    3. Better shopping / more stores

    Extra: grocery downtown

  3. #3

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Quote Originally Posted by Watermelonsugar View Post
    I like this idea!

    1. Better roads
    2. More beautification around the city
    3. Better shopping / more stores

    Extra: grocery downtown
    To get more detail here:

    1. Are you referring to specific types of roads (highways/section line/neighborhood)?

    2. What beautification have we done well you'd like to see replicated and is there anything you can imagine or point to that you haven't seen before?

    3. What stores would you like to see and where would you like to see them?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Top three for me:

    1. One large music festival every year that isn't country based - Find a promoter that specializes in music festivals and try to lure a concert to OKC.

    2. More direct flights from the airport - Not sure about this one. This might have more to do with the airport director. Also, none of the restaurants are open past like 7pm at the airport

    3. More beautification along major thoroughfares throughout the city, specifically from the airport to downtown and along I-40 - Use MAPS money and tour other cities to see what makes the transition from the airport to downtown pretty. That is our way of introducing people to the city and it shouldn't go unnoticed.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1. actually make noticeable improvement on I-35 I-240 intersection.

    2. Lure in at least one large retailer (Ikea, or something of that notoriety that we don't have)

    3. See a major project come together in Strawberry Fields area.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1. Commuter rail from Norman/Edmond to OKC with usable frequencies
    Path - this is already in the works with a dedicated thread.
    2. Commuter rail/BRT from downtown to the airport (with usable frequencies)
    Path - there is already a rail corridor that goes nearly to the airport. It would just need a spur that would actually go by the new jail site. BRT would be cheaper and more flexible in the short term
    3. Usable/comfortable sidewalks on 23rd street between broadway and classen and up to the Paseo
    3a. pedestrianize paseo by closing it off to traffic
    Path - Again, this is already in the works. Turning the paseo into a pedestrian mall would supercharge that entire part of town and make it a regional destination. 23rd's sidewalks and the sidewalks to the north of it are terrible. Take out some of the on-street parking on 23rd that is already dangerous to use and widen the sidewalks. In other parts, just fix/add sidewalks where needed.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1. Quality infill development on 3 big and key downtown properties: Strawberry Fields, Producers Coop, and the parking lots between Myriad Gardens and Scissortail Park.

    2. Much more housing and hotels along the Bricktown canal (with an extension into the Coop property) so that area can finally achieve its incredible potential.

    3. Technically Norman, but I've said a truly outstanding university would be the biggest economic engine for OKC and the state, as most wealth is now generated through startups and technology and we have next to none of both. To make that happen, OU needs to take a big leap forward, and then incredible things will follow.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    1. Quality infill development on 3 big and key downtown properties: Strawberry Fields, Producers Coop, and the parking lots between Myriad Gardens and Scissortail Park.

    2. Much more housing and hotels along the Bricktown canal (with an extension into the Coop property) so that area can finally achieve its incredible potential.

    3. Technically Norman, but I've said a truly outstanding university would be the biggest economic engine for OKC and the state, as most wealth is now generated through startups and technology and we have next to none of both. To make that happen, OU needs to take a big leap forward, and then incredible things will follow.
    oh, if we are going to include norman... my number 1 for norman would be to close off main street from Jones to Porter and make it walkable. and start a parking structure project in the area for parking

  9. #9

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1.) More Trees.
    2.) Development around Scissortail Park, Empty Lot between Scissortail and Myriad, and one restaurant on the River.
    3.) More Police Officers on patrol.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1. Agree with Pete about the strengthening of OU into a world class research institution and creating (or supercharging, if it already exists) the mechanisms for developing/nurturing startups that stay in OKC. There are examples of this in the northeast, the research triangle and California.

    2. Beautification x a million. Public landscaping on right of ways, along highways and strengthening of requirements for private businesses. Trees, trees, trees. Standards. Standards, Standards.

    3. A world class urban public school district. There are not enough examples of this in the U.S., but there are examples in progressive cities abroad.

    3a. The continued densification of downtown/midtown. Continued quality infill on all those vacant properties, big and small.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1) Give the Thunder its stupid new arena. This is obvious/needs to happen, the idea of spending the billions this community has spent to get where it is and then just stop in its tracks is absurd.

    2) Heavy investment needs to be made in common education in this city and state. I believe our schools are a major impediment to our economic development, the luring of white collar corporate HQs to town. This could be remedied with some local taxes and direct investment in public ed.

