There have actually been several providers around town doing this for 20 years already. It's a different model of pay-for healthcare. If you can afford it, and have a higher-than-average need for provider visits/care, then it can be a good thing for you. That's why ArchWell exists (among others) in that concierge medicine world. Especially the older generation (again, that can afford it) are able to get more frequent visits and visits of longer duration because the pay plan limits the number of patients each provider accepts.

As shown above, some of the plans can be quite reasonable. Others can be double/triple that amount. It just depends on if the provider is going it alone or is part of a group. Is that group local or regional/national/etc. And IF they accept insurance is a whole other thing as well. So i would say do your homework with your insurance company first. Make sure that you are going to be in-network and covered for things like tests if they are ordered by this provider. Not to mention if any procedures are done (and there really aren't many honestly that can be done in the doctor's office itself), then they may not be covered as a facility. So call your insurance before signing anything.