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While some love whats new, some of us older folks who moved here over 40 yrs ago and built our places from the ground up in order to be out in the country and have animals and livestock are less then trilled to have a bunch of small lots up against our larger acreages. The idea of driving the mile section roads or riding them is getting to be impossible. If I drive the miles sections then I am worried about getting hit by a car or truck. (driving a 2 wheel road cart, my only roll over accident happened a number of years ago, with only my horse and me shook up and a bent shaft. I've even had to have a sign put up near my driveway for me to pull my truck out, hopefully safely. A few years I pulled out, my Tacoma has a 4 cy, 5 speed and yes give me a half mile to get up to speed limit. A certain dummy on a hot bike with you know the funny flashing lights was going well a bit more over then the speed limit and almost wound up in the back of my truck. And no he did not have his "colorful" lights on. Just driving a bit too fast coming over a hill.