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ah....I forgot to include this. Actually, my point is that providing alcohol at home INCREASES these accidents. This is a tad long, but it's an interesting article which makes my point.
"Tis the Season
Allowing Holiday Drinking by Teens Sets Dangerous Precedent
by Stephen Wallace, M.S.Ed.
It is also widely believed that "teaching teens to drink responsibly" to celebrate a holiday or other important event will demystify alcohol and lead to more thoughtful, less destructive behavior.
Wishful thinking, through and through.
In truth, teens who are allowed to drink alcohol at home are significantly more likely to drink with their friends. "Even if only on special occasions?" asked an incredulous mother during a recent presentation of the new research results. Yes, even if only on special occasions.
But influence cuts two ways. By allowing underage drinking during the holidays, adults deprive teens of the unambiguous, common sense guidelines they need to make good choices all year long.
It is clear that parents who talk with their teens about underage drinking, set expectations for behavior, and enforce consequences for violating the rules are significantly less likely to have children who use alcohol.