    3(a) Better public oversight of private development subsidies. While Alliance was probably (or arguably) a good idea, it has largely run its course and now stands as an impediment to economic development. There is at least the appearance that the right palms have to be greased and the right consultants have to be retained to get anywhere with private development. There needs to be a shakeup and there needs to be better accountability. OKC is rarely in the running for major economic developments lately, we need to do better.

    3(b) Airport upgrades. More direct flights. This is the biggest impediment to the growth of our tourism industry. You can't get to OKC without going through someplace else.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Quote Originally Posted by stlokc View Post
    1. Agree with Pete about the strengthening of OU into a world class research institution and creating (or supercharging, if it already exists) the mechanisms for developing/nurturing startups that stay in OKC. There are examples of this in the northeast, the research triangle and California.
    But I thought Boren did/attempted to do this? I thought that's why everyone over looks all his flaws, failures, and sexual accusations?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Quote Originally Posted by ditm4567 View Post
    But I thought Boren did/attempted to do this? I thought that's why everyone over looks all his flaws, failures, and sexual accusations?
    He was driven out in shame, called out repeatedly by his successor, sued in court, and basically humiliated in very public ways.

    But yes, he did try and did a great deal, such as drastically raising the endowment, completing more than $1 billion in capital improvements, and raising the academic standards.

    Let's please not turn this into yet another endless debate about OU. People were asked for their opinion and I gave mine. Share your own or move on.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1. Keep the Thunder, New Arena
    2. Beautification, everywhere that we can afford but start on main corridors, matter of fact start on 240
    3. Something new and exciting that we don't have, could be IKEA, could be Bucees, or something else

  15. #15

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1. More economic diversification. I would love to see OKC land at least 2-3 major corporate HQ relocations. This brings new people into the State with new money and helps with the tax base. This is a hard sell for companies with poor public
    schools and people with lack of at least a bachelors degree.

    2. Better roads. OKC should be paving their roads with concrete. This will last longer and not have to be patched up every year, compared to asphalt. It costs more, however on a long term basis it saves money and having to tear up the

    3. Beautification. If I were a corporate CEO, and was driving around the city, I would rule out OKC simply because all the trash, weeds, unkept business may be "interpreted" as not caring or having pride. MAPS should earmark more funds for
    more consistent use of cleaning up the city which should include landscaping and placemaking.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Let's please not turn this into yet another endless debate about OU. People were asked for their opinion and I gave mine. Share your own or move on.
    As an alumnus, I want nothing more than OU to succeed in all aspects. As a student on campus in Norman in some of Boren's last years, I also witnessed him spend money on international campuses (albeit, I have seen them and they were beautiful; but also unnecessary) and new buildings on campus in Norman all while classrooms didn't have working AC/heat. Boren created a wonderful 10,000ft view university, however, the 1,000ft view was a different story.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    1) Give the Thunder its stupid new arena. This is obvious/needs to happen, the idea of spending the billions this community has spent to get where it is and then just stop in its tracks is absurd.

    2) Heavy investment needs to be made in common education in this city and state. I believe our schools are a major impediment to our economic development, the luring of white collar corporate HQs to town. This could be remedied with some local taxes and direct investment in public ed.

    3(a) Better public oversight of private development subsidies. While Alliance was probably (or arguably) a good idea, it has largely run its course and now stands as an impediment to economic development. There is at least the appearance that the right palms have to be greased and the right consultants have to be retained to get anywhere with private development. There needs to be a shakeup and there needs to be better accountability. OKC is rarely in the running for major economic developments lately, we need to do better.

    3(b) Airport upgrades. More direct flights. This is the biggest impediment to the growth of our tourism industry. You can't get to OKC without going through someplace else.
    3(b) Surely Oklahoma City can get as many non-stop flights that it can afford as long as it's willing to pay airlines for empty seats.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1) new arena vote went positively, so they don't sell in 2024
    2) continued progress on OAK and the Half, and actual progress on Chisholm Creek (since there has been very little new announced there in a long time, even if things keep opening up that we're announced a couple years ago)
    3) like others have said, new flights to New destinations. Not just more of the same.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    I used to think luring a couple of Fortune 500 HQs should be Priority #1. Now, even though I still think that would be great, I'm not so sure it's the highest priority. So many people work remotely that for many companies, the physical location of their HQ is becoming less important. Besides, I've become more convinced those choices are a by-product of other things such as education quality/workforce and airport connections which means that will have to happen as a result of work we do in other areas rather than as a goal in and of itself. Saying all that, OKC will be in a far stronger position with 10-20 new well-diversified startups of 100-200 people each than one Fortune 500.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1. Has to be highway/road cleanup- it is so trashed and I want to just drive a truck and pick stuff up- so BEAUTIFICATION.

    2. IKEA, In-N-Out, Culver’s, or something

    3. Did I say clean the roads- I want this more than anything.

  21. #21
    Chicken In The Rough Guest

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1. Infill / density. Street life will then follow.

    2. Correct the ridiculous streetcar system, then extend it to make it more useful and viable. Massive private investment will then follow.

    3. Iconic architecture or public art installation on a very grand scale. OKC needs a signature piece that's memorable.

    4. Sorry, can't do just three. AAU status for OU. Research investment brings startups and innovative economic development. OKC is decades behind cities where this has been realized.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken In The Rough View Post
    1. Infill / density. Street life will then follow.

    2. Correct the ridiculous streetcar system, then extend it to make it more useful and viable. Massive private investment will then follow.

    3. Iconic architecture or public art installation on a very grand scale. OKC needs a signature piece that's memorable.

    4. Sorry, can't do just three. AAU status for OU. Research investment brings startups and innovative economic development. OKC is decades behind cities where this has been realized.
    Iconic architecture- new bridge over Expressway has you covered hahahha jk

  23. #23

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken In The Rough View Post
    1. Infill / density. Street life will then follow.

    2. Correct the ridiculous streetcar system, then extend it to make it more useful and viable. Massive private investment will then follow.

    3. Iconic architecture or public art installation on a very grand scale. OKC needs a signature piece that's memorable.

    4. Sorry, can't do just three. AAU status for OU. Research investment brings startups and innovative economic development. OKC is decades behind cities where this has been realized.
    AAU won't happen for OU, unless the AAU changes their criteria for on-campus research spending. With OUHSC being in OKC (and not moving anytime soon), it basically means OU can't become one. Nebraska lost their status because they moved it to Omaha from Lincoln.

    So if that is truly something those places look at, then OU is screwed.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    1. Parks and recreation. It's more of a dream scenario and not all too realistic as infrastructure has already taken a hold on the city. My hometown converted unused railways into bike and walking trails and it is awesome. It is a good way for people to explore the area. As a result, small businesses started popping up around so people could stop by while their out biking or walking.

    2. Thunder Arena. Personally while I think the PayCom center is just fine, we need to keep the Thunder in Oklahoma. They add a lot to the city economically and put put the state of Oklahoma in people's heads while they are watching ESPN. The fact is professional sports is a big deal to millions, and the Thunder being here brings in bar and restaurant revenue, hotel revenue, and other revenues for leisure. My biggest concern is that this proposal is coming at a terrible time. Most casuals don't see this team as competitive. We are seeing the start of a new era and I think people would be more inclined to vote yes on a team that has at least made a little ways into the playoffs.

    3. Thunderfest. My last idea is a little ambitious. Maybe on the first weekend of Thunder basketball in OKC, the main strip is barricaded to traffic and open container is allowed for one day in Scissortail and downtown Reno. New Orleans style. Bring out food trucks, bring out vendors, bring out whatever. Probably a snowball's chance in Hell and would be a huge failure, but it would bring people all over the state and would rejuvinate Thunder basketball. It doesn't even need to be called Thunderfest. Call it Oktoberfest. Same thing.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Your Top 3 (2023/2024 edition)

    Some of the ideas that come to mind are challenging, in part, because of the prevailing political climate, but anyway…
    1. Better solutions to address homeless people living/camping/begging on the street, and living along the river etc. As I understand it, the City of OKC has recently established re-housing options for a good number of those in need, and that’s great. I hope there are real solutions in the works. For anyone who rides or runs along the river, you know this is a disincentive to recreation in the area. And I’m not just saying this because a homeless person recently stole my bike (that was my fault for not locking it).
    2. Beautification of streets/highways, along with working streetlights. I suppose it would make more sense to cite specific trashy corridors but we’ve all seen them. That being said, I wonder if it’s not partly a product of the vast geographical span of the city itself.
    3. I love the idea of converting the central Paseo area to pedestrian only, along with growth and activity in the area which would hopefully follow. Its already a cool central focal point of the city, this would improve the vibe if more businesses/restaurants etc. came in also.

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